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Mucalinda Zeditaw (မုစလိန္ဒာ စေတီတော်)

Burmese. Muchalinda's Zedi’ or ‘Muchalinda Pagoda. Name of a Buddhist temple on the outskirts of Bago and built as a smaller replica of the Hsinbyume Pagoda in Mingun (fig.). It is named after Muchalinda, i.e. the Naga King, who protected the meditating Buddha against heavy rainfall by making a shelter with his multi-headed hood, while coiling his body around him for protection. The pagoda has seven terraces with undulating rails, that lead up a gilded stupa, which represents the peak of mythical Mt. Meru, while the terraces represent the seven mountain ranges that surround Mt. Meru. The name Muchalinda also refers to a tree, as well as to a lake in Buddhist mythology. Likewise, this temple is located at the side of a large lake and its wavy design resembles that of a snake or naga. See also PANORAMA PICTURE, TRAVEL PICTURES, and MAP.