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Wa (ว้า)

Name of a hill tribe in northern Thailand. Although only a few thousand live in Thailand, they are a large people with their majority living in Burma and Yunnan, where their number is estimated at around two million. Besides this, they are perhaps one of the most indigenous people in the region. Headhunters at first, then communists, many now have become illicit drug providers. According to some, Wa is a Shan term for aborigine and their worship of human skulls has prompted the use of the name Ta Wa (Wild Wa), as opposed to Lawa (Tame Wa). They are also called Wa Daeng (Red Wa).

waan haang jorakae (ว่านหางจระเข้)

See haang jorakae.

waan kaab hoy (ว่านกาบหอย)

Thai designation for a plant with the scientific name Rhoeo spathacea, in English commonly known by a variety of names, including Moses-in-the-Cradle, Purple-leaved Spiderwort, Oyster Plant, etc. It consists of succulent herbaceous stems to 25 centimeters long, which are green above and purple on the underside, in order to enhance photosynthesis (fig.). When flowering, it bears small, white, 3-parted flowers at base of leaves, held between 2 purple bracts (fig.). It is widely used as a low, bedding groundcover in parks and gardens. Fresh leaves are said to treat sore throat and cough, and to relieve thirst. In addition they can also be used as an external anti-inflammatory. In Thai it is also called waan kaab hoy khraeng (ว่านกาบหอยแครง). The plant is very similar to the creeper Purple Heart (Tradescantia pallida), which in Thai translates as hua jai muang (หัวใจม่วง). Also transcribed wahn kahb hoi. WATCH VIDEO.

waanlawichanih (วาลวิชณี)

Thai. ‘Yak's tail fan’. See padwaanlawichanih.

wabi-sabi (侘寂)

Japanese.  Term for a concept in Japanese aesthetics that evolves around the acceptance of transience and imperfection, with roots partly in Buddhism. It is prevalent in many forms of Japanese art and emphasizes on imperfection and impermanence. It is characterized by principles such as roughness, simplicity, asymmetry, and  modesty. The term may be translated as ‘forlorn and isolated’, though a more freely translated suggestion is austere beauty and rustic patina.

wachira (วชิร)

Thai for vajra, meaning sceptre, diamond or thunderbolt (fig.). The name appears frequently as a prefix in Thai nomenclature, e.g. Wachirawut, Wachiralongkorn, etc. See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1) and (2).

Wachiralongkorn (วชิราลงกรณ)

Another -often used- transliteration for the name of prince Vajiralongkorn.

Wachirayahnawarohrot (วชิรญาณวโรรส)

Thai. Name of the tenth Supreme Patriarch of Thailand, who was in office from 1910 to 1921 AD. He was of royal descent, born as Prince Manutsayanaak Manop, the 47th child of King Mongkhut, whom himself lived for 27 years as a Buddhist monk before ascending the throne in 1851 as King Rama IV (fig.). His full ecclesiastical name and title is Somdet Phra Maha Samana Chao Krom Phraya Wachirayahnawarohrot. The Thai term for the patriarch is Phrasangkaraat, yet due to his royal descent, he was addressed as Phrasangkaraat Chao, rather than the usual Phrasangkaraat, which is used for patriarchs who were born as commoners. Also transliterated Vajirananavarorasa. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

Wachirawut (วชิราวุธ)

1. Thai. ‘Armed with a wachira’. Name of the Thai king (fig.) with the crown title Rama VI (fig.) who ascended the throne on Sunday 23 October 1910, after the death of King Chulalongkorn and remained king until his death in 1925. He is often portrayed holding a sceptre, which in Thai is known as a wachira (fig.), a reference to both his name and status, and the top of the lanterns surrounding the area of his statue in front of Bangkok's Lumphini Park (fig.), are likewise adorned with a sceptre (fig.). Statues and monuments of this king can be found in many places nationwide, especially in and around Bangkok (map - fig.). His achievements (fig.) include the change of the Siamese flag from a red field with a White Elephant (fig.) to the current horizontally red-white-blue-white-red striped banner (fig.), the introduction of the Krut Trah Tang Hahng (fig.), the establishment of the look seua (fig.), the construction of his Chaleemongkhon Asana Residence (fig.), etc. His name is also transcribed Vajiravudh. See list of Thai kings.

2. A designation for the Vedic god Indra.

waen fah (แว่นฟ้า)

Thai. ‘Embedded with pieces of glass’. Name of an art form in which objects, figurines or statues are inlaid with mirrored-glass. It is often used in trays, bases or phaan (fig.), and with statues or figurines sometimes coloured glass is used (fig.). See also kaew.

Waen Kon (แหวนกล)

Thai. ‘Magical ring’. Golden rings set with gemstones which can be separated into four connected rings. It is typically produced in Chanthaburi province and is usually made into the shape of various animals, such as a serpent, naga, crab, fish, shrimp, etc.

wah (วา)

Thai longitudinal measurement equal to ca. two meters, or 96 niw, which exactly equals 199.968 centimeters.

wahn (วาฬ)

See pla wahn.

wahnon (วานร)

Pali word for ‘monkey’ or ‘ape’, which in Thai is called ling. However, when referring to the monkey-warriors of the Ramakien, usually the Pali term wahnon is used rather than ling, as in Wahnon Sip-paet Mongkut. See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT and LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

Wahnon Sip-paet Mongkut (วานรสิบแปดมงกุฎ)

Pali-Thai. ‘Eighteen crowned monkeys’. Term used to refer to the eighteen deities that took avatars as monkey-warriors. They occur in the epic story of the Ramakien, and include Phra Phareuhadsabodih (fig.), who reincarnated as Malunthakeson (fig.); Phra Phirun, who became Wayabud (fig.); Phra Isaan, who took as avatar Chaiyaamphawaan (fig.); and Phra Angkahn (fig.), who was reborn as Wisantrahwih (fig.). See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

Waht Witthayawat (วาจวิทยาวัฑฒน์)

Thai. Name of a Luang, who was the first dean and founder of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, which he in 1940 established as the nation's first institution for the education of oral health personnel. The Museum of Dentistry (fig.), located on the university's campus, was established in commemoration of Waht Witthayawat and is named after him. Also transliterated Vach Vidyavaddhana.

wai (ไหว้)

Thai. The hands brought together in front of the chest or face, or above the head, as a greeting (fig.) or to pay respect (fig.). The height of the hands increases with the amount of respect paid, depending on who is greeted and according to social status. The more respect given the higher the hands are held (fig.). The young or the subordinate should always wai the older or senior person first, as it is believed by some that the opposite may cause the life of the former to be shortened. In Buddhism, this gesture, which is also known as phranommeua, correspondents with a mudra called namaskara in Sanskrit and namadsakahn in Thai, which represents prayer. It is often a gesture made by Avalokitesvara when depicted with more than two arms. See also wai kruh and aphiwaht. WATCH VIDEO.

wai kruh (ไหว้ครู)

Thai. ‘Greeting to the teacher’. Homage to a teacher, instructor or lecturer by bringing the hands together as in a traditional greeting or wai. See also Wan Kruh and compare with ram muay. Also transcribed wai kroo. See POSTAGE STAMPS (1) and (2).

waiolin mai phai (ไวโอลินไม้ไผ่)

Thai. ‘Bamboo violin’. Name for two different kinds of bowed string instrument, both made from bamboo. The first one is a stringed musical instrument made entirely from bamboo, including even the strings. It consists of a section of thick bamboo with a length of about 70-80 centimeters, with the strings cut out vertically from the trunk itself and held up from the surface by tiny pieces of wood which are also used to tune the instrument. It is played with a bow and used particularly by the northern hill tribe people (fig.) of Mae Hong Son province. Besides this a second model of bamboo violin exists. The latter also has a body or sound box made from a bamboo cylinder, but with real violin strings, a neck and a peg box. This one is found more commonly, throughout Thailand.

Waiyawet (ไวยเวทย์)

Thai.  ‘One with Magical Powers’. Name of a yak character who is depicted with a red complexion and bulging tah phlohng, i.e. ‘wide open eyes’. He wears a chadah-style crown similar to that of Indrachit (fig.) and that of Totsakiriton (fig.), of which the latter also has a red complexion. His weapon is a gada, i.e. a club or mace. Unlike many other giant characters, he has no upright fangs in the corners of his mouth, but rather protruding vampire-like teeth. His usually referred to as Thao Waiyawet and also transliterated Wayawet. At Wat Thipsukhontharam (fig.) in Kanchanaburi, he is erected in pair with Subankhiri (fig.), as guardians of Phra Phutta Mettaprachathai (fig.). See also MAP and TRAVEL PICTURES.

Wajirunhit (วชิรุณหิศ)

First crown prince of the Rattanakosin period. Born on 2 July 1878 heir to the throne and son of King Chulalongkorn and Queen Sawang Watthana (fig.). According to some sources he was more intelligent than most of his peers and was very conscientious.  At the age of 13 he wrote his own diary with an agenda of duties and responsibilities for himself as future king. He was the favourite of King Chulalongkorn, who personally instructed and prepared him with the purpose to succeed him. In 1895, he unexpectedly died from typhoid and was succeeded by his thirteen year old half-brother Wachirawut (fig.), the eldest son of Queen Saowapha, who in 1910 eventually ascended the throne as Rama VI. He has a memorial statue in front of the Benjamaraat Waranuson Building (fig.) at Wat Mahathat Yuwaraja Rangsarit (fig.). Also transcribed Vajirunhis. See also TRAVEL PICTURES.

wak (วรรค)

Thai. A space between phrases or sentences used in Thai writing, in place of punctuation marks.

wala kote (ဝါးလက်ခုပ်)

Burmese. Name of a bamboo clapper, a traditional musical instrument from Myanmar. It consists of a bamboo cylinder of which the top part has been split into two halves, while from the bottom part the centre has been cut away leaving just two stick-like grips, that remain attached at the very bottom by one of the natural segment joints in bamboo. It is played by releasing and squeezing the grips at the bottom part which causes the top part to clap.

Wali (วาลี)

Thai. Name of a character from the story Phra Aphaimanih (fig.) by Sunthorn Phu (fig.). She is an ugly-looking, yet intelligent woman commander in the army of Phaleuk (ผลึก) and responsible for the royal harem of concubines. When Prince Utsaren and his father, the King of Langka, attacked the Kingdom of Phaleuk, Utsaren is captured. To avoid an even bigger battle if the prince would be set free, he is instead teased and taunted by the ugly Wali until he dies of rage. As a result, Wali is in turn killed by an illness caused by the ghost of Utsaren. Also referred to as Nang Wali, i.e. ‘Miss Wali’. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

walking Buddha

An important new development in iconographic art introduced during the Sukhothai period. Images of walking Buddhas refer to a scene in the life of the Buddha when he returned from the Tavatimsa heaven after he preached there to his mother who had died seven days after his birth. He is descending to earth by stairs accompanied by the gods Brahma and Indra. In combination with a vitarka or dhammachakka mudra this form refers to peripatetic instruction. Today, images of walking Buddhas are found throughout Thailand (fig.).

Walrus Tusk Beetle

Common name for a species of longhorn beetle in the family Cerambycidae, and with the scientific designation Dorysthenes walkeri. READ ON.

wan (วัน)

1. Thai for ‘day’.

2. Thai  for ‘fly’ (insect), a word used besides the more common term malaeng wan.

3. Thai for ‘forest’, ‘grove’ and ‘orchard’, as in amphawan, i.e. mango orchard’ or mango forest’.

Wan Anurak Moradok Thai (วันอนุรักษ์มรดกไทย)

See Thai Heritage Conservation Day.

wanaram (วนาราม)

A Thai term for ‘forest temple’ often added as an suffix to the name of certain wat pah.

Wan Boromma Racha Phisek (วันบรมราชาภิเษก)

Thai term for Coronation Day, i.e. the single occasion of the actual coronation event of a King of Thailand, in contrast to the annual commemoration thereof, which is called Wan Chat Mongkhon.

Wan Damrong Rachanuphaap (วันดำรงราชานุภาพ)

Thai for ‘Damrong Rachanuphaap Day’, an annual memorial day held on 1 December, the day that coincides with the date of this prince's demise in 1943, and on which he is now annually remembered. Unlike the annual Chulalongkorn Day in October, it is not a public holiday. Also transcribed Wan Damrong Rajanubhab. See also Damrong Rachanuphaap and wan.

Wan Chakri (วันจักรี)

Thai name for Chakri Day. See also Chakri and wan.

Wan Chaleum Phra Chonma Phansa (วันเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา)

Thai. Birthday of King Rama IX, which is 5 December and coincides with National Day, as well as with Father's Day in Thailand, as the King is largely as the father of the nation. On this day, public and company buildings, as well as many private homes across the nation are adorned with the yellow personal royal flag of the monarch (fig.), as well as the Thai national flag. In addition, shrines with large pictures of the Thai monarch are erected and adorned with flowers and other offerings, and across the country there are fireworks (fig.). On the King's 80th birthday, the firework even included some personalized shapes (fig.). The symbol of Father's Day is the Canna, known in Thai as Phuttaraksah (fig.).

Wan Chat Mongkhon (วันฉัตรมงคล)

Thai. ‘Day of the Auspicious Royal Umbrella (fig.)’. Name for Coronation Day, when Thai sovereignty is celebrated. It began in the reign of King Rama IV, when it was held od May 15, and during the reign of King Rama IX it was celebrated on May 5th, yet in 2019, with the coronation of King Rama X it changed to be on May 4th, from that year onward. See also wan, chat and mongkhon.

Wang (วัง)

1. Thai. Name of a river in North Thailand that near Nakhon Sawan merges with the rivers Nan, Yom (fig.) and Ping (fig.), thus forming the Chao Phraya River (fig.). See MAP.

2. Thai for ‘palace’. If it is the palace of a king it is called Phra Rachawang. Compare with the Chinese word wang.

wang (王)

Chinese for ‘king’ or ‘ruler’. The character consists of three horizontal strokes and one vertical stroke. It is a pictograph in which the top horizontal stroke represents ‘heaven’, the bottom horizontal stroke ‘earth’ and the middle horizontal stroke the ‘emperor’ or ‘king’, who was regarded as a Son of Heaven and as such the liaison between heaven and earth, a task symbolized by the vertical stroke in the character (fig.). Tigers have a distinctive mark on their forehead, that strongly resembles this Chinese character (fig.). The tiger, rather than the lion, is hence regarded as the King of the Animals in Chinese culture, simultaneously symbolizing royalty and fearlessness. The Thai word for ‘palace’ is similarly Wang and suggests a likely etymological relation to the Chinese word for king. See also yu, zhu, and CHINESE CHARACTER FORMATION & ETYMOLOGY.

Wang Ban Dokmai (วังบ้านดอกไม้)

Thai. ‘Flower House Palace’. Name of the former residence of Prince Burachat Chaiyakon, the Krom Phra of Kamphaeng Phet (fig.), located in Bangkok's Ban Baat District. After it was abandoned by the prince, the building for a while also housed the Revenue Department, when the latter moved its offices from Ho Ratsadakon Phiphat (fig.), located within the Grand Palace complex. Today, Wang Ban Dokmai seems to stand idle and in need of some patching-up. See also POSTAGE STAMP and MAP.

Wang Bang Khun Phrom (วังบางขุนพรหม)

Thai. Name of a former Royal Palace, located on the banks of the Chao Phraya River. READ ON.

Wang Burapha Phirom (วังบูรพาภิรมย์)

Thai. Name of a former Royal Palace, that was once located in the South of Rattanakosin Island. READ ON.

Wang Ka (วังกะ)

Thai. Until 1939 the (former) name of Sangkhlaburi.

Wang Chan Kasem (วังจันทรเกษม)

Thai. ‘Happy Moon Palace’. Name of a royal mansion in Bangkok's Dusit area and since 1941 the home of the Ministry of Education. READ ON.

Wang Klai Kangwon (วังไกลกังวล)

1. Thai. ‘Palace Far Away from Sorrow’. Name of the Royal Summer Palace in Hua Hin, built between 1927 and 1929 on the order of King Prajadhipok and despite its name, it became the place where King Rama VII was informed of the 1932 Revolution that ended his power and replaced the Absolute Monrachy with a Constitutional Monrachy. The palace is still used as a gettaway from Bangkok by the current King and Queen. See MAP.

Wang Klai Kangwon

2. Thai. ‘Palace Far Away from Sorrow’. Name of a school in Hua Hin, named after the Royal Summer Palace and where King Bhumipol Adulyadej initiated a royal project to use the THAICOM satellite for tele-education, which serves as the centre for disseminating secondary level education via satellite, to schools in rural areas. The project is honoured on a Thai postage stamp issued in 1997, to pay homage to and to publicize the genius of King Rama IX in telecommunications (fig.).

Wang Lang (วังหลัง)

Thai. ‘Rear Palace’. Royal title given to the third king, as well as to his residential palace. Compare with Wang Nah and see also Krom Phra Rachawang Bowon Sathaan Phimuk.

Wang Matcha (วังมัจฉา)

Thai. Fish Palace’ or ‘Palace [of the] Fish’. Name of the second level in the series of seven falls of the Erawan Waterfall (fig.) at Erawan National Park (fig.) in Kanchanaburi Province. The name refers to the fish that dwell in basin at the base of this cascade. Visitors can swim here and when resting in the water the fish will come over and nipple from any exposed skin taking many a bather by surprise, when they are unexpectedly treated with this underwater massage. See MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

Wang Nah (วังหน้า)

Thai. ‘Front Palace’. Royal title given to the viceroy or vice-king, as well as to his residential palace. Compare with Wang Lang and see also Krom Phra Rachawang Bowon Sathaan Mongkhon, as well as Wang Nah Chan Kasem in Ayutthaya (map - fig.).

Wang Parutsakawan (วังปารุสกวัน)

Thai. ‘Parutsakawan Palace’. Name of a European-style royal mansion in Bangkok's Dusit area, named after one of the four paradise gardens of the Hindu god Indra. READ ON.

Wang Pramuan (วังประมวญ)

Thai. ‘Combined Palace’. Name of the royal residence of Prince Phitayalongkorn (fig.) and later of his son Phisadet Ratchani. READ ON.

Wang Sra Pathum (วังสระปทุม)

Thai. ‘Lotus Pond Palace’. The residence of Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, located  in Bangkok's Pathumwan District, along Khlong Saen Saeb (fig.). It has been in use since 1915 and was previously the residence of Queen Sawang Watthana (fig.), a consort of King Rama V and the grandmother of King Bhumipon Adunyadet. The compound has several buildings, the main one being Phra Tamnak Yai (พระตำหนักใหญ่ - fig.), i.e. ‘Large Royal Residence’. See also sra and pathum, as well as MAP.

Wang Theptaroh Daen Mangkon Hom (วังเทพธาโร แดนมังกรหอม)

Thai. ‘Selasian Wood Palace, Realm of the Aromatic Dragons’. Name of a garden in Trang. READ ON.

Wang Wei (王维)

Chinese. Name of a Chinese poet and artist from the Tang Dynasty, who was also known as the Poetic Buddha, and one of the most celebrated men of arts of his time. Besides a poet, he was also a renowned painter, a successful statesman, and a talented musician who played the pipa (fig.). He was born in 701 AD and died in 761 AD. Of his poetic opus, a corpus of around 400 poems survive. Of the Jade Gate, the pass that was once at the frontier where China ended and Central Asia began, he infamously wrote: ‘If you go further West, you will see no more friends’.

Wang Witthayu (วังวิทยุ)

Thai. ‘Wireless Palace’. Name of the former residence of Prince Rangsit Prayurasakdi in Bangkok. READ ON.

Wang Woradit (วังวรดิศ)

Thai-Pali. ‘Palace of the Glorious Ditsakun Family’. Name of the former residence of Prince Damrong Rachanuphaap. READ ON.

wan kohn (วันโกน)

Thai. ‘Shaving day’. The day of the month on which Buddhist monks and novices shave their heads anew, in Thailand traditionally on the day before wan phen, i.e. the day of the new moon or full moon. It is said that one reason for monks and novices to shave their heads is to resemble the features of a naga, for just as the naga helped the Buddha in his ordeal to reach Enlightenment, also the children help their parents to get a better afterlife, by making merit for them by ordaining or becoming a buatnaag. In Thailand, monks and novices also shave off the eyebrows, whereas in neighbouring Theravada Buddhist countries, i.e. Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos, monks and novices do not shave off the eyebrows, and in Myanmar, monks and novices shave their heads four times a month (fig.). See also buat and wan.

Wan Kruh (วันครู)

Thai. ‘Day of the teacher’. A day, in the past usually on a Thursday somewhere in June or July, because Thursday in the Phra prajam wan-system is associated with meditation and hence with learning and teaching. However, now the day is officially set to be on January 16th of each year, irrespective of what day it is (though depending on the school, it may still be held on another day or date), when students collectively pay respect to their teachers (wai kruh). On this day teachers (kruh means ‘teacher, tutor or master’ and derives from the word guru) receive offerings from their students. These could be anything, but usually include trays with phum dokmai, called phaan phum, as well as other flowers and gifts. However, formerly they would receive a golden tray with three kinds of flowers: i.e. the ixora, in Thai called ‘kem’, the flower of the ‘makeua’ or eggplant, and a lotus. These flowers each have their own symbolic implication: ‘kem’ means ‘needle’, and refers to the wit that the students will obtain by their tuition; the flower of the eggplant bends under the weight of its fruit and thus indicates obedience and respect; and the lotus is the general symbol for Enlightenment. Wan Kruh dates back to the period when the temple was the only centre of education.  of each year. The day is now officially known as Wan Kruh Haeng Chaht, i.e. ‘National Teacher's Day. Alternatively spelled Wan Kroo. Compare with ram muay. See also Phra Phareuhadsabodih and the postage stamp issued to mark the Centennial of Thai Teachers Training (fig.). See also ajaan and wan.

Wan Kruh Haeng Chaht (วันครูแห่งชาติ)

Thai. ‘National Teacher's day’. See Wan Kruh.

Wan Mae (วันแม่)

Thai. ‘Mother Day’. Thai public holiday and birthday of queen Sirikit. This refers to the queen's status as a public mother figure. It is annually celebrated on 12 August. Since jasmine, known in Thai as dok ma-li, is in Thailand considered a symbol for maternal love, it has been assigned to be the flower of Mother Day (fig.).

Wan Makha Bucha (วันมาฆบูชา)

Thai for the day when Makha Bucha is annually celebrated.

Wan Muay Thai (วันมวยไทย)

Thai. ‘Muay Thai Day’. Initiated in 2012 and annually on 6 February.

Wanna Uthayaan (วนอุทยาน)

Thai name for any forest park, similar to a National Park (Uthayaan Haeng Chaat), but with a different status and usually covering a smaller area.

wannayuk (วรรณยุกต์)

Thai linguistic term meaning ‘tone mark’. A tone mark is used to change the tone and the meaning of a word. Thai language has four tone marks but five tones: the middle or common tone (siang sahman - uses no tone mark), the low tone (mai ek - อ่),  the falling tone (mai toh - อ้), the high tone (mai trih - อ๊) and the rising tone (mai chatawah - อ๋). MORE ON THIS.

Wannongkrahn (วรรณนงคราญ)

Thai. Name of one of the seven guardian spirits that looks out for children and that are generally known as Mae Seua. This thevada guards all the children that are born on a Monday and is represented with an off-white (khao-nuan) human-like body and the head of a horse. Compare also with Ma Mian, i.e. Horse-Face (fig.).

wan phen (วันเพ็ญ)

Thai for ‘full-moon day’. The day (wan) of full moon often coincides with Buddhist holidays. A painting named Full Moon (จันทร์เพ็ญ) by the Thai artist Manit Poo-ahrih (มานิตย์ ภู่อารีย์) was depicted on a Thai postage stamp issued on 2 August 2013 (fig.) as part of a set of eight stamps on contemporary art in the third series of commemorative stamps to mark the 2013 World Stamp Exhibition. See also Wan Phra and Wan Tham Masawana.

Wan Pheut Mongkhon (วันพืชมงคล)

Thai for the day when the royal ploughing ceremony is held.

Wan Phra (วันพระ)

Thai. Buddhist holiday in Thailand. Often coinciding with wan phen or full moon day. Also Wan Tham Masawana. See also wan.

Wan Piya Maha Raj (วันปิยะมหาราช)

Thai. ‘Day of the beloved great king’. Thai name for Chulalongkorn Day, a public holiday on 23 October. Also transcribed Wan Piya Maha Raat. See also Piya Maha Raj.

Wan Raeng Ngan (วันแรงงาน)

Thai for ‘Work Force Day’. Thai term for Labour Day. It is a public holiday, held annually on May 1st.

Wan Rattamnoon (วันรัฐธรรมนูญ)

Thai. ‘Constitution Day’. Thai name for the public holiday celebrated on 10 December commemorating the constitution.

Wan Tamruat (วันตำรวจ)

Thai. ‘Police Day’. Thai name for the national observance day that since 1915 is held annually on 13 October in honour of the Royal Thai Police (fig.). National Police Day is celebrated in various ways, usually with every city and police station in the nation organizing its own ceremonies and events. Celebrations usually begin by a speech in front of the local police station and attended by local dignities and religious leaders, and followed by a memorial service in honour of police officers who died in the line of duty. After the official rituals, various events are organized that are usually also open to the public. Also referred to as Wan Tamruat Haeng Chaht (วันตำรวจแห่งชาติ), i.e. ‘National Police Day’.

Wan Tham Masawana (วันธรรมสวนะ)

Thai. Buddhist holiday. Often coinciding with full moon or wan phen. Also Wan Phra.

Wanthong (วันทอง)

Thai. ‘Day of Gold’ or ‘Golden Day’. One of the main characters from the story Khun Chang Khun Paen written by King Phra Phutta Leut La. The bigamous Wanthong vacillated between true love and respectability and was eventually executed by the king as a troublemaker. Her headless spirit Praet Wanthong later appeared to halt a fight between her son and her stepson. Wanthong is depicted on the fourth design of a set of four postage stamps (fig.) on the story, issued in 2011 to mark National Children's Day. Also known as Nang Phimphilalai.

wan tua (วันตัว)

Thai for the day of the week on which one was born. Like a horoscope in the West, the days of the week are in Thailand used to verify one's personality and fortune, like in the systems phra prajam wan, thep prajam wan, dao prajam wan, sat prajam wan and sih prajam wan.

Wan Visakha Bucha (วันวิสาขบูชา)

Thai name for the day when Visakha Bucha is annually celebrated.

Wan Waithayakon (วรรณไวทยากร)

Thai. Name of a grandson of King Mongkut (fig.), who was born on 25 August 1891. He studied at Oxford University and the Paris Institute of Political Studies, and was an Army Major General with the royal rank of Krom Meuan. READ ON.

Wan Yahwachon Haeng Chaht (วันเยาวชนแห่งชาติ)

Thai. ‘National Youth Day’. Set up in Thailand in the year 1985, after the United Nations announced 1985 as International Youth Year and invited its members to participate in the celebrations under the slogan Participation, Development and Peace. So, on 18 June 1985, the then government passed a decree to make September 20th of each year National Youth Day, a date chosen in honour of King Rama VIII, who was born on 20 September 1925 and ascended the throne as a youthful king, as well as of King Rama V, whose birthday is 20 September 1853. In 2010, a Thai postage stamp was issued to mark the 25th anniversary of the National Youth Day (fig.).

wararam (วราราม)

Pali-Thai. Title that derives from combining the words wora and araam, meaning ‘superb’ or ‘excellent’, and ‘temple’ respectively. It is often included in names of temples, e.g. Wat Sothon Wararam Worawihaan, Wat Thawon Wararam (fig.), Wat Arun Rajawararam, Wat Suthat Thepwararam, etc. It can also be transcribed warahrahm or waraaraam, and is sometimes pronounced woraram.

war elephant

See chang seuk.

warih (วารี)

Thai-Pali term for ‘water’, as in Warih Kunchon, i.e. ‘Elephant [of the] water’, and Sri Warih, i.e. ‘Holy water’.

Warih Kunchon (วารีกุญชร)

Thai-Pali. ‘Elephant [of the] water’. Also transcribed Waree Kunchorn. See Chang Nahm.

Warunih (วารุณี)

Thai goddess of wine. Also transliterated Warunee.

wasabi (わさび, 山葵, 和佐比)

Japanese. ‘Japanese horseradish’. Name of a plant which root is used as a spice. READ ON.


See feng.

Wasp Moth

Common name of a species of day-flying moth, that belongs to the family of Syntominae. The species, known by the scientific names Syntomis and Amata, has several subspecies, usually discerned by the different wing patterns and the rings on their abdomen. Species found in Southeast Asia include Syntomis huebneri (fig.) and Syntomoides imaon (fig.), the latter which is also commonly known as the Handmaiden Moth (fig.) or Tiger Grass Borer. Wasp Moths are about the same size of a small wasp and mimic its colouring. This disguise aides them in their protection, as predators are less likely to attack them if they believe they could be harmed. Even humans often take them for wasps. Adults feed on pollen and nectar from flowers. Their caterpillars can do substantial damage to orchard trees as they bore into the wood. It is found in Malaysia, as well as in Thailand, where it is known as phi seua yah, meaning ‘grass butterfly’.

Wasuthep (วาสุเทพ)

1. Thai name of Gustave Schau (fig.), the Danish Lieutenant Colonel who in 1897 AD was hired by King Chulalongkorn (fig.) to set up a Siamese Provincial Police force, and of which he became the first Commander-in-Chief. From 1913 to 1915 he was appointed to the fifth Chief of Police, with the rank of Major General and was bestowed with the bandasak or title of Phraya. Also transliterated Vasuthep. See also Royal Thai Police.

2. Another Thai name for Narai or Vishnu. Also transliterated Vasuthep.

wat (วัด,​​ ວັດ)

Thai and Laotian word for a Buddhist temple or monastery, derived from the Pali word avasa, as well as from the Sanskrit word avasatha. A typical wat in Thailand is generally used for both religious, educational and residential purposes, and consist in general of a bot (boht - fig.), the ordination hall; a viharn (fig. - wihaan), the prayer hall; a sala (fig.), an open shelter with a roof; and a number of kutis (fig.), the quarters of the monks. Larger temples usually also have a ho trai (fig.), a library for Buddhist writings; a mondop sometimes housing a Buddhapada; a ho klong (fig.), a drum tower; and a ho rakhang (fig.), a belfry; whilst smaller temples like the wat pah, forest temples, have in general no boht or ordination hall. In rural Thailand the wat usually serves as a religious centre as well as a social meeting place. Thailand has around 27,000 Buddhist temples. Also araam.

Wat Angthong (วัดอ่างทอง)

1. Thai. Name of a Theravada Buddhist temple in Prachuap Khirikhan.

2. Thai. Name of a Theravada Buddhist temple in Ayutthaya.

Wat Arun (วัดอรุณ)

Thai. ‘Temple of dawn’. An 86 meter high structure alongside the Chao Phrya River, with prangs in Khmer style consisting of a main stupa flanked by four smaller ones, which are actually prangs on a chedi shaped base. Its grooved towers indicate that the authority who commissioned the construction was a king. When General Taksin after the fall of Ayutthaya appeared with a liberating army on the Chao Phraya river at dawn the temple name was changed in Wat Jaeng, a synonym for the later Wat Arun which is derived from the Indian god of dawn, Aruna. In 1772 AD, when general Chakri, the later king Yotfa, was appointed supreme commander of the Siamese armies by King Taksin, he conquered the Laotian city of Vientiane and brought the Emerald Buddha (fig.) back to Thonburi where the statue was placed  in Wat Arun. Today the temple is still in use by members of the royal court for religious state ceremonies, such as the annual kathin phra racha thaan (fig.). Its official name is Wat Arun Rajawarahrahm and the temple is one of the few throughout Thailand conferred with the highest royal title of Rajavora Maha Vihaan. Its outline is part of the logo of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (fig.). On the quayside in front of the temple is a banner with in Thai the full name of Krung Thep, i.e. Bangkok (fig.). See also POSTAGE STAMPS (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) and (8), as well as MAP, TRAVEL PHOTOS (1), (2) and (3), QUADCOPTER PICTURE, and PANORAMA PICTURES (1), (2), and (3).

Wat Arun Rajawarahrahm (วัดอรุณราชวราราม)

Thai. The full and official name for Wat Arun. Often this name is followed by the highest royal title for temples, i.e. Rajavora Maha Vihaan. See MAP.

Wat Asokaraam (วัดอโศการาม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Samut Prakan, named after the Indian-Mauryan Emperor Asoka. READ ON.

Wat Ban Den (วัดบ้านเด่น)

Thai. Name of an 80 rai Buddhist temple complex in the Mae Taeng area of Chiang Mai province. Located on a small hill the enormous compound is visible from afar. READ ON.

Wat Bang Khae Yai (วัดบางแคใหญ่)

Thai. Name of an ancient Buddhist temple in Samut Songkhram, which dates from the Ayutthaya period and was renovated in the reign of Rama II. READ ON.

Wat Bang Kung (วัดบางกุ้ง)

Thai. Name of an ancient temple in Samut Songkhram, which dates from the Ayutthaya period and was once used as a military camp for Siamese navy troops during the 1765 war against the invading Burmese. READ ON.

Wat Bang Peng Tai (วัดบางเพ็งใต้)

Thai. ‘Riverside Village Temple Underneath The Full Moon’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Minburi, located on Khlong Saen Saeb, a major canal that runs through Bangkok (fig.). On weekends and holidays the area around the temple turns into a floating market, which is known as Talaat Nahm Khwan-Riam (fig.) and on such days, when many people are expected to visit the area, the temple may organize special events to allow visitors to make merit. As is the case with most temples in Thailand, it serves as a social meeting place and blends in perfectly with the adjoining market. A section of the temple has a garden with statues of reusi, i.e. Thai hermits, in various poses that represent exercises to promote physical health (fig.) akin to those at Wat Poh (fig.). See also Ban Suan Phuttasin. See also POSTAGE STAMPS, MAP, and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Bang Phli Yai Klang (วัดบางพลีใหญ่กลาง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Samut Prakan, that houses the over 53 meters, Somdet Phra Sakayamuni Sri Sumet Bophit Buddha image, the largest reclining Buddha in Thailand (fig.). Scattered throughout the temple's compound are hundreds of life-sized statues representing disciples of the Buddha seated in lotus position upon a lotus pedestal which doubles as a burial vault for the ashes of deceased local residents. The temple is located along Khlong Samrohng, the main watercourse of Samut Prakan, and in the vicinity of Wat Bang Phli Yai Nai (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Bang Phli Yai Nai (วัดบางพลีใหญ่ใน)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Samut Prakan, that houses the much venerated Buddha image Luang Pho Toh (fig.), i.e. one of the five Buddha images mentioned in the Legend of the Five Floating Buddha Statues (fig.), known in Thai as Tamnaan Luang Pho Loy Nahm Hah Phi-Nong. Besides the Luang Pho Toh image, it also houses copies of two of the other Buddha images mentioned in the legend, namely Luang Pho Wat Ban Laem from Wat Phetchasamut Worawihan in Samut Songkhram and Luang Pho or Phra Phutta Sothon (fig.) from Wat Sothon Wararam Woriwihaan in Chachengsao (fig.). The temple is located along Khlong Samrohng, the main watercourse of Samut Prakan, and in the vicinity of Wat Bang Phli Yai Klang (fig.). See MAP.

Wat Bang Phli Yai Nai

Wat Bang Thong (วัดบางโทง)

Thai. Previous name for the Buddhist temple Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkhon in Krabi (fig.).

Wat Ban Laem (วัดบ้านแหลม)

Thai. Former name for Wat Phet Samut Worawihaan in Samut Songkhram.

Wat Banrai (วัดบ้านไร่)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the tambon Kut Phiman, amphur Dan Khun Thot, in Nakhon Ratchasima province. This Korat temple is associated with the noble monk Luang Pho Khun (fig.), whose portrait and statues are found found all over the complex. It has a unique wihaan, which is named Whihaan Thep Withayakhom, after Luang Pho Khun's honorific name, i.e. Phra Thep Withayakhom. The hall is built in a pond, features a tusked elephant's head, is surrounded by mythological and religious characters, and is accessible via a long naga-bridge. Inside is a exhibition devoted to the life and work of Luang Pho Khun. See MAP.

Wat Benjamabophit (วัดเบญจมบพิตร)

Thai. The Marble Temple in Bangkok (fig.). Built around the turn of the 19th. century by order of King Chulalongkorn. The temple is built of white Carrara marble from Toscana and has a cruciform bot. The base of the central Buddha image (fig.), which is a copy of  the Phra Phutta Chinnarat image (fig.) from Phitsanulok, contains the ashes of king Rama V. In the gallery of the courtyard behind the bot there are 53 Buddha images (33 originals and 20 copies) that represent different poses and styles from throughout Thailand and other Buddhist countries. Half of the images are in a seated pose while the other half are in depicted in a standing pose, and hey have been erected in an alternate way, so that a seated image is always displayed next to a standing one and vice versa. Often abbreviated Wat Ben. See MAP.

Wat Boromaracha Kanchana Phisek Anuson (วัดบรมราชากาญจนาภิเษกอนุสรณ์)

Thai. Name of the largest Chinese Buddhist temple in Thailand. READ ON.

Wat Borom Niwaat Rachaworawihaan (วัดบรมนิวาสราชวรวิหาร)

Thai. ‘Great Royal Abode Temple’. Name of a royal temple in Bangkok of the class Phra Araam Luang. READ ON.

Wat Bowonniwet Wihaan Rachaworawihaan (วัดบวรนิเวศวิหารราชวรวิหาร)

Thai. ‘Royal Temple Hall and Glorious Abode’. Name of a temple in Bangkok's Phra Nakhon district. READ ON.

Wat Bowonsathaan Suthawaht (วัดบวรสถานสุทธาวาส)

Thai. ‘Exalted Temple and Pure Avasa’. Name of a temple in Bangkok's Phra Nakhon district. READ ON.

Wat Buak Khrok Luang (วัดบวกครกหลวง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the tambon Tha Sala (ท่าศาลา) of Chiang Mai city. The temple's wihaan, believed to be more than 300 years old, is built in the Lan Na style and was restored during the reign of Kaew Nawarat, the last King of Lan Na and Prince Ruler of Chiang Mai. The wihaan houses a Buddha image in the marapajon pose and its walls are covered with 14 murals in blue, red, and white. The murals on the northern wall depict scenes from the Mahosot Chadok, while the murals on the southern side depict scenes from the Totsachat Chadok. See also POSTAGE STAMPS, TRAVEL PICTURES and MAP.

Wat Buppharam (วัดบุพพาราม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai. READ ON.

Wat Buraparaam (วัดบูรพาราม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Na Klang District of Nong Bua Lamphu Province. It has a prominent stupa known as Phrathat Chedi Silawuttho (สีลวุฒโท). The ubosot or prayer hall has door and window panels from natural wood with carved depictions of characters from the Ramakien, with the panels of the front doors featuring the monkey god Hanuman and his spouse the golden mermaid Suphanamatcha, on one side and Phra Ram and Nang Sida, the main protagonists of this epic story, on the other side. The back garden has a small pond with goldfish and some caged animals. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Burapha Ku Ka Sing (วัดบูรพากู่กาสิงห์)

Thai. Name of a Khmer prasat-style ancient religious monument in the Tambon Ku Ka Sing in Roi Et Province, built in a mixture of laterite and sandstone. The historical site comprises of three stone spires called prang that are built on a base, with the central prang being somewhat larger than the other two prangs. There is a Nandi mandapa with the statue of a bull, i.e. the vahana or vehicle of the Hindu god Shiva known as Nandi, evidence that the site, thought to date from BE 1560-1630, i.e. the early to late 11th century AD, was likely dedicated to the worship of Hindu god Shiva. In the front are rectangular library buildings and the ruins are surrounded by a wall, with gopura entrance pavilions at the four cardinal directions. On the outside thereof is a U-shaped moat that surrounds the outer wall. It has a long antechamber with three entrances at the front and at both sides. Many of the door posts have Khmer-style colonettes, i.e. decorated columns that are also referred to as pilasters. The base of the prang is made of sandstone and carved with lotus petals and flame-like kanok figures. Inside the inner chamber of the central prang, there is a yoni, i.e. the base meant to hold a lingam. The lintels found over the door posts depict the god Indra on his mount, i.e. the three-headed elephant Airavata, and kala faces, some with hands that hold a garland. Often referred to as simply Ku Ka Sing, which may also be transliterated Ku Kah Singh. See also EXPLORER'S MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Burapha Phiram (วัดบูรพาภิราม)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Pleasing East’ or ‘Temple of Happiness in the Foreground’. Name of a third-class royal temple in Roi Et, that was formerly known as Wat Hua Ro (วัดหัวรอ), and later as Wat Burapha, due to its location in the east of the city.  The temple was built in 1913 AD and was at that time used as overnight accommodation for traveling merchants and other people, who then traveled mainly on foot. Adjacent to its ubosot is a large standing Buddha statue known as Phra Phuttha Rattana Mongkhon Mahamuni (พระพุทธรัตนมงคลมหามุนี). It is the tallest Buddha image in Thailand and stands in the pahng prathan phon pose, i.e. the ‘posture of giving a blessing’. The statue is also known as Luang Pho Yai (หลวงพ่อใหญ่) and was built with in 1973 with reinforced concrete. The statue is 59.2 metres tall, though including the pedestal, which doubles as a museum with many rooms, it has a total height of 67.85 metres. Luang Pho Yai is a symbol of the province and is also mentioned in the slogan of Roi Et as Phra Soong Yai (พระสูงใหญ่), i.e. the ‘Big Tall Buddha’. To the east of the temple is an old city moat and a shrine dedicated to Chao Pho Mahe Sakdanuphaap (เจ้าพ่อมเหศักดานุภาพ). In between this is an artificial cave with a gilded reclining Buddha, which on the outside is surrounded by niches of which each houses a Buddha statue of the Phra prajam wan system, in which each day of the week corresponds to a certain representation of a Buddha image in a different pose. Adjacent to the cave is a garden with statues depicting the main scenes from the life of the Buddha. See also EXPLORER'S MAP and WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

Wat Chai Chumphon Chana Songkhram (วัดไชยชุมพลชนะสงคราม)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Glorious Assembly that Won the War’. Name of a temple in Kanchanaburi, that due to its location in the south of Kanchanaburi city, just south of the confluence of the rivers Kwae Yai (แควใหญ่) and Kwae Noi (แควน้อย), is also known as Wat Tai (วัดใต้), i.e. ‘Southern Temple’. At its compound, is the JEATH War Museum (fig.), a small museum dedicated to the history of the Thailand-Burma Railway during WWII, built from 1942 to 1943 by Allied POWs under the direction of the Imperial Japanese Army, who at the time occupied the area, and aimed to create a safe overland route via the historic Three Pagoda Pass (fig.) in order to supply their troops fighting at the front in Burma. The name JEATH is an acronym made up of the first letters of the countries whose POWs worked on the construction of the railway, namely: Japan, England, Australia and America, Thailand, and Holland. The museum consists of bamboo huts that recreate the sleeping quarters of the Allied POWs and narrates life in the camps and work on the railway by means of paintings, drawings and photos, many made by former POWs, as well as weapons, scale models, and maps. The museum was founded in 1977 by Phra Thammakhunaphon (พระธรรมคุณาภรณ์), who is also known as Luang Pho Phaiboon Katapunnoh (หลวงพ่อไพบูลย์ กตปุญฺโญ), the then abbot of the temple. Also on the temple's compound is a mondop, a kind of temple hall, dedicated to Phra Wisutthirangsih (พระวิสุทธิรังษี), a former abbot of this place, who is also known by the names Luang Poo Pliyan Inthotsaroh (หลวงปู่เปลี่ยน อินทสโร) and Luang Pho Wat Tai (หลวงพ่อวัดใต้), who was born on 5 April 1862 and passed away on 4 April 4 1947, 85 years old and a day short of his 86th birthday. In the centre on the grounds of the temple compound is the former crematorium used to cremate the body of Phra Thammakhunaphon, who besides the founder of the museum and a former abbot of Wat Tai, also was the former Ecclesiastical Provincial Governor of Kanchanaburi (fig.). He passed away in India on 25 December 2002, while he led Buddhist pilgrims to pay homage to Buddhist holy places in India. The former crematorium is fashioned in the shape of a divine vehicle pulled by a white horse, the animal of the Chinese zodiac that symbolizes the year in which he was born, as well as the year of his demise. The male deity seated on the horse raises a dhammachakka, the Buddhist ‘Wheel of Law’ (fig.) that symbolizes the ongoing cycle of cause and effect in ones life, known as kam (karma) and resulting in perpetual reincarnation. Inside the edifice is a memorial museum dedicated to this monk, with pictures and some of his personal belongings and borikaan, i.e. eight permitted articles Buddhist monks may have for daily life, such as his alms bowl, robe, etc. See also TRAVEL PICTURE and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Chai Sri Phum (วัดชัยศรีภูมิ)

Thai. ‘Temple of the glorious field of victory’. Name of a temple in Chiang Mai, built in 1519 AD, during the reign of King Phaya Meuang Kaew (1495 - 1526). It is located opposite of the remnants of the ancient city wall at the northeastern corner of the moat surrounding the old city. The temple has a white prasat-style chedi, decorated with a gilded pinnacle and gilded ornaments, as well as with niches that house gilded Buddha images, each standing in the pahng prathap yeun pose. In addition, the temple has a wooden ho trai, besides the other, expected temple buildings. See also Chai and Sri, and compare with the name Chaiyaphum. Also spelled Wat Chai Si Phum. See MAP.

Wat Chaiwatthanaram (วัดไชยวัฒนาราม)

Thai. One of the most impressive of ancient Buddhist monasteries, built in 1630 AD on the banks of the Chao Phraya River in Ayutthaya. READ ON.

Wat Chaleum Phrakiat Phrachomklao Rachanuson (วัดเฉลิมพระเกียรติพระจอมเกล้าราชานุสรณ์)

Thai. Name of a stunning hilltop temple in Lampang, which was originally named Wat Phraphuttabaht Poo Pha Daeng. The most impressive part of the temple is the bare rocky mountain on which it is located and which is dotted with small chedis, mostly white in colour, and which gives the location the epithet Temple of the Floating Pagodas. A climb to its summit offers stunning views of the area. Also transliterated Wat Chaloem Phra Kiat Phrachomklao Rachanusorn. See also TRAVEL PICTURES, EXPLORER'S MAP, and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Chalo (วัดชลอ)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the amphur Bang Kruwey (Kruai) of Nonthaburi. READ ON.

Wat Chamadevi (วัดจามเทวี)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Lamphun. READ ON.

Wat Chang Lom (วัดช้างล้อม)

1. Thai. ‘Temple of the Encircling Elephants’. Name of an ancient Buddhist temple in Sri Satchanalai Historical Park. The temple's chedi, in Singhalese style and surrounded by 39 sculptures of elephants, was built around 1285 AD, i.e. in the Sukhothai Period, in order to house relics of the Buddha, that were dug-up elsewhere and re-buried at this spot by King Ramkamhaeng (fig.). See also Wat Mahaeyong (fig.), Wat Sorasak (fig.), and chang, as well as TRAVEL PICTURES, POSTAGE STAMPS and MAP, and WATCH VIDEO.

2. Thai. ‘Temple of the Encircling Elephants’. Name of an ancient Buddhist temple in Sukhothai with a large bell shaped chedi, of which the square base is surrounded by 32 caryatid-like figures in the form of White Elephants, as well as another name for Wat Sorasak (fig.), i.e. another similar temple in Sukhothai Historical Park, with a base surrounded by 24 White Elephants. See also chang, MAP, and WATCH VIDEO.

Watchanihsoon (วัชนีสูร)

Thai. Name of the consort to the demon king Thao Chakraphad, ruler of Maliwan, a city or kingdom in the Ramakien, whom she bore a son called Banlaichak, the younger brother of Suriyapop (fig.) and the elder brother of Nonyuphak. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

Wat Chan Tawan Tok (วัดจันทร์ตะวันตก)

Thai. Western Moon Temple. Name of a Buddhist temple in the northern Thai city of Phitsanulok and of which the surrounding wall, as well as its main prayer hall, known as Maha Wihaan Reuan Thong (มหาวิหารเรือนทอง), are completely gilded. The many and often multi-leveled roofs of this wihaan have multiple chofa, i.e. bird's head-like finials at either end of Thai Buddhist temple roofs, that are at the bottom front adorned with crystals and the depiction of a thepanom (fig.), i.e. an angel (thep) in a respectful posture clasping the hands as a token of worship and sign of respect (phanom), whilst the hook at the crooked peak is shaped into a Garuda-like face. Once attached to the roofs, many are adorned with wings and a tail making them reminiscent of the Golden Swan or Hamsa (fig.), which is in Thai referred to as Hong Thong, whilst at the beak a small temple bell, called a kradeung (fig.), is attached, that tinkles in the wind, akin to wind chimes. The yellowish orange to golden colour of this prayer hall makes it reminiscent of the wax edifices that are carried to the temple in a procession (fig.) during the annual Wax Castle Festival in Sakon Nakhon, in order to mark the ending of the Buddhist Lent. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Charoen Rat Bamrung (วัดเจริญราษฎร์บำรุง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Nakhon Pathom, which is also known as Wat Nong Phong Nok (วัดหนองพงนก). In front of the complex is a large statue of Luang Pho Prathan Phon, i.e. a Buddha image in the pahng prathan phon pose (fig.), i.e. the ‘position of giving a blessing’ or the ‘blessing pose’. The image is seated in western style, with one hand held up the thumb and index finger touching or nearly touching, while the other arm is held down with hand palm up and the elbow in L-shape. This large gilded Buddha statue is flanked by six crowned Buddha images, three on either side and seated in the half lotus position, each with a different animal depicted on the pah thip, i.e. the ornamental cloth hanging from the bottom of the image, in front of the pedestal (fig.). On either end of this row of statues is a large Buddha image standing in the pahng um baat pose, i.e. holding an alms bowl. See also PANORAMIC PICTURE and WATCH VIDEO (1), (2) and (3), and VIDEO (E).

Wat Chedi Hoi (วัดเจดีย์หอย)

Thai. Name of a temple (wat) in the Tambon Bo Ngun (บ่อเงิน) of the Amphur Laht Lum Kaew (map) in Pathum Thani Province. It is famed for its stupa (chedi) made from a great number of fossilized oyster shells (hoi), that were found in the temple's compound. The shells were first discovered when the temple's abbot ordered a water reservoir dug for the irrigation of the temple's 20 rai large herbal garden. After the discovery, the abbot and members of the temple committee continued to search in other places of the compound for more shells. Many more were found, including some large ones, believed to be about 8 million years old. Their quest, which ended in 1995, lasted for 12 years and resulted in the construction of the temple's stupa (fig.). See MAP.

Wat Chedi Jed Thaew (วัดเจดีย์เจ็ดแถว)

Thai. ‘Temple with Seven Rows of Stupas’. Name of an ancient Buddhist temple in Sri Satchanalai Historical Park. The complex has 26 chedi arranged in a U-shape around the wihaan and main pagoda, with the latter being in the Singhalese style and topped by a lotus-bud. See also POSTAGE STAMPS and MAP.

Wat Chedi Jed Yod (วัดเจดีย์เจ็ดยอด)

Thai. ‘Temple with the Seven Stupas’. One of the most important sanctuaries of northern Thailand in Chiang Mai, also known by the name Wat Photharam Maha Wihaan. READ ON.

Wat Chedi Luang (วัดเจดีย์หลวง)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Royal Stupa’, sometimes referred to as ‘Temple of the Big Stupa’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai. READ ON.

Wat Cheung Tha (วัดเชิงท่า)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple located on the banks of the Meuang Canal in Ayutthaya, to the north of the city island of Phra Nakhon Sri Ayutthaya. READ ON.

Wat Chiang Man (วัดเชียงมั่น)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, located within the old city moat. READ ON.

Wat Chiang Yeun (วัดเชียงยืน)

1. Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the northern Thai town of Chiang Rai. Both its ubosot and wihaan are erected in a reddish-brown colour mixed with parts of brown laterite, especially at the windows and in the ubosot also at the doors, and overall adorned with contrasting golden embellishment in typical Lan Na style. On each corner, the ordination hall has a large statue of one of the Si Tian Wang, i.e. the Four Heavenly Kings’, one for each of the cardinal directions of the world, normally typically found at the entrances of Taoist and Mahayana Buddhist temples, and here depicted in a rather Thai style. The interior of the ubosot is richly decorated with colourful murals with scenes from Buddhism, as well as depictions of Thai and regional traditional festivals. The principal Buddha image in the bot, as well as some lesser Buddha statues on his sides, are all gilded and seated in the maravichaya pose, while adjacent to the main altar is also a white Buddha statue cut from marble in the same pose, while on the opposite side, at the end of the elevated row of seats reserved for monks, is a wax statue of Phra Kruh Methangkon (เมธังกร), a late famous Buddhist monk from Phrae who was a thera, i.e. a senior Buddhist monk who has been more than ten years in the priesthood, and who as a teacher was instrumental in bringing about important reforms into the religious and secular education system of temple schools. Adjacent and to the south of the ubosot is a small pavilion dedicated to Kruh Bah Khamlah Sangwaroh (คำหล้า สังวโร), another great thera monk of Lan Nah, who restored many important relics. This pavilion, with a naga staircase, houses both a wax image and a bronze statue of this important monk of the past. See also TRAVEL PICTURE, EXPLORER'S MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

2. Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the northern Thai town of Chiang Mai.

Wat Chom Si (ວັດຈອມສີ)

Lao. Name of a Buddhist temple in the city center of Luang Prabang (ຫຼວງພະບາງ) and which is also known as Wat Phou Si (ວັດພູສີ), due to its location on Mount Phousi. READ ON.

Wat Chuthathittham Sapharam Worawihaan (วัดจุฑาทิศธรรมสภารามวรวิหาร)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple complex located at the foot of a Mt. Phra Chulachomklao, on the island of Koh Si Chang, off the coast of Chonburi, located just across from Thah Lahng Pier. The ubosot houses a 1.25 meters tall Buddha image in the Sukhothai style. On the slope above the temple complex are Thai-Chinese shrines dedicated to Chao Mae Kwan Im (fig.) and Chao Pho Khao Yai (fig.), while the white mondop just below the summit houses a Phraphuttabaht (fig.). See also TRAVEL PICTURE and MAP.

Wat Doi Suthep (วัดดอยสุเทพ)

Thai. Temple in North Thailand, built at a height of 1,053 meters on the hill of Doi Suthep, 14 kms to the West of the city of Chiang Mai. READ ON.

Wat Doi Ngam Meuang (วัดดอยงำเมือง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist hilltop temple in the city of Chiang Rai. READ ON.

Wat Doi Thep Somboon (วัดดอยเทพสมบูรณ์)

Thai. ‘Mountain Temple of the Perfect Deity’. Name of a Buddhist hilltop temple in Nong Bua Lamphu, with on its summit the Phra Phuttha Chayanti Nong Bua Lamphu (พระพุทธชยันตีหนองบัวลำภู) Buddha statue that stands in the pahng prathan phon pose, i.e. the ‘position of giving a blessing’ or ‘blessing pose’, and that overlooks the city. Both the main road and subsequent staircase towards the summit are flanked by golden naga-balustrades, of which the former is about 630 meters long. Underneath the base of the Phra Phuttha Chayanti Nong Bua Lamphu Buddha statue is a small museum that displays two human skeletons and some ancient tools, jewelry and pottery, that were discovered in the area, which has many pre-historical limestone caves, such as those at Phu Pha Ya (ภูผายา), some of which have prehistoric paintings estimated to be around 2,000 to 3,000 years old. A short walk through a wooded area leads to a hut for monks, as well as to a building with a reclining Buddha statue, of which the bottom of the staircase is flanked by two guardians in the form of nok hadsadi, mythical birds with the head of an elephant (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Dok Kham (วัดดอกคำ)

Thai. Name of a Lan Na-style Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, located within the walls of the old city, along the eastern moat, just a short distance north of Tha Phae Gate (fig.). Inside the wihaan is a Buddha image seated in the bhumisparsa pose whereas the eastern outer wall has a standing Buddha image with an abhaya mudra. See MAP.

Wat Dong Phra Chao (วัดดงพระเจ้า)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist hilltop temple in Phayao that features a large outdoor reclining Buddha image, that —situated on the roadside summit of this temple— has fast become a landmark of the area visible to anyone traveling on National Highway No. 1 between Phayao and Lampang. Besides two streets that give access to the temple, the summit can also be reached by a wide staircase that is flanked by naga balustrades and that leads straight to the feet of the reclining Buddha statue.

Wat Don Sak (วัดดอนสัก)

Thai. Name a Buddhist temple in Surat Thani that features a giant statue of Luang Poo Thuad (fig.), and despite the fact that many similar giant statues of this popular Buddhist monk (fig.) have been popping up allover Thailand in recent years, including the allegedly 59 meter tall Luang Poo Thuad Khao Yai statue in Nakhon Sri Thammarat, which declares to be the tallest in the world, this one with an supposed height of 34.9 meter (excluding the base) also claims to be the largest in the world. The temple was founded in ca. 1507 and also has a cave that today is known as Tham Singkhon (ถำสิงขร). In the mid-Ayutthaya period, there were troops of Nakhon Sri Thammarat and Chaiya stationed in the area in order to oversee the safety of the local people and traders whilste the cave was used to store materials and was hence referred to as Tham Sing Khong (ถำสิ่งของ), which means ‘Cave [with] Things’ or ‘Material Cave’, which over time developed into the current name. The complex also a couple of decommissioned wooden fisher boats that are used as decoration, one of which has been installed at the entrance of the cave. See also TRAVEL PICTURE and PANORAMA PICTURE.

Wat Duang Dih (วัดดวงดี)

Thai. ‘Temple of Good Luck’, but also ‘Temple of the Auspicious Stars’ or ‘Temple of Good Karma’. Name of a small Lan Na-style Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, located within the walls of the old city, near the Three Kings Monument (fig.). Its buildings are characterized by carved wood architecture, and it has a redented chedi with on its square base a statue of an elephant on each of its corners. It has a rather small ubosot and hence the larger wihaan is typically used by the monks and novices to assemble for prayers. It is one of the oldest temples in Chiang Mai, and it is assumed that it was built sometime shortly after King Mengrai (fig.) founded Chiang Mai, and was at some point used as a school for the children of the local nobility. Throughout its existence, the temple has been known by a variety of names, including Wat Phantunom Dih or Wat Phantunom Dih (วัดพันธุนมดี); Wat Udom Dih or Wat Udom Dee (วัดอุดมดี); Wat Phanom Dih or Wat Phanom Dee (วัดพนมดี); and Wat Ton Mahk Neua (วัดต้นหมากเหนือ), i.e. ‘Temple of the Northern Betel Nut Tree’, of which an derivation is still used today by some as yet another name, i.e. Wat Phan Dih or Wat Phandee (วัดพันธู์ดี), which translates as ‘Temple of the Good Strain’. Wat Duang Dih was declared an ancient monument by the Fine Arts Department in 1981. Also transliterated Wat Duangdee. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Ek Phnom (វត្តឯកភ្នំ)

Khmer. ‘Temple of the Prime Hill’. Temple near the Cambodian city of Battambang. It consists of an ancient Hindu temple that dates back to the 11th century AD and was built in the reign of King Suryavarman I, as well as a modern Buddhist prayer hall and a giant Buddha statue, seated on a concrete building that houses a number of gilded Buddha images. Besides this, there are also modern edifices in the Khmer style. See also TRAVEL PICTURE and MAP.

Water Buffalo

The Asian domestic buffalo is a large bovid, with the scientific designation Bubalus bubalis, that originated and is widely found in South, East and Southeast Asia. READ ON.

water cabbage

See jok.

water chestnut

For Thai water chestnuts or water caltrop, see krajab; for Chinese water chestnuts, see somwang.


Common name for a waterbird with the scientific name Gallicrex cinerea. This rather secretive bird is distributed in South, East and Southeast Asia, where it lives near swamps and marshes. Adults are dark brown with buff and grey fringing above, and paler underparts, which are streaked and barred with darker markings. Males have grow up to 43 centimeters tall and females up to 36 centimeters. The bill of both sexes is yellowish-grey and the legs are greenish-grey with females and rather yellowish-grey in males. Their bodies are flattened laterally to allow easier passage through reeds and undergrowth. In the breeding season the females are somewhat darker and the plumage of the males becomes black-grey, with brownish-buff wingtips, red legs and a red facial shield. In Thai it is known as nok ih-lum (นกอีลุ้ม) and nok ih-lom (นกอีล้ม).

water coconut

Colloquial name for the woody fruit cluster of the nipa palm. Its fruit consists of a cluster of woody nuts, compressed into a large ball, that grows upward on a single stalk (fig.). It is used to be made into a refreshing drink, usually consisting of both the sap and the translucent flesh of this fruit (fig.). In Malaysia and Singapore, the immature fruits are used as a dessert ingredient.


See nahm tok.

water hyacinth

Originally, a native weed of the Amazon river basin in South America, where its shiny green leaves and lilac flowers (fig.) with purplish-blue and yellow colouring (fig.), made it a favourite pool decoration in colonial European gardens. The plants stay buoyant due to large air cavities in the hollow and partly bulbous stems. In the 19th century Dutch colonialists took it to Java from where it was taken to Siam by visiting Thais who called it pak tob chawa, i.e. ‘Java grass’ or ‘Java weed’. However, the invasive plant eventually found its way into the wild, where it soon became a menace. A single water hyacinth produces namely enough seeds to generate 3,000 offspring in less than two months, doubling its size in just over a week. In the Amazon this poses no problem as certain herbivorous fish and water floods keep it under control, but elsewhere such explosive growth over time forms a dense mat of floating foliage (fig.), resulting in lack of oxygen and sunlight that consequently threatens fish and other aquatic life. It can grow so densely that it completely blocks rivers and canals, and the water is no longer visible. Besides being an nuisance for navigation, it also hinders shipping traffic, as plants easily get stuck in the blades of a boat's propeller. This actually led to the invention of the longtail boat, which has a motor with a propeller on a long shaft, specially designed to avoid floating rubble and which can easily be lifted out of the water and cleared if the propeller gets stuck in the floating foliage. The problems is now largely eradicated by using the weed as pigs food and the dried stems for weaving, especially in furniture (fig.). The water hyacinths are taken from the water surface by special equipped boats (fig.). The indigenous Intha people (fig.), that live on and around Inle Lake (fig.) in Myanmar's Shan State, dredge up (fig.) grass-like weeds (fig.) from the bottom of the lake, which they mix with buoyant water hyacinths in order to create floating gardens (fig.) on which they grow a variety of crops, most commonly tomatoes. Its scientific name is Eichhornia crassipes. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2).

water lettuce

See jok.

water lily

A aquatic plant with floating leaves and colourful flowers of the family of Nymphaeaceae, sometimes confused with the lotus (fig.). Often found in ponds near temples and in colours that vary from white (fig.) and yellow (fig.), over pink (fig.) and lavender blue to purple, and with a number of gradations in between, as can be seen in Beung Kum (บึงกุ่ม) a marsh with lilies on the outskirts of Bangkok (map - fig.). The floating leaves of the water lily make great rafts for insects and animals to rest or bask on (fig.). They are completely water-repellent and often hold miniature pools of stagnant water, that form convenient watering-places for many insects to drink from. As is known from fossils, water lilies are one of the very first flowering plants to have evolved. In Thai known as dok bua. See also POSTAGE STAMPS and WATCH VIDEO.


See taeng moh.

water mimosa

See krachet.

Water Monitor

A large species of monitor lizard with the binomial name Varanus salvator, capable of growing up to 3 meters in length with a maximum weight of over 90 kilograms, though most are only about half that size. Their body is muscular with a long, powerful, laterally compressed tail, used for swimming and in defense. There are several subspecies, such as the Black Water Monitor (Varanus salvator komaini - fig.), and they are one of the most common monitor lizards found throughout Asia, ranging from Indian subcontinent to Indochina, the Malay Peninsula and various parts of Indonesia. They typically inhabit areas close to water (fig.). See also TRAVEL PICTURE, WILDLIFE PICTURES (1), (2), (3), (4), VIDEO (1), (2), (3) and (4), and VIDEO (E).

water pipe

A hookah. A bamboo cylinder (fig.) filled with water with a valve used by some hill tribes (fig.) in North Thailand to smoke gancha (marihuana). The water acts as a filter and coolant. It is singed and smoked similar to opium. In Thai called bong or bong gancha.

water puppetry

See mua roi nuoc.

Water Scavenger Beetle

Common name for a large family of mostly aquatic beetles, known scientifically as Hydrophilidae. Generally, they are dark in colour and have extended mouthparts used for directing food to their mouths, which aids them in scavenging for food on the water surface. In addition to scavenging, some adults may be predatory or vergetarian, and some members of this family are only semi-aquatic or even terrestrial. There are many different species, and one species in particular, i.e. Hydrous cavistanum, which belongs to the order Coleoptera and in Thai goes by the names maeng tab tao and malaeng niang (แมลงเหนี่ยง), is fried and eaten as a snack (fig.) in some parts of Thailand, especially in Isaan.

Water Scorpion

Name for a large aquatic bug, belonging to the family Nepidae. READ ON.

Water Snowflake

Common name for an aquatic plant, that is also commonly known as Floating Hearts and which bears the botanical name Nymphoides indicum. READ ON.

water spinach

See phak bung.

Wathoun Darei (ဝသုန္ဒရေ)

Burmese name for the earth production spirit (fig.) in Myanmar, i.e. the spirit of the earth, a figure akin to the Thai goddess Thoranih, i.e. the mother of the earth (fig.). Also transcribed Wet Thonedaree.

Wat Hong Thong (วัดหงษ์ทอง)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Golden Hong’. Name of a Buddhist seaside temple in Bang Pakong District of Chachengsao Province. The ubosot and gilded bell-shaped chedi (fig.) adorned with Garudas are built on stilts above the sea, making this temple a top location for a sea breeze sunset, with its image reflecting in the water below. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2), and MAP.

Wat Huai Mahin Fon (วัดห้วยมะหินฝน)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Rai's Mae Chan District, located on a hill and featuring a steep naga-staircase. Behind the main prayer hall is a gilded stupa. The platform on which it sits, as well as the top of the naga-staircase, offer a panoramic view of the area below. At the main entrance to the temple, some distance past the main gate, there is a small bridge with two statues of guardian lions, yet not the more commonly found mythological ones that in Thai are called singh, but rather of true lions that in Thai are referred to as singtoh. Also at the bridge is a statue of Phra Siwalih (fig.), a venerated monk who as a result of his merit gained in previous lives attained Enlightenment as soon as he got ordained. At the time of our visit the main prayer hall apparently had the status of a wihaan, since it lacked the bai sema (fig.), i.e. boundary markers at the eight cardinal points, that surround an ubosot, the counterpart of a wihaan. However, in a storage hall with some coffins and Buddha statues adjacent to the prayer hall, lay some look nimit (fig.), i.e. nine large round stones that are buried in the ground, one in the centre of the chapel and eight underneath the bai sema, in order to mark the boundary of the consecrated area of a Thai temple on which the ubosot is built, thus suggesting that the main prayer hall was likely awaiting an upgrade to te status of ubosot. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Huai Mongkhon (วัดห้วยมงคล)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Auspicious Creek’. Name of a Buddhist temple in the tambon Thap Tai (ทับใต้), near the seaside resort of Hua Hin in Prachuap Khirikhan Province, and originally called Wat Huai Khot (วัดห้วยคต), after its location in the local community of Huai Khot (ห้วยคต). The temple has a giant statue of Luang Poo Thuad (fig.), that was built in the honour of King Bhumipon Adunyadet's 72 birthday, i.e. his sixth birthday cycle according to the Chinese zodiac and which was inaugurated by Queen Sirikit Kitthiyagon on 27 August 2004, who subsequently granted permission to enshrine her monogram on the pah thip in front of the statue which, with a lap width of 9.9 meters and a height of 11.5 meters, at the time was claimed to be the largest in the world. However, similar large statues of this famous historical monk from southern Thailand have later been erected in other places too, sometimes seated on a cobra snake (fig.) and many with much larger dimensions (fig.), such as those of Wat Don Sak (fig.) and at Phuttha Uthayaan Maharaat (fig.) in Ayutthaya which is part of Wat Wachira Thammaram. The statue at Wat Huai Mongkhon sits on a 3-storey base, 70 meters wide and 70 meters long, which doubles as a large hall for worshiping. Also transliterated Wat Huay Mongkhol, Wat Huai Mongkhon, Wat Huay Mongkol, or similar. See also EXPLORER'S MAP.

Wat Huai Pla Kang (วัดห้วยปลากั้ง)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Crayfish Creek’ or ‘Temple of the Dwarf Snakehead Fish Rivulet’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Rai, which features a nine-tiered Chinese-style pagoda and a 79 meters tall white Kwan Yin statue, said to be the largest image of this goddess of mercy in Thailand. The balustrades of the staircase towards the plateau on which the statue is erected, consists of large white Chinese dragons. In front of the stairs is a giant bronze joss stick pot, whilst at the top anyone climbing the staircase is greeted by a statue of Wei Tuo, the guardian of Mahayana Buddhist monasteries. Flanking this, are life-sized statues of the Eighteen Arahats, nine on either side, lining the edge of the platform. Surrounding the hall underneath the Kuan Yin base are statues of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac. Inside the giant Kuan Yin statue itself is a lift that takes visitors up 25 storeys, offering an amazing bird’s eye view of the area, literally through the third eye of Kwan Yin. The wall at the elevator ground floor features bas-relief stuccos of the Four Heavenly Kings, the four guardian gods in Mahayana Buddhism, i.e. one for each of the cardinal directions of the world. On the inside, the walls of the giant statue have white stucco decorations of Kwan Yin in various poses, as well as other characters from Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism. The inner walls of the prayer hall also have white stucco decorations depicting scenes from Buddhism and the jataka, whereas the main pagoda houses a collection of various woodcarver statues of Kuan Yin in different manifestations, with the largest located at the ground floor and flanked by her child disciples Golden Boy and Jade Girl. In addition, the upper floors also feature wooden statues of Maitreya, the Buddha, the Buddhist monk Luang Poo Toh, and a framed woodcarving with the portraits of the past monarchs of the Chakri Dynsaty, from Rama I to Rama IX. Also transliterated Wat Huai Pla Kang. See also PANORAMA PICTURE, TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2), (3) and (4), WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2), THEMATIC STREET LIGHT, and MAP.

Wat Huai Sai Khao (วัดห้วยทรายขาว)

Thai. ‘White Sand Creek Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple in the northern Thai province of Chiang Rai with an exquisite architecture, strangely beautiful, with bright colours, and many statues. The temple combines a variety of styles from Thai and Burmese art, as well as from India. Walking into the temple somewhat feels like entering a colourful theme park, with almost every corner of the temple being decorated with some eye-catching attraction, such as pumpkin-shaped amalaka-like domes with golden spires, male and female giants, a majestic serpent staircase, and many other statues of various deities and mythological creatures. The temple is located along the main Phayao-Chiang Rai road on the western side, while on the opposite eastern side of the road are some large statues of war elephants with their respective mahouts and historical kings in battle dress, that also belong to the temple. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Hua Khoo (วัดหัวคู้)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Twisted Head’. Name of a Buddhist temple of the Mahanikaai Sect in Samut Prakan. READ ON.

Wat Hua Lampong (วัดหัวลำโพง)

Thai. Name of a third class royal temple in Bangkok's Bang Rak district and that dates from the early Rattanakosin period. READ ON.

Wat Intharawihaan (วัดอินทรวิหาร)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, which contains a 32-meter high standing Buddha image (fig.), known as Luang Pho Toh. READ ON.

Wat Jaeng (วัดแจ้ง)

Thai. ‘Temple of dawn’. Old name of, and synonym for Wat Arun. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

Wat Jong Kham (วัดจองคำ)

Thai. Name of a temple located on the bank of the Nong Jong Kham (หนองจองคำ) city lake in Mae Hong Son, adjacent to Wat Jong Klang (fig.). Both temples and their environment are a popular postcard picture (fig.) often used by the Tourism Authority of Thailand in their promotion of Thailand as a picturesque holiday destination. The temple was built in 1827 by Singha Nat Racha (fig.) as the first temple of Mae Hong Son and is in the Burmese-Thai Yai style. Between 1932 and 1936 the artisan Sla Po Tong Te-Chagomen (สล่าโพโต่ง เตชะโกเมนต์) built a wihaan with three facades to house a large Burmese style Buddha statue with a lap width of 4.85 meters and called Luang Pho Toh (หลวงพ่อโต). It is equal in size to Phra Sri Sakyamuni, the Phra prathaan or principal Buddha image in the royal wihaan of Wat Suthat in Bangkok and the oldest remaining Buddha image from the Sukhothai period. Also transcribed Wat Chong Kham. See MAP.

Wat Jong Klang (วัดจองกลาง)

Thai. Name of a temple in Burmese-Thai Yai style, located on the bank of the Nong Jong Kham (หนองจองคำ) city lake in Mae Hong Son, next to Wat Jong Kham (fig.). It is located in picturesque surroundings and often features, together with its neighbouring temple, in holiday brochures. The temple contains a wihaan that houses a gilded replica of the Sihing (สิหิงค์) Buddha image. It also has 33 wooden human and animal figures representing scenes from the Vessantara Jataka, carved by Burmese craftsmen and taken from Burma in 1857 AD. The temple also has stained-glass windows depicting scenes from the life of prince Siddhartha and once again from prince Wetsandorn, as well as the way of folk life in the past. According to a record they were made by Burmese artisans from Mandalay. Recently also a Bamboo Buddha, i.e. a style of Buddha image from Myanmar, has been added (fig.). Also transcribed Wat Chong Glang or similar. See MAP.

Wat Jong Mahkkaeng (วัดจองหมากแกง)

Thai-Shan. Former name of Wat Sri Boon Reuang, a temple in Mae Sariang, in Mae Hong Son province (fig.), in which the word mahkkaeng (หมากแกง) is a Shan word that means tamarind’ (in Thai called makhaam) and that refers to the fact that the temple grounds once used to have many tamarind trees.

Wat Jong Soong (วัดจองสูง)

Thai. Temple situated in the tambon Mae Sariang, in the homonymous amphur Mae Sariang, and in the province of Mae Hong Son. Like many temples in this region, it is built in a mixture of Burmese and Shan art styles. The temple compound is located in the centre of town and features several Shan-style chedi, as well as some wooden monastic buildings. The temple is located adjacent to Wat Sri Boon Reuang. Also transcribed Wat Jong Sung and alternatively known as Wat Utthayarom (วัดอุทธยารมณ์). See MAP.

Wat Kaew Phichit (วัดแก้วพิจิตร)

Thai. Name of the very first Buddhist temple of the Thammayut sect in Prachinburi. It was built in 1879 by a local millionaire. In 1918, Chao Phraya Aphaiphubet, a relative to the Bunnag family, had a new ubosot constructed, replacing the old building that was by then in disrepair. The new ordination hall has an architectural design of mixed styles of Thai, Chinese, Cambodian and European art.

Wat Kaew Korawarahm (วัดแก้วโกรวาราม)

Thai. Name of a third class Buddhist temple of royal rank in Krabi, situated on a hill in the heart of this coastal town. READ ON.

Wat Kanlayanamit Woramahawihaan (วัดกัลยาณมิตรวรมหาวิหาร)

Thai. Name of a first class Buddhist temple of royal rank, located on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River in Thonburi. READ ON.

Wat Ket Karam (วัดเกตการาม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, of which the main stupa houses a hair relic of the Buddha. READ ON.

Wat Ketu Madi Sri Warahrahm (วัดเกตุมดีศรีวราราม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Samut Sakon, which was built in 1963 AD and claims to have the tallest wihaan in the nation. READ ON.

Wat Khae (วัดแค)

Thai. Name of an old Buddhist temple in Suphanburi, whose name appears in the story of Khun Chang Khun Phaen. READ ON.

Wat Khao Bandai It (วัดเขาบันไดอิฐ)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Phetchaburi, which is located on  a 121 meter tall hill named Khao Bandai It, from which it gets its name. READ ON.

Wat Khao Cha Ngok (วัดเขาชะโงก)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple located on a mountain overlooking the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy or CRMA (fig.) in Nakhon Nayok Province, in Central Thailand. The temple consists of several attractions, such as a cliff with a mural of the Phra Phutthachai (พระพุทธฉาย) Buddha image wearing a brown robe and of which it is said to be in ‘various poses’ and named after a similar image painted on the wall of a cave at Wat Phra Phutthachai (fig.) in Saraburi; a waterfall; old overgrown jungle dwellings; a section with statues of various animals; statues of the protagonists from the Chinese epos Journey to the West, and some royal figures from Thai history; a hilltop shrine with statues of tigers and hermits, who are in Thai called reusi, as well as stunning panoramic views of the area, including the CRMA complex; and a mondop with the Buddhapada or ‘actual’ footprints of the Buddha, which is accessible by a long naga-staircase. Adjacent to the mondop is a large standing Buddha statue in a brown robe and in a standing pose crafted to resemble the mural of the Buddha on the cliff below. Whereas the waterfall is adjacent to the main temple area, the hilltop shrine and mondop are a good climb away from it, but in part accessible by a steep road that at times requires low gear use. Also transliterated Wat Khao Cha-ngohk. WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

Wat Khao Chom Thong (วัดเขาจอมทอง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple at the foot of Khao Chom Thong, i.e. the ‘Golden Peak Mountain’, which area is maintained by the temple, who also built the staircase that leads towards the summit and that opened on 21 August 2016. The mountain trail, that ascends one way and descends another, takes visitors through dense bamboo forest and steep cliffs with stunning views. Along it, several Buddha statues and a temple bell are erected. On the way up the path derives to a small grotto with a well, whilst on the way down the trail passes a lush rock face adorned with golden images of the Buddha, as well as some other characters from Buddhism. The temple and its mountain are located in Khonburi Tai (ครบุรีใต้), in Khonburi (ครบุรี) District of Nakhon Ratchasima Province. To its east and south, the summit overlooks the Moon/Mun Bon (มูลบน) Reservoir, on which fishermen have built traps and platforms with nets. On this lofty side of the mountain's peak is a cliff in the shape of a turtle's head. There are plans to built a Khmer-style sanctuary at the summit and in 2014 a foundation stone towards this goal was laid in a special ceremony, while a scale model of what the finished prasat-like building must look like is located in a hangar of the temple at the foot of the mountain. However, a decade later, construction on the —initially estimated— 20 million baht project, has yet to be commenced. Also known as Phu Chom Thong and sometimes transliterated Wat Khao Jom Thong. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (E).

Wat Khao Chong Chat (วัดเขาช่องชาด)

Thai. ‘Maroon Mountain Pass Temple’. Name of a rural Buddhist hill top temple in Udonthani province. It features a gilded naga-staircase that leads up to a giant white Buddha statue seated in the meditation pose, and with a third eye and an elongated golden flame on its head. The base of the statue is connected to the summit of the mountain it sits on by a pedestrian bridge. A nature trail further leads to the edge of the mountain's rock face, which is in fact the border with the neighbouring province of Nong Bua Lamphu. From here, visitors can enjoy some magnificent views of the valley below. The trail further leads down, away from the cliff edge, past a number of Buddha statues in various poses. Besides some dogs, domestic chickens and plenty of roosters, the temple also has some Lesser Whistling Ducks (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Khao Chong Krajok (วัดเขาช่องกระจก)

Thai. ‘Temple at the Mountain with the Hole Mirror’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Prachuap Khirikhan (fig.). Part of the temple is located on Khao Chong Krachok (เขาช่องกระจก), a mountain that overlooks Ao Noy or Ahw Noi (อ่าวน้อย), Ahw Manahw or Ao Manao (อ่าวมะนาว) and Ao/Ahw Prachuap (อ่าวประจวบ), i.e. the 'Small Bay', 'Lemon Bay' and the 'Bay of Prachuap', respectively. The name of the mountain means ‘Mt. Hole Mirror’ and is named after an opening in a side of the mountain in which the sea and sky seem to reflect, and which can be visited by either climbing some stairs, or by descending a steep ladder from its summit. At the summit large Thai letters read Meuang Sahm Ahw or Mueang Sam Ao (เมืองสามอ่าว), i.e. ‘City of Three Bays’, referring to the three aforementioned bays. On the seaside there is a cave that has a niche that can be used for meditation, whilst the grotto also features a statue of Kuan Yin (fig.), the Chinese goddess of mercy, as well as a gilded statue of Sun Wukong, i.e. the Monkey King, holding his magical golden staff (fig.) which can be used for measuring the depth of the sea water and for flood control by holding down the sea, thus causing the sea to be turbulent. At the cave is a glass balcony that offers stunning views from the area below. Both the temple and the mountain are also the home to a large group of macaques. Also transliterated Wat Khao Chong Krachok and officially known as Wat Thammikaram/Thammikarahm (วัดธรรมิการาม - fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Khao Din (วัดเขาดิน)

1. Thai. ‘Earth Mountain Temple’, ‘Earthen Mount Temple’, or ‘Temple [on the] Earth(en) Mountain’. Name of a Buddhist hill top temple in Bang Pakong District of Chachengsao Province. On the summit is a large stupa that in part doubles as a museum. The museum's inner walls are decorated with murals depicting the monarchs of the Chakri (fig.) Dynasty and some of their main accomplishments. At the back of the ordination hall or ubosot is a statue of King Taksin on horseback (fig.). There are also murals with scenes of episodes from the life of Buddha. The temple also has a small grotto and is home to some animals, such as several kinds of fish, turtles, chickens and cocks, dogs and cats, and some Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida meleagris). The temple has many statues, both secular and religious in nature, and indoor as well as outdoor. The religious statues are from various eastern religions, including Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. WATCH VIDEO (1), (2) and (3).

2. Thai. ‘Earth Mountain Temple’, ‘Earthen Mount Temple’, or ‘Temple [on the] Earth(en) Mountain’. Name of a Buddhist hillside temple located in Prahnburi (ปราณบุรี), a district of Prachuap Khirikhan Province. This notable cultural and religious site is renowned for its expansive grounds and tranquil ambiance. The temple offers a guided journey through various sacred spots, where visitors can pay respects to prominent Buddha statues and statues of revered Buddhist monks, including those of Luang Pho Toh Maha Phutta Kwak. The central attraction is the statue of Luang Pho Ong Dam, majestically situated in a serene pond with fish, inviting quiet contemplation. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (E).

Wat Khao Noi (วัดเขาน้อย)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist hill top temple in the seaside resort of Hua Hin (fig.), that features a 21 meter tall statue of the mendicant monk Phra Siwalih (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Khao Sanam Chai (วัดเขาสนามชัย)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist hill top temple just south of the seaside resort of Hua Hin. It features a Laotian-style pagoda that contains a bone relic of the Buddha known as Phra Boromma Sahrihrikathat. The temple is a famous meditation place and was established by the monk Phra Worawit Worathammo (พระวรวิทย์วรธมโม) with the intention to disseminate proper meditation practices according to the Tipitaka. The top of the mountain has several viewpoints that offer panoramas of the area, as well as of the nearby coastline and sea. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Khao Yoi (วัดเขาย้อย)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple at Khao Yoi (เขาย้อย), a rocky mountain in Phetchaburi Province. The temple has an adjacent school and is associated with the mountain after which it is named and that is home to several limestone caves. The temple hosts a modern staircase to the mountain's summit, that has a platform from which visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the area. Besides this, it also maintains an old path with stairs to two limestone grottos, the first one with several large halls and steep ladders and corridors that connect the various halls. The temple's ubosot is made of wood and features both wooden statues and carvings of bas-reliefs that depict scenes from Buddhism. The temple's compound is also home to a large group of macaques, as well as life-sized sculptures depicting monkeys from the Ramakien. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES, TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2) and (3), and WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2), and VIDEO (E).

Wat Khiriwan (วัดคีรีวัน)

Thai. ‘Wooded Mountain Temple’ or ‘Forested Hill Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Nakhon Nayok. The temple's main attraction is a Khmer-style prasat that houses a 1,000 year old Buddha image carved from a sacred bodhi tree (ton poh). The statue is seated in the naagprok pose and is known as Luang Pho Poh. The temple's mondop, located on the top of a hill, enshrines a replica of the Emerald Buddha, which weighs 1 ton and —akin to the genuine Emerald Buddha— is dressed in different attires according to the three seasons (fig.). These garments are decorated with real diamonds with a combined weight of 7 carat, as well as with over 2,000 genuine gems and rubies. See also khiri and wan.

Wat Khlong Suwannakhiri (วัดโขลงสุวรรณคีรี)

Thai. ‘Crowd of the Golden Mountain Temple’. Name of the ruins of a former Buddhist temple in Khu Bua, a tambon as well as an archaeological site in Ratchaburi. Its made of bricks on a laterite base. Overgrown with trees and enshrined on the temple's cement platform with wooden columns yet without a roof, three stone Buddha images were discovered, which were made in accordance with the iconographic style and characteristics of the early Ayutthaya period. Hence, it was initially assumed that the temple also dated to this period, though later evidence showed that the temple is much older and actually dates to the early Dvaravati period, i.e. from around the 6th century AD. Also transliterated Wat Klohng Suwankhiri or similar.

Wat Khong Khao (วัดโขงขาว)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple and study center in Chiang Mai's Hang Dong (หางดง) district. It is located on a large forested domain and features both a wihaan and an ubosot. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Khrua Khrae (วัดขัวแคร่)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Rai, which is also known as Wat Mangkhon Thawararahm (วัดมังคลถาวราราม), oftentimes transliterated Wat Mangkol Thawararam. This quiet temple features many nicely decorated buildings and its prayer hall houses a giant white Buddha image with dark crystal eyes, seated in the half lotus position and performing a dhammachakka mudra. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6), PANORAMA PICTURES (1) and (2), and MAP.

Wat Khuan Inthanin Ngam (วัดควนอินทนินงาม)

Thai. ‘Crowd of the Golden Mountain Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Trang, of which the ubosot has a roof that has been painted into the thong chaht, i.e. the National Tricolour of Thailand. READ ON.

Wat Khuan Khah Mah (วัดควรค่าม้า)

Thai. ‘Temple Worthy of a Horse’. Name of an ancient Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai. READ ON.

Wat Khunaram (วัดคุณาราม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple on Koh Samui (fig.), famous for the shrine of the so-called Mummy Monk, a glass box that contains the mummified remains of Luang Pho Daeng (fig.), a revered Buddhist monk who in 1973 died whilst meditating and who was consequently preserved in the samahti pose. The mummified monk was then put on display as a reminder of the transience of human existence.

Wat Klai Kangwon (วัดไกลกังวล)

Thai. ‘Temple Far From Worries’. Name of a Buddhist temple of the Mahanikaai sect in Chainat. READ ON.

Wat Kreun Kathin (วัดเกริ่นกฐิน)

Thai. ‘Temple that heralds kathin (laymen offering of monk's robes)’. Name of a countryside Buddhist temple complex in the Amphur Ban Mih (บ้านหมี่) of Lopburi Province. READ ON.

Wat Kumpha Pradit (วัดกุมภประดิษฐ์)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Artificial Pot’. Name of a picturesque Buddhist temple in the Amphur Mae Rim (แม่ริม) of the northern Thai province of Chiang Mai. READ ON.

Wat Ku Phra Kona (วัดกู่พระโกนา)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple located in the Amphur Suwannaphum in Roi Et Province and situated in a forest that includes rubber trees and which is abound with numerous macaques. READ ON.

Wat Lahm Chang (วัดล่ามช้าง)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Thetered Elephants’. Name of a Lan Na-style Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, located within the walls of the old city. READ ON.

Wat Lahn Boon (วัดลานบุญ)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple located along Khlong Prawet Burirom (fig.) in Laht Krabang (ลาดกระบัง), a khet or zone (city district) that belongs to Greater Bangkok and until 1972 had the status of an amphur or provincial district in the then still province of Minburi (มีนบุรี), which in 1931 was dissolved and incorporated into the capital Phra Nakhon (พระนคร) as an administrative subdivision, changing its status from an amphur or provincial district to a city district or zone known in Thai as a khet, together with Laht Krabang. Wat Lan Boon was established in 1897 and today covers an area of ​​21 rai, 2 ngan and 98 square wah, i.e. circa 3.4 hectares. It has a Chinese-style ubosot, as well as a wihaan that houses the Luang Pho Phet (หลวงพ่อเพชร) Buddha image. See also EXPLORER'S MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Lahn Kuat (วัดล้านขวด)

Thai. ‘Temple of a Million Bottles’. Buddhist temple complex located in the amphur Khun Hahn of Sri Saket province. This temple was constructed in 1981 and is decorated with innumerable glass bottles and bottle caps, that glitter and sparkle in the sunlight and were donated by the people. The majority of the empty bottles used in the construction of the temple are large-sized green or brown bear bottles, said to have been acquired during a major cleanup of the litter in the area. They are used in each and every building within the complex, including even the water tower, the monks quarters or kuti, bathrooms, and the crematorium or Phra Meru. It is also called Wat Maha Chedi Kaew, i.e. the ‘Temple of the Great Crystal (or Glass) Pagoda’ (fig.). It is sometimes referred to as a forest temple (wat pah). Also transcribed Wat Lan Kuat. See MAP.

Wat Laht Phrao (วัดลาดพร้าว)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Bangkok's Chokchai 4 area, located on Laht Phrao Wang Hin Road. READ ON.

Wat Laksi Raht Samohson (วัดหลักสี่ราษฎร์สโมสร)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple complex located along the Damnoen Saduak Canal in Samut Sakon. The highlight of the temple is the Luang Pho Toh Mahayana Park with a Mahayana-style Buddha image enshrined in a replica cliff, that totally surrounds the statue, giving it a cave-like appearance and from which —behind the Buddha image— a waterfall flows. On the inside of the surrounding cliff are several niche-like grottos with statues of characters from Buddhist folklore. The temple also has a large statue of Rahu and a unique giant reclining image of Kuan Yin, a large reclining Buddha, and a hall with an image of Bhumibalo (fig.), i.e. King Rama IX ordained as a monk and seated in the lotus position in front of a giant bodhi tree leaf (fig.), surrounded by statues of thepchumnum, i.e. angels or thevadas in phranommeua posture.

Wat Lan Kuat (วัดล้านขวด)

See Wat Lahn Kuat.

Wat Lat Phrao (วัดลาดพร้าว)

See Wat Laht Phrao.

Wat Leng Hok Yi (วัดเล่งฮกยี่, 龙福寺)

Thai-Tae Chew. ‘Buddhist temple (wat/yi) of the dragon (leng) of good fortune (hok, as in Hok Lok Siw)’. Name of a Chinese-style Mahayana Buddhist temple in Chachengsao. It is located in the tambon Ban Mai, about a kilometer from the city centre and is an extension of Wat Leng Ney Yi (วัดเล่งเน่ยยี่) in Bangkok. It was built in 1906 during the reign of King Rama V. When the latter visited the area in order to inaugurate the Bangkok-Chachengsao railway track, he gave the temple the Thai name Wat Jihn Pracha Samohson (วัดจีนประชาสโมสร), i.e. ‘Chinese Temple Citizens' Club’. Amongst the temples' buildings is a 7-storey pagoda. See MAP.

Wat Lohk Molih (วัดโลกโมฬี)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, located in the area just North of the old city moat. It was built in the first half of the 16th century, presumably by command of Phaya Meuang Kaew, who ruled the city from 1495 to 1526 AD. See also lohk and molih. Sometimes transcribed Wat Lok Molee. WATCH VIDEO and MAP.

Wat Lokayasutharam (วัดโลกยสุธาราม)

Thai. Name of an ancient Buddhist temple in Ayutthaya, which features a 42 meter long and 8 meter high outdoor reclining Buddha. Hence the temple is also referred to as Wat Phra Non, i.e. ‘Temple of the Reclining Buddha. It was presumably built somewhere between the later half of the early to middle Ayutthaya Period and was allegedly commissioned by Somdet Phra Nakhon Inthrathirat (14091424 AD), while some sources mention roughly the year 1452 AD as the date [of the completion?] of its construction. See MAP.

Wat Luang (วัดหลวง)

Thai. Another name for Phra Araam Luang, i.e. a Buddhist temple that a King or a member of the royal family had built or restored.

Wat Luang Phih Saem (วัดหลวงพี่แซม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chonburi. The compound features a modern and very stylish prayer hall and an artificial cave, set in a tranquil garden with streams and a waterfall. The grotto, referred to as Tham Phayanaag Phaya Muchalin (มุจลินทร์), i.e. the ‘Royal Naga King Muchalinda Cave’, houses various serpent-like naag or naga; reusi or hermits; a statue of Yom, the Vedic god of death; a statue of Ganesha holding a naga; several Buddha statues, and other edifices and images related to Buddhism, local folklore, and Thai history. The naga is, besides the guardian of the  Buddha and protector of the earthly waters, also the symbol of fertility, steadfastness, wealth and abundance, and being associated with water, it dwells in bodies of still and flowing water, as well as beneath the earth, where it guards minerals and gems. Hence, the cavern has a pool with a multi-headed naga, as well as a niche that holds a large treasure in the form of jewelry, gold and gems. In front of the wihaan is an immense bronze Buddha image seated on a lotus base which is supported by an overarching naga. Inside the ordination or prayer hall are several unique displays related to Buddhism and Thai history. On the porch in between the two entrance doors, is a bronze Buddha statue standing on Brahmanaspati (fig.), a composite animal known as Lord of the Jungle (fig.) which combines features of the animal mounts or vehicles of the three main Hindu gods, thus having the beak of Vishnu's Garuda, the horns of Shiva's bull, and the wings of Brahma's hamsa, i.e. a sacred swan, whilst this creature mounted by the Buddha, represents the ascendancy of Buddhism over Hinduism. On one inner wall are some framed stuccos of Vishnu seated on Garuda, who are known in Thai as Phra Narai and Krut respectively; of King Bhumiphon with his Mother, Princess Sri Nagarindra, the Queen Mother; and of the Buddha standing inside a coiled multi-headed naga whilst making an abhaya mudra, i.e. a hand position that symbolizes ‘fearless’, ‘calm’, ‘reassurance’ and ‘no fear’. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Mahaeyong (วัดมเหยงคณ์)

Thai-Singhalese. Name of an ancient Buddhist temple in Ayutthaya, which was built in 1438 AD and commissioned by King Borommarachathiraat II (1424–1448). READ ON.

Wat Mahawan (วัดมหาวัน)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai built in a mixture of Lan Na and Burmese styles. READ ON.

Wat Mahathat (วัดมหาธาตุ)

1. Thai. Name given to temples in Thailand that house a relic of the Buddha, hence temples with this name are found in many locations throughout the nation, e.g. in Ayutthaya (map - fig.), in Sukhothai (map), etc. See also that. See POSTAGE STAMP (1), (2), (3) and (4), TRAVEL PICTURE, THEMATIC STREET LIGHT, WATCH VIDEO, and VIDEO (E).

2. See Wat Mahathat Yuwaraja Rangsarit.

Wat Mahathat Wachiramongkhon (วัดมหาธาตุวชิรมงคล)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple complex in Krabi, which is also known as Wat Bang Thong. READ ON.

Wat Mahathat Wora Maha Wihaan (วัดมหาธาตุวรมหาวิหาร)

Thai. Name of a temple in Nakhon Sri Thammarat which is over a thousand years old, dating back to the Srivijaya period. READ ON.

Wat Mahathat Yuwaraja Rangsarit (วัดมหาธาตุยุวราชรังสฤษฎิ์)

Thai. Name of one of the few temples in Thailand that is bestowed with the highest possible royal title of Rajavora Maha Vihaan. READ ON.

Wat Meun Nah Som Phu Araam (ວັດໝື່ນນາ​ ຊົມພູອາຣາມ)

Thai. ‘Ten Thousand Fields Mountain View Temple’. Name of a picturesque Buddhist temple in the city of Luang Prabang, in northwestern Laos. It, i.e. the ‘Temple’, is situated on the plains or ‘Ten Thousand Fields’, with a view or ‘Mountain View’ on Mount Phousi, a towering hill (phu) in the city center of Luang Prabang (fig.), which also has a Buddhist temple (araam) at the top (fig.). The temple's name is also transliterated in various other ways, such as Vat Munna Somphouaram and Wat Mouanna Somphouaram, which can lead to some confusion. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Meun Toom (วัดหมื่นตูม)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Ten Thousand Buds’. Name of a small Lan Na-style Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, located within the walls of the old city, which features a striking front and entrance gate, decorated with mythological figures and animals from the mythical Himaphan Forest, as well as a garden with a sala-style shrine that houses a statue of Thao Wetsuwan. See also TRAVEL PICTURE and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Meun Toom

Wat Ming Meuang (วัดมิ่งเมือง)

1. Thai. ‘Temple of the Auspicious City’ or ‘Temple of the City's Cherished Possession’. Name of an important and prosperous Buddhist temple in the city of Chiang Rai. It is a former Thai Yai temple which was reportedly founded by Nang Ua Ming Jom Meuang (fig.), the mother of King Mengrai (fig.), and renovated by Chao Nang Talamae Sri (fig.), the wife of King Mengrai (fig.) and daughter of a Mon King from Hongsawadih. Hence the temple was under royal patronage. The temple's Burmese-style architecture and iconography are mixed in with local Lan Na-style, and houses a statue of King Mengrai seated besides his Queen. Sometimes transliterated Wat Ming Muang. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2) and (3), and WATCH VIDEO.

2. Thai. ‘Temple of the Auspicious City’ or ‘Temple of the City's Cherished Possession’. Name of a Buddhist temple in the city of Nan, known for its striking Lan Na architecture and intricate white stucco design. In front of it's ubosot is Nan's City Pillar Shrine (fig.), known locally as Sao Phra Lak Meuang Nan. The City Pillar was established in 1790 by Prince Atthaworn Panyoh (อัตถวรปัญโญ), the 57th ruler of Nan. The original pillar was a large golden teak structure with a diameter of about 60 centimeters and a height of about 3 meters, round in shape and its top was carved in the shape of a flower bud. The pillar embedded directly into the ground.  By the mid-19th century, the temple had been abandoned. Prince Ananta Woraritthidet (อนันต วรฤทธิเดช), the 62nd ruler of Nan, re-established the temple, naming it Sao Ming Meuang (เสามิ่งเมือง), after the city pillar. In 1963, a major flood caused the collapse of the city pillar due to erosion. The temple's devotees and local people collaborated to create a replica of the city pillar using bricks. In 1971, Dr. Sukit Chulanan (ดร. สุขิต จุลานันท์), the 27th governor of Nan Province, led the construction of a new pillar and a jaturamuk-style shrine. The original pillar was carved into the head of Brahma with four faces, each representing a different aspect, namely metta, karuna, mudita, and upekkha. In 1972, Princess Sri Nagarindra (fig.) had 84,000 small statues of Thao Wetsuwan (fig.) placed into the hole at the base of the city pillar. The following year, King Maha Vajiralongkorn (fig.), then still then Crown Prince, presided over the establishment ceremony. The ordination hall at Wat Ming Meuang was rebuilt in 1984 in the contemporary Lan Na style, featuring beautiful stucco patterns and murals depicting the local way of life. In the late 1990s, Princess Sirindhorn (fig.) visited the pillar twice. By the early 2000s, the shrine was in poor condition and was demolished. In 2005, a new shrine was constructed as a tribute to King Bhumipon Adunyadet (fig.). The construction, led by Mr. Saokaew Laodi (นายเสาแก้ว เลาดี), was completed in 2007. In February 2008, Princess Sirindhorn raised the spire of the shrine, marking its completion. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Muang Chum (วัดม่วงชุม)

Thai. Name of a rural temple in Kanchanaburi, that displays a glass casket with the body of the mummified monk Luang Poo Thiang (fig.), the former dean and abbot of this temple, as well as a kejih.

Wat Na Phra Men (วัดหน้าพระเมรุ)

Thai. A temple in Ayutthaya, located on the bank of the Chao Phraya River, to the North of the former palace. READ ON.

Wat Nawong (วัดนาวงศ์)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple, also known as Wat Pahng Kho, that is situated in the tambon Chedi Chai (เจดียชัย) of the ampheu Pua (ปัว), in Nan Province. This temple, constructed in the Lan Na style, is a magnificent structure made from golden teak. The temple is adorned with intricate gold decorations and features a three-tiered roof with a raised chofa, bird's head-like finial at either end of Buddhist temple roofs in Thailand. In front of the temple, there is a phayanaag serpent and a large singh lion statue. Inside, the temple houses a finely crafted Buddha image, which was enshrined to honour King Rama IX's 60th anniversary in 2006. This Buddha image was bestowed by King Bhumipon Adunyadet and is one of the nine Buddhist temples honoured by the monarch on this occasion, the number corresponding to his regnal title, Rama IX. The compound also has a pristine white stupa adorned with a golden pinnacle, golden ornaments, gilded Buddha statues, and depictions of the twelve animals of the Lan Na zodiac (fig.). In this zodiac, the elephant holds the position that the pig occupies in the more widely known Chinese zodiac (fig.). The four Buddha statues situated in niches at the upper part of the stupa, one on each of the four sides of this redented chedi (fig.), represent the four different standing images of the Phra prajam wan system. This system of personal worship in Thailand associates each day of the week with a Buddha image corresponding to the day one is born (fig.). The four statues, all in a standing pose, are: on the northeastern wall, a Buddha statue in the pahng tawaai naet (fig.) pose, representing Sunday; on the northwestern wall, a Buddha statue in the pahng um baat (fig.) pose, representing Wednesday; on the southwestern wall, a Buddha statue in the pahng ram peung (fig.) pose, representing Friday; and on the southeastern wall, a Buddha statue in the pahng hahm yaht (fig.) pose, representing Monday. The smaller Buddha statues in the niches at the base are all seated in the maravijaya pose, also known as bhumisparsa (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Naxao Sukharaam (ວັດນາຊາວສຸຂາຣາມ)

Lao. ‘Naxao Temple of Happiness or ‘Naxao Monastery of Well-being. Name a serene Theravada Buddhist temple located in the tranquil village of Naxao (ນາຊາວ) in Khwaeng Luang Pha Bang (ແຂວງຫຼວງພະບາງ), a province in northern Laos, approximately 27 kilometres from its capital city of the same name, Luang Pha Bang (ຫຼວງພະບາງ), commonly transcribed in English as Luang Prabang and formerly the capital of the Lan Xang or Lan Chang Kingdom. The temple features a Maha Bodhi-style pagoda (fig.), symbolizing the ‘Great Enlightenment’ or ‘Great Awakening’, modelled after the original stupa at Bodh Gaya in Bihar (बिहार) State, North India, where the Buddha attained Enlightenment or bodh, near the town of Gaya (गया). This pagoda, constructed in the sikhara-style (fig.), is a truncated pyramidal structure, typically topped with an amalaka (fig.), a circular, decorative, ribbed ornament found on the summit of northern-style Hindu temples, and crowned with a spire. Adjacent to this pagoda is an edifice featuring a raised platform with a rectangular pedestal supported by four pillars with lotus-shaped cornices (fig.). Atop this pedestal are two golden rocks, one stacked on the other, with the uppermost rock topped by a stupa, reminiscent of the Golden Rock (fig.) at Mount Kyaihtiyo (fig.) in Myanmar's Mon State. The outer walls of the temple's prayer hall are adorned with murals depicting stories from the life of the Buddha, as well as the Totsachat (ທົດສະຊາດ), representing the last ten incarnations or lives of the Buddha before his final birth as Prince Siddhartha. These murals are part of the Jataka tales, which narrate a total of 550 incarnations that every soul must undergo before achieving Buddhahood. Opposite this, there's a spacious assembly hall, accessible from the front via stairs flanked by guardian lions, or from the side through a ramp adorned with a naga balustrade. Inside, it features an altar with various Buddha statues, several large gongs, and an ornate gilded pavilion throne, referred to as a banlang kheuonthi (ບັນລັງເຄື່ອນທີ່), the Lao equivallent for the Thai busabok (fig.), which comprises a square, open structure intricately carved from wood, supported by four posts that uphold a tapering roof crowned with a spire. The term Sukharaam (ສຸຂາຣາມ) can be broken down into two parts: sukha (ສຸຂາ), which means ‘happiness’ or ‘well-being’, and aaraam (າຣາມ), which means ‘temple’ or ‘monastery’. So, Sukharaam essentially means ‘Temple of Happiness’ or ‘Monastery of Well-being’. Wat (ວັດ) is another word for ‘temple’ or ‘monastery’, and Naxao (ນາຊາວ) is the name of the village. The name of the temple may hence be translated to ‘Naxao Temple of Happiness’ or ‘Naxao Monastery of Well-being’. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (E).

Wat Neramit Wipatsanah (วัดเนรมิตวิปัสสนา)

Thai. ‘Temple of creative meditation or Enlightenment (wipatsanah)’. Name of a picturesque temple (fig.) located on a hillside near Phrathat Sri Song Rak in the amphur Dahn Saai (Dan Sai) in the Isaan province of Loei. Its gates, surrounding walls and buildings are constructed in laterite, giving the place an ancient, yet very natural look (fig.). It has a large ubosot (fig.) that is surrounded by a verdant garden with tropical plants and trees, and houses three replicas of the Phra Phutta Chinnarat Buddha image, a large one flanked by two smaller. The ubosot's roof is supported by large pillars that are painted black and decorated with golden kranok-style designs. Its interior also has several colourful murals and paintings, depicting both scenes from the chadok and the Buddha's life. The gable on the back of the ubosot has a detailed relief of monks out on thudong. On the left side of the bot is a mondop with a nicely adorned interior, dedicated to the late phra kruh Phawanawi Suttiyahn (ภาวนาวิสุทธิญาณ) and which houses a shrine, the coffin, a bronze statue and a wax figure of this venerated monk (fig.). Both its walls and ceiling are decorated with colourful angels and golden thepada. See MAP.

Wat Nikon Rangsarit (วัดนิกรรังสฤษดิ์)

Thai. Name of a rural Buddhist temple in the tambon Yan Ta Khao (ย่านตาขาว), located in the amphur of the same name, in Trang province, i.e. in southern Thailand. READ ON.

Wat Niwet Thammaprawat (วัดนิเวศน์ธรรมประวัติ)

Thai. ‘Temple Estate of the Dhamma Chronicles’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Bang Pa-in, cleverly disguised as a Gothic church, down to stained glass windows and the spiky eaves. It is located on a small island in the Chao Phraya River, opposite of the Bang Pa-in Summer Palace. The temple was built in 1878 on the orders of King Rama V. It is only accessible by boat or by a cable-car that goes across the river (fig.) and which is operated by the monks of the monastery. The temple garden also features an ancient sundial and several Buddha images. See MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Nong Nok Chum (วัดหนองนกชุม)

Thai. ‘Swamp Bird Community Temple’. Name of a quiet Buddhist countryside temple in the tambon Thung Sai (ทุ่งทราย) of Sai Thong Watthana (ทรายทองวัฒนา) district, in Kamphaeng Phet province. READ ON.

wat pah (วัดป่า)

Thai. ‘Forest temple’. Popular Thai name for temples in the jungle where monks stay to live and meditate in tranquility. Also known as aranyawasi and the practice of clergy dwelling in caves and forests is referred to as the Thai Forest Tradition, and was established by Phra Ajaan Man (fig.). Several forest temples have the suffix wanaram added to their name.

Wat Pah Daet (วัดป่าแดด)

Thai. ‘Sunlight Forest Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, yet not an aranyawasi-style forest temple, as the inclusion of wat pah in the name might suggest, but an ordinary Buddhist temple located in the amphur meuang of Chiang Mai. The temple has a large and striking wihaan, and features a mural that is depicted on a Thai postage stamp issued to commemorate the Thai Heritage Conservation Day in 2017 (fig.). Also transliterated Wat Pa Daed. See MAP.

Wat Pah Dong Rai (วัดป่าดงไร่)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Udonthani of which the ubosot is built in the form of a giant lotus and located in a small lake. It is fully known as Phutta Uthayaan Wat Pah Dong Rai (พุทธอุทยานวัดป่าดงไร่), i.e. ‘Jungle Farm Forest Temple Buddha Park’, yet is also referred to as Wat Pah Santi Wanaraam (วัดป่าสันติวนาราม), and nicknamed Lotus Temple. Initiated in 2003 and entirely funded by donations, it was completed only in early 2019 after a 16 year long period of construction. Its design is inspired by that of the Lotus Temple in Delhi, India (fig.). See also TRAVEL PICTURES and MAP.

Wat Pah Huai Laht (วัดป่าห้วยลาด)

Thai. Name of a large Buddhist forest temple in Phu Reua, in Loei province. It has a giant wihaan with a large white Buddha statue seated in the meditation pose, whilst the surrounding area features some unique sculptures. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Pah Khlong 11 (วัดป่าคลอง ๑๑)

Thai. ‘Canal 11 Forest Temple’. Name of a Buddhist wat pah or forest temple in Pathum Thani. READ ON.

Wat Pah Lahn Kuat (วัดป่าล้านขวด)

See Wat Lahn Kuat.

Wat Pahk Khao Sahn Tai (วัดปากข้าวสารใต้)

Thai. ‘Southern Pahk Khao Sahn Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Saraburi, named after the district in which it is located, namely Pahk Khao Sahn, with pahk meaning ‘mouth and khao sahn meaning polished rice’. To its north, there is another temple which is known as Wat Pahk Khao Sahn Neua (วัดปากข้าวสารเหนือ), i.e. ‘Northern Pahk Khao Sahn Temple’. Eye catcher at this temple are several statues of Thao Wetsuwan, a yak or giant guardian, here depicted with a red complexion, i.e. of Tavatimsa level and also referred to as Thao Wetsuwan Thepbut Sutthep (เทพบุตรสูติเทพ), and here labelled Thao Wetsuwannoh (ท้าวเวสสุวรรณโณ), as well as Yak Wat Tai (ยักษ์วัคโค้). Two statues of this giant flank one of the temple's entrances, and he is also erected in front of a building, where he is flanked on either side by statues of his attendant Phaya Purisat, a mythological creature depicted as a half-lion, half-giant-angel (fig.), a creature similar in appearance to the Burmese Manuthiha (fig.). On either side of this is a statue of a golden naga (fig.). See also PANORAMIC PICTURE.

Wat Pahk Nahm Choloh (วัดปากน้ำโจ้โล้)

Thai. ‘Choloh Estuary Temple’. Name of a temple in Chachengsao. READ ON.

Wat Pahk Nahm Phasi Chareun (วัดปากน้ำภาษีเจริญ)

Thai. ‘Phasi Chareun Estuary Temple’. Name of a royal temple in Bangkok's Phasi Chareun district. READ ON.

Wat Pahng Kho (วัดปางเคาะ)

See Wat Nawong.

Wat Pah Ratana Suwan (วัดป่ารัตนสุวรรณ)

Thai. Name of a small but neat forest temple located in Chiang Mai's Doi Lo (ดอยหล่อ) District. The temple is surrounded by longan trees, known in Thai as lamyai, whose fruits are picked and sold in order to finance the temple's material needs. The western name for both the tree and fruit derives from the Chinese longyan and literally means ‘dragon eyes’. Besides monks, dressed in safron coloured robes, the temple is also home to some Buddhist nuns and a couple of temple boys, who all wear white clothes. Also living on the compound are some dogs, some of whom have been given names of soft drinks, e.g. Cola, Sprite, etc. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Pah Ruak Tai (วัดป่ารวกใต้)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the vicinity of the Lao River in the northern province of Chiang Rai and of which the majority of the buildings are painted red. The temple has some well-maintained and neatly manicured gardens that surround many of the edifices, as well as some topiary sculptures (fig.) of which the bright green colours contrast nicely with the red walls. On the outside there is a topiary hedge in the form of rabbits and other animals, and whereas chickens roam feely in and around the compound, in the back of the temple complex are some cages with a special breed of chickens, a Black-collared Starling (fig.), and a couple of Talking Hill Mynas (fig.). Whereas no specific reason is given as to why the temple buildings are painted red, the colour is understood to be auspicious and in China it is symbol for good fortune and good luck, as well as for health, happiness, harmony, peace and prosperity, while it in general also represents loyalty and righteousness. In the thong chaht, i.e. the Thai national flag, the colour red represents the nation and its citizens. The temple's name means Southern Ruak Forest Temple, with Ruak being both the name of a species of small bamboo and the name of a river in Chiang Rai province. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Pariwaht Ratchasongkraam (วัดปริวาสราชสงคราม)

Thai. Name of a riverside Buddhist temple with an enclosing wall along the Chao Phraya in Bangkok, which features flamboyant mosaics and sculptures from various religions and cultures, international history and mythology, and even international idols from famous cartoons and pop-culture icons, as well as creatures of fantasy and imagination, all incorporated into typical Thai-style beautification. READ ON.

Wat Pah Sorayoh Ban Khum Din (วัดป่าโสรโยบ้านขุมดิน)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist forest temple in Khon Kaen Province, located on the main road to Chaiyaphum. It is situated on a large domain in a desolate wooded area and features a white and golden chedi, known as Phrathat Chedi Manja Khiri Sri Sorayoh (พระธาตุเจดีย์ มัญจาคีรีศรีโสรโย - fig.), that is built on a small hill. In the front center of the stupa, on the platform of the first level, is a bronze statue of the travelling monk Phra Siwalih. The balconies surrounding the higher levels of this pagoda offer panoramic views of the wider area. The main chapel, adjacent to the stupa yet separated by some bushes, consists of a simple sala-like open pavilion, but is enclosed with low brick walls that are decorated with bas-reliefs that depict major episodes from the life of the Buddha, as well as elephants, lotusses, and scenes of traditional village life. The temple's entrance along the main road has a multi-headed, naga-bridge and gate in auburn stone, reminiscent of those at Khmer-style temples in Cambodia. Since the chedi is located some 800 meters away from the main entrance of the temple and several dirt roads crisscross the domain, a Good Samaritan has put up a road sign with the English text ‘Go to J.D.’, with J.D. being a rather unique and somewhat funny spelling for chedi. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Pah Thamma Uthayaan (วัดป่าธรรมอุทยาน)

Thai. Name of a large but rather odd Buddhist forest temple in the northeastern Thai province of Khon Kaen. The temple is located on a large domain and has a mixture of religious and secular statues and edifices. Scattered throughout the forest in which the temple is located there are a number of spacious open-sided hangars. Each one has at its centre a large Buddhist item or a tall Buddha statue in a pose depicting one of the major scenes in the life of the Buddha, i.e. his birth, his Enlightenment, his demise, etc. One hall has a giant Wheel of Law, which represents the dharma, i.e. the teachings of the Buddha in Theravada Buddhism. Besides this, the temple features many items that appear to be somewhat out of place, such as statues of Kung Fu Panda, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Pokemon, Doremon, and the Hulk, as well as of protagonists from other famous cartoons. There are also plenty of statues and figurines of animals scattered all over the domain and many of the walkways are lined with replica trees that are decorated with colourful flowers, birds and other animals. Besides the many dogs, chickens and roosters, that dwell freely all over temple, there is also an enclosed animal section that houses carp, pheasants, rabbits, turtles and tortoises, and even an albino crocodile, that in front of its enclosure has a statue depicting a scene from the Thai love story Kraithong which features a giant crocodile called Chalawan (fig.). Whereas construction is still ongoing in some parts of the temple, including the building of a new stupa called Phra Maha Chedi Phutta Metta Luang, other parts of the temple seem rather neglected, with some edifices already having fallen in disrepair. Also transliterated Wat Pa Thamma Utthayan. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Pakung (วัดป่ากุง)

Thai. ‘Kung Forest Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple located in Sri Somdet (ศรีสมเด็จ) in Roi Et Province. It was originally an abandoned temple dating back to 1770 AD and was revived in 1953 by Phra Thep Wisut Mongkhon (พระเทพวิสุทธิมงคล), also known as Luang Poo Sri Maha Wihroh (ศรีมหาวีโร), a revered meditation master who led the faithful in re-establishing the temple under the name Wat Prachakom Wanaram (วัดประชาคมวนาราม), i.e. Wanaram Citizen's Temple. In 2007, in honour of Luang Poo Sri Maha Wihroh’s 90th birthday, following six decades of dedicated service to the Dharma, his disciples united to construct a sandstone pagoda at the temple. This pagoda, inspired by Luang Poo Sri Maha Wihroh’s visit to the Borobudur temple in Indonesia, is the first sandstone pagoda in Thailand. The octagonal pagoda, measuring 101 metres in both width and length to symbolize the province’s name, features four levels. Its exterior walls are adorned with intricate bas-relief carvings in yellow sandstone, featuring scenes of the Vessantara Jataka, the Buddha's final life in which he perfected generosity; the life story of the Buddha; and victory mantras. The top floor consists of  a circular wall with images of four significant pilgrimage sites for the Buddha's birth, his Enlightenment, first sermon, and his passing into nirvana. On top of this sits a central dome-shaped stupa crowned with a golden spire weighing 101 baht, again to symbolize the name Roi Et, which means ‘Hundred-and-One’, and which is equivalent to approximately 1.52 kilograms of pure gold. This main stupa is surrounded by eight, perforated, bell-shaped, subsidiary stupas, one for each of the corners of the octagonal structure and symbolizing the Eightfold Path of Buddhism. On the first floor is a staircase that gives access to a spacious hall within the main structure, which has two levels. The first level recounts the life of Luang Poo Sri Maha Wihroh, while the second level houses various relics, including those of the Buddha and Luang Poo Sri Maha Wihroh, who died in 2011. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (EN).

Wat Pathum Wanaraam Rachaworawihaan (วัดปทุมวนารามราชวรวิหาร)

Thai. ‘Royal Lotus Hall Abode Temple’. Name of a royal temple of the class Phra Araam Luang in Bangkok's Pathum Wan district. READ ON.

Wat Phah Nahmthip Thepprasit Wanaram (วัดผาน้ำทิพย์เทพประสิทธิ์วนาราม)

Thai. ‘Elixir of the Angelic Accomplishment Cliff Temple’. Name of a forest temple (wanaram) located on a huge 2,500 rai domain in Roi Et and featuring a pagoda known as Phra Maha Chedi Sri Chai Mongkhon (พระมหาเจดีย์ศรีชัยมงคล). With Roi Et meaning ‘Hundred-and-one’, the six-floor pagoda has the symbolic height of 101 meters and is at its base also 101 meters wide. It is furthermore built in an area of 101 rai, and enshrines the portraits of 101 monks of the past. The main pagoda is surrounded by 8 smaller pagodas, their number representing the Buddhist Eightfold Path, that Buddhism aims to spread in all cardinal directions, akin to the location of the smaller pagodas, , whereas each one house a look nimit (fig.), i.e. large round stones, normally buried in the ground and marking the boundary of the consecrated area of a Thai temple on which the main prayer hall is built, yet here still above ground, with the ninth ball that is normally buried in the centre of a prayer hall, here still on the ground floor of the pagoda . The top floor, which has a pinnacle of real gold that weighs around 60 kilograms, houses relics of the Buddha. Designed by the Fine Arts Department, construction on the temple started in 1985, and was still ongoing in 2023. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phai Rong Wua (วัดไผ่โรงวัว)

Thai. ‘Bamboo Shed Cow Temple’, a Buddhist temple in Suphanburi, named after the area in which it is located and originally a bamboo grove where local villagers brought their cattle to rest in the shadow whilst they were farming the fields. READ ON.

Wat Pathum Wongsawaht (วัดปทุมวงษาวาส)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the tambon Ko Wai (เกาะหวาย) of the amphur Pak Phli (ปากพลี) in Nakhon Nayok Province. It is an old temple associated with the Thai Phuan community, which are Laotian immigrants who settled in this area over 200 years ago. Most of this temple's buildings are painted pink. Its square features a statue of Luang Poo Thuad (fig.), a highly venerated Buddhist monk from the 16-17th century AD, seated on a giant pink lotus. The temple has an ubosot that is surrounded by bai sema (fig.), stone boundary markers at the eight cardinal points around a bot, that are erected on top of a capital of four lions, akin an Asoka Pillar (fig.), whilst at the front it has a large bronze statue of Rahu (fig.), the god of darkness and legless demon who causes the eclipses of the sun and moon. Adjacent to the temple square is another field with a building that on its roof has a giant statue of the Vedic god Indra seated on is mount, the three-headed White Elephant Erawan (fig.), as well as the Indian-style white Kusawadih (กุสาวดี) stupa, a white dome considered the highlight of this temple. It houses a relic of the Buddha which is also placed atop of an Asoka Pillar-like capital with four lions, carved from Indian jade. In front of this is a statue of a crowned Buddha and next to it lies a fortune stone, known in Thai as hin siang thai (หินเสี่ยงทาย), a heavy and rather large stones used to foretell if a wish will be granted or not, and in Myanmar hence known as oracle stones. Fortune seekers will rub the stone while making a wish, and then predict if the stone will feel either heavy or light when lifted. If the feel of it corresponds to their prediction, it is believed that their wish will be fulfilled. The ceiling of the dome has a bright painting depicting thevada or angels in heaven. Against the inner walls surrounding the relic are eighty gilded buddha-like statues, seated in meditation in the half lotus position, that is one for each year that the Buddha has lived on earth. The temple also has a building that is home to the Human Wisdom Center, known in Thai as  Soon Phumipanyah Manut (fig.). Also transliterated Wat Pathum Wongsawat. WATCH VIDEO, and VIDEO (E).

Wat Phah Bong (วัดผาบ่อง)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Pierced Cliff’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai located within the old city moats. The temple's compound features several interesting objects. READ ON.

Wat Phah Laht (วัดผาลาด)

Thai. ‘Cliff Slope Temple’ or ‘Monastery at the Sloping Rock’. Name for a ca. 500 year old Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, built on a forested mountain slope on Doi Suthep, adjacent to a small waterfall. Formerly, this spot was a resting place for people walking up to worship the reliquary at mountain top monastery of Wat Doi Suthep (fig.). When Kruh Bah Sri Wichai (fig.) from 1934 to 1935 built the road up Doi Suthep, the local workers for their input are said to have reached the third stage of spiritual development, known as anagami, the last stage before becoming an arahan, which is the final stage before reaching buddhahood. The place later developed into a dwelling place for monks and was named Wat Sagitaka (วัดสกิทาคา), sometimes referred to as Wat Sagitakami (วัดสกิทาคามี), after the second stage of the four stages of Enlightenment in Buddhism, known as sakadagami. See also TRAVEL PICTURE (1) and (2), and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phanan Choeng (วัดพนัญเชิง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Ayutthaya. READ ON.

Wat Phet Samut Worawihaan (วัดเพชรสมุทรวรวิหาร)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Jewel of the Ocean’. Name of a royal Buddhist temple located along the Mae Klong River in Samut Songkhram Province. READ ON.

Wat Phitchaya Yahtikarahm Worawihaan (วัดพิชยญาติการามวรวิหาร)

Thai. Name of a royal Buddhist temple in Bangkok's Thonburi District. READ ON.

Wat Phnom (វត្តភ្នំ)

Khmer. ‘Hill Pagoda’ or ‘Mountain Temple’. Name of a temple on a 27 meter tall hill, called phnom in Khmer, and built by a wealthy lady, called Penh (fig.). It is located in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, which derives its name from this place. Statues of lady Penh can today be found in and around Wat Phnom (fig.). See also wat and MAP.

Wat Phohn Chai (วัดโพนชัย)

Thai. ‘Victory Hill Temple’ or ‘Temple on the Mound of Victory’. Name of a Buddhist temple in the district Dan Sai/Dahn Saai (ด่านซ้าย) of Loei Province. The temple's compound is home to Phiphithaphan Phi Tah Khohn, i.e. the ‘Phi Tah Khohn Museum’ (map - fig.), which displays a variety of items related to this annual festival of ghosts known as Phi Tah Khohn (fig.). The main prayer hall of this local village temple houses the principal Buddha statue and its upper walls are decorated with cartoon-like murals in bright colours, depicting scenes from the Totsachat, i.e. the stories about the last ten chaht or lives of the Buddha before his final birth as Prince Siddhartha. See also EXPLORER'S MAP, and WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

Wat Phothisat Banpotnimit (วัดโพธิสัตว์บรรพตนิมิต)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Kanchanaburi Province, that features a mixtures of iconographic styles from both Mahayaan or Mahayana Buddhism and Therawaht or Theravada Buddhism, as well as influences from Lan Na and Burmese architecture. On the temple domain are also statues of the late 16th to early 17th Century King Naresuan (fig.) of Ayutthaya; and of the 7th Century Queen Chamadevi (fig.) of Lopburi, the legendary first ruler of the Mon city of Haripunchai, then part of the Dvaravati Kingdom. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phra Borommathat Chediyaram (วัดพระบรมธาตุเจดียาราม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Kamphaeng Phet, situated on the west side of the Ping river. READ ON.

Wat Phra Chetuphon (วัดพระเชตุพน)

See Wat Poh.

Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimon Mangkhalaraam (วัดพระเชตุพนวิมลมังคลาราม)

See Wat Poh.

Wat Phra Dhammakaya (วัดพระธรรมกาย)

See Wat Phra Thamma Kaay.

Wat Phra Kaew (วัดพระแก้ว)

1. Thai. ‘Temple of the Jewelled Buddha’. The most important temple in Bangkok and Thailand, housing the Emerald Buddha (map - fig.). It is a royal temple without a Sanghavasa, built next to the old royal palace Phra Rachawang in Phra Nakhon (fig.). The inner walls of the gallery that encloses the temple have elaborate murals depicting the complete story of the Ramakien. They were initially painted during the rule of Rama I, but restored several times afterwards. The temple is much publicized. The main pagoda and the outer wall is shown on the one baht coin (fig), as well as on several Thai postage stamps (fig.), the mondop and a mural are depicted on the 2nd Series of the 2008 Amazing Thailand postage stamps (fig.), while the gilded Chinese-style portal guardians carved on the wooden door panels of the Southern Porch (fig.) feature on a Thai postage stamp issued in 2008 (fig.), and its belfry, i.e. the ho rakhang (map - fig.), was printed on a postage stamp in 1967 (fig.). The temple's official name is Wat Phra Sr Rattana Sahtsadahrahm. See also PANORAMA PICTURE, LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES, and MAP.

2. Thai. ‘Temple of the Jewelled Buddha’. Name of the temple in Chiang Rai that initially possessed the Emerald Buddha. The Buddha image was discovered in 1434 when lightning struck the temple's octagonal chedi revealing the statue. The current temple complex consists of several edifices. The ubosot, i.e. the main prayer hall, is home to Phra Chao Lan Thong, i.e. a bronze Buddha image seated in the maravijaya pose. When the original Emerald Buddha was removed and housed in Wat Phra Sr Rattana Sahtsadahrahm in Bangkok (fig.), the temple produced a replica (fig.), which is also known as Phra Yok Chiang Rai, i.e. the Chiang Rai Jade Buddha Image. Today, it not enshrined in a stupa but on display in a small, elevated, Lan Na-style building in the back of the temple complex. The complex also has a museum, in Thai fully known as Phiphithaphan Hohng Luang Saeng Kaew (พิพิธภัณฑ์โฮงหลวงแสงแก้ว), literally the ‘Principal Palace of the Shining Crystal Museum’, yet in English usually referred to as Saeng Kaew Museum (map - fig.), which focuses on the history and development of Wat Phra Kaew, with ample displays of Buddhist and Lan Na artifacts. The original name of the temple was Wat Pa Yia, a local dialect meaning ‘bamboo forest temple’. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2) and (3), MAP, and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phra Kaew, Chiang Rai

3. Thai. ‘Temple of the Jewelled Buddha’. Name of a temple in Kamphaeng Phet adjacent  to a former royal palace. Many of the Buddha images in this temple are now tarnished by weather conditions and corroded by the ravages of time, but are because of this even more impressive.

4. Thai. ‘Temple of the Jewelled Buddha’. Name of a hilltop temple at Phra Nakhon Khiri Historical Park, in Phetchaburi. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

Wat Phra Kaew Don Tao (วัดพระแก้วดอนเต้า)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Jeweled Buddha on the highland of palm fruits’. Name of a temple in Lampang that was built by order of King Anantayot and where between 1436 and 1468 the Emerald Buddha was housed. Legend tells that a senior monk of the temple one day found an emerald stone in a watermelon which he had carved into a precious Buddha image. A watermelon in Northern-Thai dialect is called ‘mahk tao’, hence the etymological origin of the temple's name (map - fig.). The temple architecture is a mixture of styles and influences from Haripunchai, Burma and modern Thailand, with images and art in Mandalay and Lan Na styles, among others. The temple also has a building known as Wihaan Phra Phutta Sayait that is home to an ancient reclining Buddha statue believed to date to the 7th century, when the temple was first built. See also EXPLORER'S MAP, and WATCH VIDEO (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6).

Wat Phra Non (วัดพระนอน)

1. Thai. ‘Temple of the reclining Buddha’. Buddhist temple at the foot of the hilltop temple Wat Phrathat Doi Kong Moo (fig.) in the amphur meuang of Mae Hong Son. It houses a 12 meter long reclining Buddha image in Thai Yai style which was cast in 1875 AD, commissioned by the wife of Singha Nat Racha, the city's first ruler (fig.). The temple also features a herbal garden and in the yard behind the temple's wihaan is a naga-staircase leading to a Shan style Buddha image, seated in the bhumisparsa pose (fig.). See MAP.

2. Thai. ‘Temple of the reclining Buddha’. Buddhist temple in Kamphaeng Phet.

3. Thai. ‘Temple of the reclining Buddha’. Another name for Wat Lokayasutharam, a Buddhist temple in Ayutthaya (fig.).

Wat Phra Non Chaksi (วัดพระนอนจักรสีห์)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Chaksi reclining Buddha’. Buddhist temple in Singburi. READ ON.

Wat Phra Non Chaksi Worawihaan (วัดพระนอนจักรสีห์วรวิหาร)

See Wat Phra Non Chaksi.

Wat Phra Phai Luang (วัดพระพายหลวง)

Thai. Name of a large and important temple complex in the northern section of Sukhothai Historical Park, which was likely constructed during the reign of the Khmer King Jayavarman VII. READ ON.

Wat Phra Phut Sri Wilai (วัดพระพุทธศรีวิไล)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Brave Buddha’ or ‘Temple of the Beautiful Buddha’. Name of a Thai-Chinese Buddhist temple in Samut Prakan. READ ON.

Wat Phra phuttabaht (วัดพระพุทธบาท)

Thai. Temple in the province of Saraburi that houses a Phraphuttabaht, i.e. a footprint of the Buddha, in a small nicely decorated mondop. This giant footprint was discovered during the rule of King Song Tham (1610-1628) and bears the 108 auspicious signs of a buddha. The temple is one of the only few throughout Thailand conferred with the highest royal title Rajavora Maha Vihaan and as one of nation's landmarks, a scale model of the iconic mondop earned itself a spot (map - fig.) in Mini Siam in North Pattaya (fig.). It is also the location of the annual Flower Offering Ceremony during the Tak Baat Dokmai Festival, in which devotees offer the clergy Weeping Goldsmith flowers (fig.), in Thai called dok khao phansa, literally ‘entering Buddhist Lent flowers’. Also transliterated Wat Phra phuttabaat. See also POSTAGE STAMPS (1), (2) and (3), as well as MAP.

Wat Phraphuttabaht Poo Pha Daeng (วัดพระพุทธบาทปู่ผาแดง)

Thai. ‘Grandfather Pha Daeng's Temple of the Lord Buddha's Footprint’. Former name of Wat Chaleum Phrakiat Phrachomklao Rachanuson, a stunning hilltop temple in Lampang province. See also wat, Phraphuttabaht, poo, and Pha Daeng.

Wat Phra Phutthachai (วัดพระพุทธฉาย)

Thai. Name of a Theravada Buddhist temple in Saraburi that features a cave-like cliff that has a mural of Phra Phutthachai (พระพุทธฉาย), a Buddha image wearing a brown robe and of which it is said to be in ‘various poses’. The Buddha image is painted on a stone slab that sits on a ridge. There are also some prehistoric drawings at the base of the cliff, including lines of animals with lines resembling a deer. Near the entrance to this Buddha image, a human-like figure as well as some pictograms were found, similar to the circa 3,000 years old prehistoric paintings that were previously discovered at Pha Taem National Park (fig.) in Ubon Ratchathani Province. On top of the hill, also a footprint of the Buddha was found, which appears as an imprint in the exposed bedrock. At the bottom of the staircase that leads to the mondop with the Buddhapada or Phraphuttabaht, there often are macaques hanging around that belong to a large group that lives in the surrounding forest. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phraphuttha Saengtham (วัดพระพุทธแสงธรรม)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Light of the Lord Buddha's Dhamma (Law)’. Name of a large Buddhist temple complex in Saraburi, set on 300 rai of land, i.e. ca. 48 hectares. Its name is symbolized in the temple's shiny mushroom-shaped hall, that houses a giant Buddha statue seated in the lotus position whilst making a dhammachakka mudra, a pose also known as pahng pathom thetsanah which symbolizes the Buddha's first public discourse of his doctrine and that was given to five ascetics at Mrigadava, a deer park in Sarnath, hence the depictions of two deer and the five panjawakkih at the base of the statue. Uniquely, the temple's ubosot is marked with bai sema on top of the capital of an Asoka Pillar, i.e. four lions perched on a circular platform that rests on an inverted lotus flower. The Phra prathaan or principal Buddha image at the temple's ubosot is seated in the half lotus position and is depicted with a varada mudra, indicating the ‘granting of a wish’. In a corner of the compound is a garden with a statue of Kuan Yin, the Chinese goddess of mercy, flanked by her two most loyal disciples, i.e. Golden Boy and Jade Girl. The entrance of the path to this garden has two Imperial Guardian Lions, whilst the end of the path is flanked by a Bi Xie on either side, a fierce but auspicious creature from Chinese mythology that resembles a winged lion. WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

Wat Phra Prang Muni (วัดพระปรางค์มุนี)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Hermit's Stupa’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Singburi. READ ON.

Wat Phra Singh (วัดพระสิงห์)

1. Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the city of Chiang Rai, that houses a replica of the original Phra Phutta Sihing Buddha statue, which is also known as Phra Singh (fig.) and from which the temple got its name. Phra Singh was brought from Kamphaeng Phet to Chiang Mai by Thao Maha Phrom (มหาพรหม), the ruler of Chiang Rai and the younger brother of Phaya Keua Nah (fig.), the eight king of the Mengrai Dynasty who ruled the ninth reign of the northern kingdom of Lan Na from 1355 to 1385. When the latter later ordered the sanctum where Phra Singh was enshrined to be rebuilt, Thao Maha Phrom requested for the Buddha statue to be brought to Chiang Rai in order to have a replica made at Koh Don Thaen (เกาะดอนแท่น), an island in the Mekhong River near Chiang Saen, with the aim to enshrine it in Chiang Rai's Wihaan Luang. After the death of Phaya Keua Nah, his son Phaya Saen Meuang Ma (fig.) succeeded his father as the new ruler of Lan Na. Jealous of Phaya Saen Meuang Ma's accession to the throne, Thao Maha Phrom attacked Chiang Mai, but was captured by Phaya Saen Meuang Ma. Consequently, Phra Singh was ordered to be returned to Chiang Mai, where it has been enshrined in Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihaan ever since, whilst the replica of Phra Singh (fig.) that Thao Maha Phrom had commissioned was later enshrined in Wat Phra Singh in Chiang Rai, where it remains to this day.

2. Thai. Short name for Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihaan.

Wat Phra Singh Woramahawihaan (วัดพระสิงห์วรมหาวิหาร)

Thai. Full name and title of a first class Royal temple (Woramahawihaan) in the city of Chiang Mai, built in 1345 AD by command of Phaya Phayu (fig.), the seventh king (1337-1355) of the Mengrai Dynasty (eight reign), to house the ashes of his father Phaya Kham Fu (1328-1337). It is an important Buddhist monastery, accommodating about 700 monks and novices, as well as the ancient Phra Singh (fig.) or ‘Lion Buddha’, a Buddha statue in Singhalese style after which the temple is named and that is housed in a small wihaan with antique murals. This Buddha image was installed in this temple in 1367 and is one of three Buddha statues in Thailand, that are claimed to be the Phra Phutta Sihing. The temple's main chedi, which was originally white and with a supporting White Elephant on each side of the square base, was eventually completely gilded, including the elephants and the smaller surrounding stupas. The temple is usually referred to by its abbreviated name, without the royal title, i.e. Wat Phra Singh. See also MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phra Shiva Jao (วัดพระศิวะเจ้า)

Thai. Another name for Wat Phra Siwa Chao.

Wat Phra Siwa Chao (วัดพระศิวะเจ้า)

Thai. ‘Lord Shiva Temple’. Name of a Thai Hindu sanctuary in Bangkok, also known as samahkhom tantra, i.e. the ‘Tantra Association’ or ‘Tantra Society’. READ ON.

Wat Phra Sri (วัดพระศรี)

Thai. Popular name for Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat in Phitsanulok.

Wat Phra Sri Maha Uma Devi (วัดพระศรีมหาอุมาเทวี)

Name of an temple in Bangkok which is commonly nicknamed Wat Kaek Silom, the ‘Indian Temple of Silom’ and devoted to the goddess Uma. It was built in the Rattanakosin period, around 1879 by a group of Indian people who lived in Bangkok and purchased a plot of land on Silom Road where they initially built a small sala named Sala Sri Mari Amman. It was looked after by a group of Indian Tamils who introduced their culture here, as they did in other parts of Asia. Later, Indian settlers who lived in Bangkok contributed in building the temple and in installing the principal image of the goddess Uma in the ubosot, in addition to images of many other Hindu deities, some imported from India. Annually the temple holds the ancient festival of Navaratri (Dushera), a festival dating from Vedic times and in which rituals are performed worshipping Uma as well as other deities (fig.). The festival continues for ten days and nine nights, and on the last day ends with the feast of Vijayadazaami in which images of different forms of the goddess Uma, such as Kali and other deities, such as Kanthakumara, are carried around in a chariot procession, outside the temple (fig.). See MAP.

Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat (วัดพระศรีรัตนมหาธาตุ)

1. Thai. Important temple in Phitsanulok that houses the Phra Phutta Chinnarat Buddha image (fig.). Abbreviated the temple is called Wat Phra Sri (วัดพระศรี), but it is also referred to as Wat Yai (วัดใหญ่). Besides housing one of the country's most revered Buddha images, the temple's pagoda contains a relic of the Buddha, hence the word Mahathat in its name. See MAP, TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), POSTAGE STAMPS (1) and (2), and WATCH VIDEO.

2. Thai. Name of a temple at Meuang Chaliang (เชลียง), i.e. the former name of Meuang Sri Satchanalai, in present-day Sri Satchanalai Historical Park, in Sukhothai Province, and which is depicted on a Thai postage stamp as part of a set of four stamps, issued in 1993 to mark the annual Thai Heritage Conservation Day and to promote the Sri Satchanalai Historical Park (fig.).

3. Thai. Name of a temple in Lopburi.

4. Thai. Name of a temple in Suphanburi (fig.).

Wat Phra Sri Rattana Sahtsadahrahm (วัดพระศรีรัตนศาสดาราม)

The official Thai name of Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok.

Wat Phra Sri Sanphet (วัดพระศรีสรรเพชญ์)

Thai. The remains of a royal temple in Ayutthaya with three distinctive chedis. READ ON.

Wat Phra Thamma Kaay (วัดพระธรรมกาย)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Pathum Thani, located in the tambon Khlong Sahm of the amphur Khlong Luang. READ ON.

Wat Phrathat Chaiyaphum (วัดพระธาตุ​ชัยภูมิ)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist stupa in Chaiyaphum,, officially known as Phra Mahathat Ratchamongkhon Chedi Sirichaiyaphum (พระมหาธาตุรัชมงคลเจดีย์สิริชัยภูมิ), and located at Wat Arun Thammasathan (วัดอรุณธรรมสถาน). The chedi, which enshrines relics of the Buddha, is positioned on the hilltop of Phu Laen Kha (ภูแลนคา) and is notable for its blend of Lan Na and Lan Xang architectural styles. The site features a white pagoda topped with gold, surrounded by niches containing Buddha images facing the four cardinal directions. The temple complex is also a center for meditation, offering a peaceful, natural setting that attracts practitioners. Visitors can access the chedi via a naga staircase adorned with intricate stucco designs, leading to a panoramic viewpoint overlooking the area. Additional structures include a chapel with Buddha images from various historical styles, enhancing the site's cultural and artistic significance. A monument dedicated to Phraya Phakdi Chumphon (fig.), the founder of Chaiyaphum, is also located on the grounds. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (EN).

Wat Phrathat Cho Hae (วัดพระธาตุช่อแฮ)

Thai. A well-known place of pilgrimage about 10 kms from the city centre of Phrae, where worshippers wrapped a satin cloth named Cho Hae, around the 33 meters high gilded chedi (fig.). This satin fabric, after which the temple is named, is believed to have come from Sipsongpannah. See MAP.

Wat Phrathat Chomsak (วัดพระธาตุจอมสัก)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist hilltop temple on the outskirts of the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai, overlooking the rice paddies of the district or tambon of Ban Duh (บ้านดู่). At its foot there is a statue of Mae Phra Thoranee (fig.), the mother or goddess of the earth, who appears as a witness of the Buddha's accumulated merits from earlier lives, just before the moment of his Enlightenment, and here depicted wringing water from her long black hair, thus aiding Siddhartha, i.e. the bodhisattva or buddha-to-be, in his resistance against Mara (fig.), i.e. the Evil One, by flushing his army of spirits away and saving the Buddha from the temptation of desire. A triple staircase, flanked by four nagamakara (fig.) balustrades, leads to a platform at the summit, as well as to an entrance of the temple. Located outside the temple's surrounding outer wall and also overlooking the valley below are two statues of senior monks with the title of kruh bah, i.e. Kruh Bah Khamlah Sangwaroh (ครูบาคําหล้า สังวโร) and Kruh Bah Inthah Suthontoh (ครูบาอินถา สุทนฺโต). The ceiling of a sala-like edifice in front of the temple's main stupa is decorated with paintings depicting scenes from the life of the Buddha, whereas the ceiling of the pitched roof at the front features some religious drawings with geometric and magical diagrams called yantra, with written texts in ancient script, some depictions of deities, as well as of animals, some of which also appear on vertical thong kathin banners (fig.), such as a turtle, which is known as tao and represents consciousness; a fish which is called matcha (มัจฉา) and symbolizes doubt; a centipede in Thai called takaab which symbolizes anger; and a crocodile, known as jorakae, with lotus flowers in its mouth and here representing greed. In the top corners on either side of this ceiling is on the left a depiction of a peacock and on the right a rabbit, which are symbols of the moon and the sun, that if depicted together (fig.) stand symbol for Enlightenment (fig.), akin to the Chinese characters for sun and moon, i.e. ri () and yue (), that when placed together as ming (), become to mean ‘bright’, ‘clear’, or ‘to understand’. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phrathat Doi Chom Thong (วัดพระธาตุดอยจอมทอง)

Thai. Name of a hilltop temple in the city of Chiang Rai. The temple predates the city and according to folklore Poh Khun Mengrai (fig.) first came upon this solitary hill on the banks of the Kok River (fig.) when he was following an elephant that had wandered off. The location was then the site of a stupa, that according to chronicles of the Yonok Kingdom, an early legendary kingdom in present-day Northern Thailand that probably existed several hundred years before ancient Chiang Saen (fig.), was built in 940 AD by Phaya Reuan Kaew (เรือนแก้ว), the then ruler of Chai Narai (ไชยนารายณ์), i.e. the area of today's Wiang Chai (เวียงชัย) District, in order to house relics of the Buddha, that were acquired from a Sinhalese monk by Phaya Phangkaraat (พังคราช) a ruler of Yonok, who divided them into three parts, and had each enshrined in a separate stupa, at three different temples, namely Wat Phrathat Doi Chom Thong, Wat Phrathat Doi Tung (fig.), and Wat Phrathat Chomkitti (วัดพระธาตุจอมกิตติ). King Mengrai so liked the area of Wat Phrathat Doi Chom Thong that he in 1260 founded the city of Chiang Rai near its location. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phrathat Doi Kong Moo (วัดพระธาตุดอยกองมู)

Thai. A hilltop temple in the amphur meuang of Mae Hong Son. READ ON.

Wat Phrathat Doi Kham (วัดพระธาตุดอยคำ)

Thai. ‘Buddha's Relic Golden Mount Temple’. Name of a hilltop temple located on the outskirts of Chiang Mai city. At the foot of the mountain on which it is located, along the road that leads to the summit, is a shrine dedicated Puh Sae Yah Sae (ปู่แสะ ย่าแสะ), the guardian spirits of Chiang Mai (fig.), who together with their son, Sudeva Rikshi or Suthep Reusi (สุเทพฤาษี), wander the slopes of Doi Suthep, where they are attended by six lesser spirits. Since they are legendary associated with a story about buffalo sacrifice, the shrine is scattered with edifices of Water Buffalo, including a life-sized statue of both a dark buffalo and an albino buffalo. In between the two is a statue of the hermit Suthep Reusi. The temple itself has more than 1,300 years of history, believed to be built in circa 687 AD to enshrine Buddha's relics. Its golden chedi is somewhat reminiscent of that of of Wat Doi Suthep (fig.). The area in front of the main wihaan, as well as the temple's balcony, feature several large outdoor Buddha statues, including a reclining Buddha. The spacious balcony overlooks the area below and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and the valley. Traditionally, believers come here to offer white jasmine flowers, especially as a kind of kaebon after their earlier wishes have come true. The wall along the main road towards the temple has a huge painting of the gods and demons Churning the Ocean of Milk. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phrathat Doi Khao Kwai Kaew (วัดพระธาตุดอยเขาควายแก้ว)

Thai. Name of a hilltop Buddhist temple on the outskirts of the city of Chiang Rai and that is associated with the story of Sih Hoo Hah Tah (fig.), a local legendary creature with four ears and five eyes, that eats red-hot charcoal, which it defecates as pure gold. According to the legend, the creature was thought to be the incarnation of the father of a boy called Ai Thuk Khata (อ้ายทุกคตะ), who had caught the animal and later married Simah (สีมา) the royal daughter of Phaya Phanthumatiraat (fig.). When the latter died, his ashes were enshrined in this temple, that was reportedly specially built for this event, and as his son-in-law, Ai Thuk Khata became the king's successor. On the western flank of the hill is a platform with a balcony that can be reached by a flower-tunnel and that gives access to a small cave that contains charcoaled wood that is used to feed this local mythological creature, and which is offered to the animal in small braziers called tao tahn, i.e. ‘charcoal stoves’ (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phrathat Doi Saket (วัดพระธาตุดอยสะเก็ด)

Thai. Name of a hilltop temple located in Chiang Mai province. READ ON.

Wat Phrathat Doi Tung (วัดพระธาตุดอยตุง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Rai province, located on Doi Tung mountain, to the Northwest of the town, near the Burmese border and reportedly built in 911 AD by King Achutarat of Chiang Saen. READ ON.

Wat Phrathat Doi Wao (วัดพระธาตุดอยเวา)

Thai. Name of Thailand's northernmost Buddhist temple, located in Mae Sai District (fig.) of Chiang Rai Province, on a hill named Doi Wao and overlooking the border town of Tachileik in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phrathat Haripunchai (วัดพระธาตุหริภุญชัย)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Lamphun. READ ON.

Wat Phrathat Lampang Luang (วัดพระธาตุลำปางหลวง)

Thai. Name of a temple in Lampang with an enclosing wall in Lan Na style. READ ON.

Wat Phrathat Phanom Woramahawihaan (วัดพระธาตุพนมวรมหาวิหาร)

Thai. Name of a revered temple in Nakhon Phanom, with a distinct stupa in Laotian style. READ ON.

Wat Phrathat Pha Son Kaew (วัดพระธาตุผาซ่อนแก้ว)

Thai. ‘Temple on the Hidden Glass Cliff’ or ‘Stashed Chrystal Cliff Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple hidden away high up in the hills of Phetchabun, at an elevation of about 830 meters above sea level. The temple features a gilded stupa in the form of a lotus bud (fig.) and a wihaan which is topped by a collection of five ice-white Buddha images of increasing heights. They are nested on the wihaan's roof and arranged in a row, with the largest one, seated in the back, being a crowned Buddha. The images are all seated in the pahng samahti or meditation pose, also known as dhyani, on a lotus base and overlooking the valley. Though their meaning remains unclear, it is presumed that they may represent either the Five Great Buddhas, i.e. emanations and representations of the five qualities of the Adi-Buddha, also referred to as the five transcendental dhyani buddhas, with the largest image then possibly representing the Adi-Buddha and the smaller statues his emanations, or alternatively, the Sakyamuni Buddha with some of the traditional buddhas of the past, perhaps even including the future Maitreya Buddha. Also known as Wat Phrathat Pha Kaew, and sometimes transliterated Wat Phra That Pha Son Kaeo. Construction was mostly completed in 2004, yet it was elevated to the status of temple only in 2010. See MAP.

Wat Phrathat Sila Ngu (วัดพระธาตุศิลางู)

Thai. Stone Snake Relic Temple. Another name for Wat Ratchathammaram on Samui Island.

Wat Phrathat Sri Chom Thong Wora Wihaan (วัดพระธาตุศรีจอมทองวรวิหาร)

Thai. An important and charming temple (fig.) on Doi Din Thong hill in Chiang Mai province, that houses a sahrihrikathat, a relic believed to be a part of the right side of the Buddha's skull. The relic was found in 1452 AD and subsequently a gilded chedi was built for it. Although, king Meuang Kaew, who reigned the Lan Na kingdom from 1495 AD to 1526 AD, later had a wihaan built, where the relic is kept today. Interestingly, it is not buried underground, but kept in a container within the wihaan, allowing it to be brought out for bathing and blessing. The assembly hall is extensively decorated with wood carvings and gold paint. A museum-like room in the back of the Phra prathaan contains a collection of Buddhist art and valuable Buddha images. The temple yard has a large ficus religiosa or bodhi tree with its branches symbolically supported by large beams and sticks named mai kham (fig.), a custom believed to prevent hardship and prolong life, and a part of the northern Thai seubchatah ceremony. See MAP.

Wat Phrathat Sri Wiang Moon (วัดพระธาตุศรีเวียงมูล)

Thai. Name of a tranquil Theravada Buddhist temple in Mae Chan (แม่จัน) District of Chiang Rai Province, in northern Thailand. Its architecture and iconography is influenced by both Lan Na and Burmese styles. Whereas large parts of this sizeable complex have been completed, in 2023 construction on the base of the main pagoda and some other edifices was still in progress. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phrathat Suthon Mongkhon Khiri (วัดพระธาตุสุโทนมงคลคีรี)

Thai. Temple in the tambon Den Chai in the province of Phrae with exceptional decorations and remarkable images (fig.). The temple was founded in 1984 by Phra Athikaan Montri (Phra Kruba Montri Dhamma), who sculpted his first Buddha image when he was only 5 years old. Today this monk is the abbot and a top artist and scholar in Buddhist art. The temple-monastery was built on an 20 meter high hill covering an area of 25 rai and is associated with the nearby northern Third Army base. It has an ubosot in Lan Na style, which houses a replica of the Phra Phutta Chinnarat Buddha image (fig.), and an impressive stupa in early Chiang Saen style with multiple peaks. On the outside, in front of the temple complex, lies a giant reclining Buddha (fig.), which is very similar to the Chauk Htat Gyi reclining Buddha Image in Yangon, Myanmar (fig.). See MAP, TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2) and (3), and PANORAMA PICTURE (1) and (2).

Wat Phra Thong (วัดพระทอง)

Thai. ‘Temple [of the] Golden Buddha (Statue)’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Phuket, that is home to a unique and sacred Buddha image known as Phra Phut, which has a fascinating story behind it. The statue is partially buried in the ground, with only the upper half visible above the surface. The origin of the statue is steeped in mystery. According to legend, a local boy tied his buffalo to a piece of metal protruding from the ground. He soon fell ill and died. His father, upon inspecting the site, realized that the metal object was a rasmi, i.e. the flame (fig.) on the ushnisha (fig.) or the head of some Buddha images that symbolizes to Enlightenment. Efforts to fully unearth the statue were unsuccessful, and attempts to remove it often led to misfortune. Given this intriguing history, Wat Phra Thong has become a significant pilgrimage site and its peaceful environment, especially in the themed back garden, offers a serene atmosphere for meditation. See also POSTAGE STAMP, and WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (E).

Wat Phumin (วัดภูมินทร์)

Thai. Name of is a renowned Buddhist temple located in the city of Nan. READ ON.

Wat Phu Taphao Thong (วัดภูตะเภาทอง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist hilltop temple in Udonthani Province which is built on a rocky surface that is scattered with large natural boulders and water-filled potholes and basins, some to which the temple has added naga-balustrades. A nature trail runs crisscross throughout the compound allowing visitors to wander about in a leisurely manner and discover the temple's attractions, such as the naga-ponds, a Buddha's footprint that naturally formed in the rock bed, a hermit's cave, a viewpoint with a wooden hut and staircase, etc. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Phuthaisawan (วัดพุทไธศวรรย์)

Thai. Temple located on the southern bank of the Chao Phraya River, across from Somdet Phra Sri Nakarin Park on the main island of Ayutthaya. The temple is built in an area formerly named Wiang Lek (เวียงเล็ก or เวียงเหล็ก), purportedly on the place where King Ramathibodi I (fig.) in 1350 founded the city, when he moved the central power of his empire from the town of U-Thong. Today, the temple's main attraction is the Three Kings Monument, which features three important kings of the Ayutthaya Period (fig.), i.e. King Naresuan (fig.), King Ramathibodi I, and King Ekathotsarot (fig.), which are erected on the river bank facing North towards the river and Ayutthaya island.

Wat Poh (วัดโพธิ์)

Thai. Temple of Enlightenment’. Another name for the temple of the reclining Buddha in Bangkok (map - fig.), officially known as Wat Phra Chetuphon. It is the oldest and was once the largest temple in Bangkok, and its first educational centre. It is also an important training centre for traditional massage (fig.) and reflexology (map - fig.), in the past taught on the basis of didactic pictures and figures (fig.). A section of the temple garden has statues of reusi (fig.), i.e. Thai hermits, in various poses that represent exercises to promote physical health (fig.) akin to those at Wat Bang Peng Tai (fig.). The temple Wat Poh already existed since the 16th century, but its real history starts only in 1781, when the old monastery was completely rebuilt. The temple (fig.) is situated near the old Chinese district of Banglamphu and several figures and statues indicate a Chinese influence of old (fig.). The temple houses the most important reclining Buddha image in Thailand, with a length of 46 meters and a height of 15 meters (map - fig.). The temple has four large redented chedis erected in honour of the first four monarchs of the Chakri dynasty (fig.). There are also 91 smaller chedis, an ancient Tripitaka library, a large bot (map - fig.) with 152 marble relief panels depicting the Thai Ramakien (fig.), a gallery with Buddha images, and four wihaans. Many of the temple's gates are flanked by large stone sculptures from China, among them Chinese warriors (map - fig.), similar ‒yet bigger in size‒ to those found at Dusit Maha Prasat (fig.). These heavy granite statues are said to have been brought to Siam as ballast to weigh down the otherwise empty ships. The temple is one of the few throughout Thailand conferred with the highest royal title of Rajavora Maha Vihaan. Its full name followed by this title is Wat Phra Chetuphon Wimon Mangkhalaraam Rajavora Maha Vihaan. Also transliterated Wat Pho. See also POSTAGE STAMPS, LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES, and MAP.

Wat Poh Thong (วัดโพธิ์ทอง)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Golden Knowledge’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Bangkok's Jomthong (จอมทอง) District. Off the beaten track and tucked away in a quiet corner along some small canals in western Bangkok, this charming temple has a great variety of unique statues of Buddhist and Hindu mythology. READ ON.

Wat Pong Oh (วัดปงอ้อ)

Thai. Name of a roadside Buddhist hilltop temple in Chiang Rai's Mae Chan (แม่จัน) District. It has a naga-staircase that leads to a platform on which the temple's wihaan, i.e. the sermon hall, is built. The compound also features a belfry and a drum tower, a gilded pagoda, a large Buddha statue seated in the meditation pose, some less significant buildings, smaller edifices, and some other Buddha statues statues, as well as a statue of Phra Siwalih and of Phra Sangkatjaai. Sometimes transliterated Wat Pong O and, somewhat less exact, Wat Pong Ao. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Pong Sunan (วัดพงษ์สุนันท์)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple rich in decorations and statues, and with Burmese influences. It is located in the city center of Phrae and features a large reclining Buddha as well as a giant tortoise, with a carapace decorated with large Buddhist amulets and a standing Buddha image on top. Underneath the tortoise, between its four legs, is a statue of Phra Upakhut, and to the front side of it a statue of Thoranih, the goddess of the earth. Also transliterated Wat Phong Sunan.

Wat Pong Sunan

Wat Prayun Wongsahwaht (วัดประยุรวงศาวาส)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Bangkok's Thonburi District, adjacent to the Memorial Bridge. READ ON.

Wat Prok (วัดปรก)

Thai. ‘Overspreading Temple’. Name of a non-governmental, private Mon temple in Bangkok's Sathorn district. It was built in 1927 by people from Pegu, who settled in Thailand and wished to have a spiritual place to practice their religion, as well as a social centre for Mon people to meet. Ancient culture and traditions are still preserved, e.g. monks pray and preach in the Mon language and male visitors often wear longyi (fig.). The temple also operates a school that teaches both Mon and English, free of charge and to anyone with an interest. Its buildings are in the Hongsawadih style, the ancient capital city of Pegu before it became part of Burma, and its main chedi is in Sri Lankan style. The temple houses a white jade Buddha image. Its decorated outer wall and gate shows the Hamsa or hongse, the Mon national symbol. On Mon National Day, annually on the first day of the waning moon of the third lunar month, Mon history is recited and people take part in Mon ceremonies, as well as offer food to their monks. Officially called Wat Prok Yahnnahwah. See MAP.

Wat Phuak Chang (วัดพวกช้าง)

Thai. Temple of a Crowd of Elephants’. Name of a small Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai. READ ON.

Wat Rakhang (วัดระฆัง)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Bell’. Name of a Buddhist temple, located on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River in Thonburi. READ ON.

Wat Ratchabophit (วัดราชบพิธ)

Name of a Buddhist temple, just off Rattanakosin Island in Bangkok, located along the north-south canal that runs parallel with the Eastside of Suan Saran Rom, the palace garden or park in Phra Nakhon. READ ON.

Wat Ratchaburana (วัดราชบูรณะ)

1. Thai. ‘Temple Renovated by the King’. Name of an ancient Buddhist temple in Ayutthaya. It was built in 1424 by King Borommaracha II (1424–1448) to house the ashes of his elder brothers Chao Aai Phraya (เจ้าอ้ายพระยา) and Chao Yih Phraya (เจ้ายี่พระยา), who both died at Saphaan Pah Thaan (สะพานป่าถ่าน) battling each other on war elephants over the succession of the throne, after King Inthrathirat or Phra Inthracha (1409 -1424) had passed away. The temple's main prang is depicted on a Thai postage stamp issued in 1994, as part of a set of four stamps to commemorate the annual Thai Heritage Conservation (fig.). See MAP.

2. Thai. ‘Temple Renovated by the King’. Name of a temple in Bangkok (fig.), which is officially known as Wat Ratchaburana Rachawora Wihaan (วัดราชบูรณะราชวรวิหาร), and nicknamed Wat Liap (วัดเลียบ) after the wealthy Chinese immigrant and merchant who financed the construction of the temple which was built in the late Ayutthaya period. Its ubosot houses the Phra Phutta Maha Raj Buddha image (fig.). During World War II, the temple was seriously damaged and the present ubosot was built in 1960.

3. Thai. ‘Temple Renovated by the King’. Name of a temple in Phitsanulok, located along the Nan River and featuring a landmark brick pagoda known as Chedi Luang.

Wat Ratchamonthien (วัดราชมณเฑียร)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Royal House’ or ‘Temple of the Royal Palace’. Name of a Mahanikaai Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, located to the south of the northern city moat, opposite of Wat Lohk Molih (fig.), which is situated across and to the north of the city moat. It was established in AD 1441 by King Tilokarat (fig.), in the year of his coronation. When the Lan Na Kingdom collapsed and became a vassal state under Burma all the temples in the Kingdom were deserted until King Kawila (fig.) in AD 1775 restored the independence of Lan Na, after which Wat Ratchamontien was renovated. The wihaan, the temple's prayer hall, has two storeys and the top floor is home to its principal Buddha statue. Outside and adjacent to the spacious upper balcony to the front of the wihaan's second storey is Phra Chao Luang Than Jai (พระเจ้าหลวงทันใจ), a large Buddha statue seated in the maravijaya pose often found in northern Thailand and a kind of Buddha statue of which it is said that its creation should be completed in just one day, which in itself is considered a miracle, in order for it to possess special powers, such as fulfilling the wishes of devotees that come and ask for it.  WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Ratchanaddah (วัดราชนัดดา)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Royal Granddaughter’. Name of a Buddhist temple (fig.) in Bangkok's old part of Rattanakosin. It is home to the Lohaprasat (fig.), a unique seven floor edifice that was commissioned by King Rama III, in order to commemorate his granddaughter princess Sohmanat Watana Wadih, who later became the first queen of Rama IV, and hence stands at the origin of the name of this temple. In full, it is known as Wat Ratchanaddahraam Worawihaan (วัดราชนัดดารามวรวิหาร), though it is usually transliterated Wat Ratchanaddaram Worawihan.

Wat Ratcha Orasaraam (วัดราชโอรสาราม)

Thai. Name of a temple erected in the Ayutthaya Period and located on the western bank of Khlong Sanam Chai (คลองสนามชัย) in Thonburi. READ ON.

Wat Ratchapradit (วัดราชประดิษฐ์)

Thai. Name of a small Buddhist temple on Rattanakosin Island, located opposite of the royal cemetery of Wat Ratchabophit. It was commissioned by King Rama IV, who had it built in dedication to the Thammayut Buddhist Sect. It is built mainly in grey marble and the main chedi has a golden spire. The inside features ten stone columns that are reportedly inscribed with religious verses in Pali and Thai, composed by King Mongkut himself, the ashes of whom are today kept underneath the principal Buddha image in the ubosot. As a memorial to this king, the murals inside the ordination hall depict 12 royal ceremonies and a solar eclipse, a reference to his 1868 journey to Wako (หว้ากอ) in Prachuap Khirikhan to a observe a solar eclipse, which he had predicted himself according to his own calculations, but where he also attracted the malaria that killed him. The temple's full name is Wat Ratchapradit Sathit Mahasimaram Ratchaworawihaan (วัดราชประดิษฐ์สถิตมหาสีมาราราชวรวิหาร). See POSTAGE STAMP and MAP.

Wat Ratchathammaram (วัดราชธรรมาราม)

Thai. Name of a roadside Buddhist temple in the neighbourhood of the Hin Ta & Hin Yai rock formations (fig.) on Samui Island. The temple features a gilded chedi, that contains relics of the Buddha, and an ubosot in pink sandstone that has an intricate bas-relief gable board, statues and other stone carvings. The interior walls are similarly in this pink bare stone. It is also known by the names Wat Phrathat Sila Ngu and Wat Phrathat Hin Ngu, i.e. ‘Stone Snake Relic Temple. According to the temple's historical records, the temple was built by Mr. Sithong (สีทอง), a villager of the tambon Maret (มะเร็ต) and a ceremony to enshrine the Buddha's relics was held on 12 June 1935. In front of the gilded pagoda is a statue of Tao Ramathep (fig.), the guardian god of the holy relics of the Buddha, and in front of the ubosot is a large bodhi tree. Situated on an elevation along the island's southern edge the temple has a nice view of the sea and the local coastline. At the back of the pagoda is a large naga-staircase that runs down to the beach below. See also EXPLORER'S MAP and TRAVEL PICTURE (1) and (2).

Wat Ratchathiwat (วัดราชาธิวาส)

Thai. Temple located on the east bank of the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok's Dusit area. It is the first aranyawasi temple or forest monastery from the Thammayut Buddhist Sect and presumably dates back to the Lavo Period. It was re-established in the Rattanakosin Period by Somdet Phra Bowon Raja Chao Maha Surasinghanat (fig.), a younger brother of King Rama IV. As a monk, prior to becoming the Siamese monarch, King Mongkut lived in this temple. The temple's existing ubosot was refurbished in Khmer-style by Prince Narisara Nuwattiwong, who also designed the temple's wihaan made entirely from teak. Inside, the ordination hall houses the Phra Sam Phuttha Phannih Buddha image (fig.), eponymous to one of the principal Buddha images in the ubosot of Wat Phra Kaew, and the walls are decorated with frescoes depicting the Wessandon chadok (fig.), painted by the Italian artist Prof. Carlo Rigoli. Initially, the temple was known as Wat Samorai (วัดสมอราย), but since it became a second class royal temple its name has been changed to Wat Ratchathiwat Ratchaworawihaan (วัดราชาธิวาสราชวรวิหาร). The pronunciation is Wat Rajaathiwaat. See also POSTAGE STAMPS and MAP.

Wat Reuang Saeng (วัดเรืองแสง)

Thai. ‘Phosphorescent Temple’ or ‘Glowing Temple’. Nickname of a Buddhist temple in Ubon Ratchathani and which is officially known as Wat Sirinthon Wararaam Phu Phrao.

Wat Roi Phraphuttabaht Phu Manorom (วัดรอยพระพุทธบาทภูมโนรมย์)

Thai. ‘Mount Manorom's Temple of the Buddha's Footprint’. Name of Buddhist temple located on a hilltop in Mukdahan. Besides a large Muk-coloured, i.e. pearl white, Buddha image seated in the bhumisparsa pose, and a giant statue of a 120 meter long naga known as Phaya Sri Mukda Mahamuni Nihl Palanakaraat (fig.), the hilltop temple offers a panoramic view of the area, including Mukdahan Town, the Mekhong River with the Second Thai–Lao Friendship Bridge, and the Laotian town of Savannakhet. See also Phraphuttabaht. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), MAP, and WATCH VDO.

Wat Rom Phothiyaan (วัดร่มโพธิญาณ)

Thai. ‘Temple of the umbrella, or parasol, of Enlightenment’. Name of a countryside Buddhist temple in the tambon Wang Thong (วังทอง), i.e. Golden Palace, in the amphur meuang of Kamphaeng Phet. See also rom, Photiyaan, and MAP.

Wat Rong Ha (วัดร่องห้า)

Thai. Name of a temple located in Ban Mae Lao (บ้านแม่ลาว), Dong Mada (ดงมะดะ) Subdistrict, in Chiang Rai Province and affiliated with the Mahanikaya sect of Buddhism. Spanning just over 2 rai, this historic temple has been a part of Chiang Rai’s spiritual and cultural heritage since its founding in 1812. In 1974, the temple was formally recognized with the granting of a royal boundary marker, establishing the sacred area at 40 meters wide and 80 meters long. Key structures within the grounds include the ordination hall or ubosot and monks' living quarters, called kuti. The focal point of worship is a revered Buddha image enshrined in the ordination hall, attracting devotees seeking spiritual reflection. In 2024, the temple expanded its premises with the addition of two significant statues: a large outdoor statue of thao Wetsuwan, the guardian of the North, depicted with a red complexion, and a statue of Rahu, the demon god of darkness, shown with a purplish black complexion and holding a golden ball that may represent either the sun or the moon. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Rong Khun (วัดร่องขุ่น)

Thai. Temple in Chiang Rai's Pah Oud On Chai district. Its still ongoing construction started in 1998 and is supervised by Chaleumchai Khositphiphat (fig.), a renowned artist connected to Silpakorn University in Bangkok, who also designed the golden clock tower (map - fig.) and the nearby golden street lights (fig.), as well as the silver lantern poles found all over the city centre of Chiang Rai. The temple features a bot made of bright and white building materials ornamented with small pieces of glass, giving it an overwhelming, crystal-like appearance and the English designation White Temple. The white colour represents purity and religion, like in the thong chaht, the Thai national flag (fig.). Since 2010, the temple also features the Chalermchai Kohsitphiphat Hall of Masterwork (map - fig.), an adjacent museum that displays many of the original works of the named artist, featuring both sculptures (fig.) and paintings (fig.). In contrast to the silvery white colour of the ubosot, other buildings are constructed in overall yellowish gold. In the back garden of the premises a huge shrine in honour of the popular Hindu god Ganesha was recently added (fig.). See also Yattana Pontha. See MAP, PANORAMA PICTURE (1) and (2), TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10) and (11), THEMATIC STREET LIGHT, and WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2), and VIDEO (E).

Wat Rong Seua Ten (วัดร่องเสือเต้น)

Thai. Name of a modern Buddhist temple in Chiang Rai, which is distinguished by its vivid blue colouring and elaborate carvings. This monumental and ornate blue-toned temple, located in Rim Kok district, just to the north of the Kok River, is also commonly referred to as the Blue Temple. It was purportedly built upon the ruins of an ancient temple, that was abandoned about a century earlier. The temple was designed by Phuttha Kabkaew, a protégé of Chaleumchai Khositphiphat (fig.), who built Wat Rong Khun (fig.). The entrance gate (fig.) is guarded by giant creatures half-human half-naga, with snake-like tails, reminiscent of the naga-king Phayanaag (fig.), some semi-human forms of the mythical snake naga (fig.), the serpent-like lower bodies of Naak Ganyah or Naak Galyah (fig.), the winged serpent-daughter of the Hindu god Shiva, as well as of the Chinese dragon-deities Nu Wa and Fu Xi (fig.). The guardians are standing on a lotus base adorned with decorative flame-like ornaments called kranok and the front of the pedestal located on the left side is decorated with the head of a tiger (fig.), which represents magnificence, as well as power and strength, and thus also destruction. The base on the right has the fierce head of a buck or male goat with silver lotuses sprouting from the sides of its open mouth. These animals correspond to the third (fig.) and the eight (fig.) sign of the Chinese zodiac respectively. Both sentinels are holding some lotus flowers, and while the greenish-blue giant standing on the left side is holding a blue ball, the bluish grey creature on the right side clutches a white conch (fig.). The stairs of the prayer hall are decorated with both nagamakara (fig.) and legged nagah (fig.), i.e. Burmese-style dragons (fig.), while against its outer back wall is a white standing Buddha image with an abhaya mudra performed with the left hand, and facing a blue pagoda with a golden dome and peak, which is adorned with characters from Thai and Burmese Buddhism, such as Shin Thiwali (fig.). Inside, the ubosot houses a white Buddha image seated in the lotus position with a bhumisparsa mudra. The courtyard includes a water basin with a statue of Shin U Pagok (fig.), a statue of the Buddha giving his first sermon to the five panjawakkih, a pool with naga fountains, Buddha images according to the Phra prajam wan geut system, etc. See also MAP, TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9) and (10), PANORAMA PICTURE, and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Saam Phraan (วัดสามพราน)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Three Hunters’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Nakhon Pathom and named after the tambon Saam Phraan (fig.), as well as the amphur of the same name, in which it is located. READ ON.

Wat Saen Fang (วัดแสนฝาง)

Thai. ‘Temple of a Hundred Thousand Indian Redwood Trees’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai. READ ON.

Wat Saensuk (วัดแสนสุข)

Thai. ‘Temple of Extreme Happiness’. Name of a large Buddhist temple in Bangkok's Minburi District. READ ON.

Wat Sakawan (วัดสักกวัน)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Rai, situated outside the city's centre, roughly 1.5 kilometer north of the Kok River (fig.). It has an octagonal bell-shaped stupa surrounded by eight mondop-like edifices with niches that each contains a gilded Buddha statue according to the days of the week, in line with the Phra prajam wan-system. The current white chedi, decorated with gold ornaments, was built over the former more squarish gilded pagoda, between 2015 and 2016. The ubosot has a staircase with a pair of green coiling naga (fig.), while on the inside it features the Phra prathaan and some colourful murals with scenes from the chadok. On the northern side of the large sala hall is a staircase with balustrades in the form of colourful dragon-like chang patjay naak (fig.), i.e. a mythical creature that is described as a snake with the head of an elephant, and also referred to as chang hua naak, which translates ‘elephant-headed naga; on the western side of this large hall is smaller staircase flanked by gilded makaras (fig.), i.e. mythological  creatures known in the northern dialect as mom and is said to be the mount of the god of the storm clouds, Thep Patchanna. On the field adjecent to the stupa and ubosot is a Buddha statue seated in the maravijaya pose (fig.). Also on the temple premisses are statues of Burmese nat-like deity Bo Bo Gyi (fig.), who in Thailand is known as Thep Than Jai, and of Shin U Pagok another deity originally from Myanmar and in Thailand known as Phra Upakhut (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Saket (วัดสระเกศ)

Thai. Temple in Bangkok on the artificial mount Phu Khao Thong or ‘Golden Mount’ (fig.). READ ON.

Wat Salakham (ສາລະຄຳ)

Lao. ‘Temple of the  Golden Sala’ Name of a tranquil Buddhist temple in the southern outskirts of Vientiane, the capital of Laos. It is named after the sala tree (fig.), a sacred tree under which the Buddha was born (fig.) and ─according to some─ also died (fig.). WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (EN).

Wat Sala Loi (วัดศาลาลอย)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Floating Sala’. Name of a Buddhist temple along the Takhong Kao River, in the vicinity of the Korat Museum, in Nakhon Ratchasima. READ ON.

Wat Samaan Rattanaraam (วัดสมานรัตนาราม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the Tambon Bang Kaew (บางแก้ว) in Chachengsao Province, located on the banks of an island (fig.) in the Bang Pakong River (fig.), halfway between Ampheu Meuang and Bang Khla, and which is best known for housing Thailand's largest statue of a reclining Ganesha. The statue is 16 meters high and 22 meters long, and is represented with a pink complexion (fig.). The Hindu deity lies on a large square base that is in turn adorned with another 32 depictions of Ganesha in different poses, displayed as colourful bas-reliefs. Besides this, the temple has a collection of other −often large-sized− statues and objects from religion and mythology, including characters from Thai, Indian and Chinese belief and legend, such as two giant naga; a statue of Indra seated on Erawan; the largest statue in Thailand of the demon Rahu (fig.); Kuan Yin; the Three Star Gods Fu, Lu and Shou; a gigantic krathong-like (fig.) lotus flower floating on the adjacent Bang Pakong river; etc. This province is also home to a 39 meters tall bronze statue of Ganesha in a standing pose (fig.) located at Thevasataan Uthayaan Phra Phi Kaneht (map - fig.), which in turn is also the name used for a park in Nakhon Sawan (map - fig.), in English equally referred to as Ganesha Idol Park, which features a large Ganesha statue, also with a pink complexion, but in a seated pose. See MAP.

Wat Samphao (วัดสําเภา)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chonburi named for a junk, which is known in Thai as reua sampao. READ ON.

Wat Sanam Chan (วัดสนามจันทร์)

Thai name of a rather large Buddhist monastery located on the west bank of the Bang Pakong River in Chachengsao Province. READ ON.

Wat Sap Bon (วัดซับบอน)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the amphur Kaeng Khoi of Saraburi Province. READ ON.

Wat Saphaan Hin (วัดสะพานหิน)

Thai. Name of a historic Buddhist temple in Sukhothai and part of Sukhothai Historical Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The ancient temple ruin features a 12.5 meter tall standing Buddha image, known as Phra Attharot (พระอัฏฐารส) and depicted with an abhaya mudra, similar to the one in the southern mondop at Sukhothai's Wat Mahathat (fig.). To the left front of it is a smaller Buddha statue seated in the maravijaya pose. The temple is located on a ca. 200 meter high hill and is named for the ca. 300 meter long slate stone bridge-like staircase that leads to the summit. About halfway to the top is a small plateau that has a slender stupa topped with a distinctive lotus-bud shaped spire, a typical characteristic of the ancient Sukhothai temple architecture. It is assumed that the  Phra Attharot Buddha image is the one mentioned in the famous Inscription Nº 1, i.e. the Stone of Ramkhamhaeng (fig.), and it i also assumed that Wat Saphaan Hin is in all probability the temple where King Ramkhamhaeng rode his White Elephant named Roojah Khiri (รูจาคีรี) to travel up the hill in order to go and worship the statue on every 15th day of the waxing moon and every 15th day of waning moon. The temple is also known as Wat Taphaan Hin (วัดตะพานหิน). WATCH VIDEO.

Watsawalahok Thep (วัสสวลาหกเทพ)

Another name for Thep Patchanna.

Wat Sawang Arom (วัดสว่างอารมณ์)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Kamphaeng Phet. READ ON.

Wat Sirinthon Wararaam Phu Phrao (วัดสิรินธรวรารามภูพร้าว)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Ubon Ratchathani which is nicknamed Wat Reuang Saeng, i.e. the ‘Phosphorescent Temple’ or the ‘Glowing Temple’. READ ON.

Wat Si Sou Mang (ວັດສີສຸມັງ)

Lao. Name of a Theravada Buddhist temple in Vang Vieng (ວັງວຽງ), a town in Vientiane Province, Laos, surrounded by spectacular limestone mountains. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Sitaraam (วัดสิตาราม)

Thai. Name of a small Buddhist temple near the Bo Be Market in Bangkok. READ ON.

Wat Somdet Phu Reua Ming Meuang (วัดสมเด็จภูเรือมิ่งเมือง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist hilltop temple still under construction in the district of Phu Reua, in Loei province. Most parts of the temple's edifices are made of teakwood and have walls decorated with exquisite carvings, mostly depicting scenes of —or related to— Buddhism. The temple's naga-stairs and arched gate, the stone sculptures, such as  these nagamakara at the ubosot, and many of the Buddha images are carved from Mekhong River jade. Whereas the main ordination hall of this temple in northeastern Thailand is home to a giant Phra Kring Buddha image (fig.), there are also several smaller wihaan rai (วิหารราย) that house jade Buddha images. Some of the intricate woodcarvings are integrated into other architectural features, such as in the decorative part attached over the doorway and known as sarai ruang peung (fig.). From the southern side, this mountain top temple can be reached by a covered staircase, which on the inside is decorated with intricate Buddhist art. Alongside this, a giant cave-like tunnel is being constructed that runs across almost the entire temple complex, starting from the wihaan near the top of the covered staircase all the way to the bottom of the northern jade naga-stairs. The temple is reportedly on the site of an earlier shrine. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Sorasak (วัดสรศักดิ์)

Thai. Temple located within and alongside the northern part of the city wall of Sukhothai, close to Sahn (Sala) Tah Pah Daeng (ศาลตาผาแดง). According to a sila jahreuk stone inscription found at Wat Sorasak, a commoner with the name Inthara Sorasak (อินทร สรศักดิ์) in 1960 BE (1417 AD), asked the Oukyah Dhammaracha, i.e. Phaya Sai Leu Thai or Phra Maha Dhamma Racha III (พญาไสลือไท - พระมหาธรรมราชาที่ ๓), the 1400-1419 AD ruler (Chao Meuang) of Sukhothai, for a piece of land measuring 15 by 30 wah, in order to construct a temple in his honour. After the temple was completed, the venerated monk Phra Maha Thera Dhamma Trailohk (พระมหาเถรธรรมไตรโลกฯ) from the tambon Dao Khon (ดาวขอน), an uncle of the king, was invited to reside at the temple. The temple is noticeable for its bell shaped pagoda or chedi, of which the square base is surrounded by 24 caryatid-like figures in the form of White Elephants. The auspicious elephants lifting the burden of the chedi are believed to stand as a metaphor for Buddhism, which was firmly upheld throughout time. The temple, named after the commoner who initiated the land deal for its construction, is sometimes referred to as Wat Chang Lom, i.e. ‘Temple of the Encircling Elephants’, though this is in fact also the name of another temple with an elephant-surrounded pagoda in nearby Sri Satchanalai (fig.), and reminiscent of Wat Mahaeyong in Ayutthaya (map - fig.). The elephant-surrounded pagoda was particularly favoured in the Sukhothai period and was probably inspired by pagodas of a similar style in Sri Lanka. They were built in many towns, both within and beyond the Sukhothai region. See MAP.

Wat Sothon (วัดโสธร)

Thai. Temple in Chachengsao housing the famous Sothon Buddha image (fig.), one of the most sacred images in the nation, associated with the Legend of the Five Floating Buddha Statues (fig.) and with the noted Buddhist monk Phra saksit Luang Po Sothon. According to reports this monk foretold his own exact time of death, causing thousands of spectators to flock to the temple to watch him die, seated in the dhyani meditation pose. The full name of this temple is Wat Sothon Wararam Worawihaan. See MAP.

Wat Sra Nahm Sai (วัดสระน้ำใส)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Nakhon Ratchasima that features a bat cave, as well as the Meta Nakha Thepphithak (เมตตานาคาเทพพิทักษ์) Buddha statue, which is located on a hilltop that offers great views of the area. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Sra Sri (วัดสระศรี)

Thai. Name of an ancient temple built on an islet within the main domain of Old Sukhothai's historical park. Its name, which translates as ‘Glorious Pond Temple’, is pronounced Wat Sa Si.

Wat Sri Boon Reuang (วัดศรีบุญเรือง)

1. Thai. Temple located in the tambon Mae Sariang, in Mae Hong Son's homonymous amphur Mae Sariang. It was established in 1907 and features a mixture of Burmese and Shan art styles. It was formerly named Wat Jong Mahkkaeng, a name that indicates that the grounds at that time used to have many tamarind trees. Today there is a sala tree (fig.) at the temple grounds and inside the temple there is a Jambupati Buddha Image, as well as a row of Buddha images used in the Phra prajam wan geut-system, in typical Burmese-Shan style. There is also a school which was added to train Buddhist monks and novices in the dhamma, and the pavilion for dhamma practice houses a Buddha image made of jade. Annually in the month of April, the local villagers celebrate Poi Sang Long at the temple. Often transcribed Wat Sriboon Ruang. It is located adjacent to Wat Jong Soong. See MAP.

2. Thai. Temple located along Khlong Saen Saeb (fig.) in Hua Mahk in the khet Bangkapi, Bangkok. This temple has a vihaan that houses the Phra prathaan and which outdoors is sided by a gallery of Buddha images seated in different poses. Beside this, the temple has several statues and images from Chinese and Burmese religion and mythology, such as the Chinese goddess Kuan Yin (fig.) and the Burmese nat-like deity Bo Bo Gyi (fig.). See MAP.

Wat Sri Chum (วัดศรีชุม)

1. Thai. Ancient temple ruin just outside the main domain of old Sukhothai's historical park, featuring a mondop which houses the 15 meter high Phra Atchana (พระอจนะ) Buddha image, seated in the maravijaya-pose with a lap width of 11.3 meters. A staircase in the southern wall leads to the top of the building, ending at a railing behind the head of the Buddha image. From here a monk could address his flock making it look as if the voice they were listening to came from the Buddha's head. This was likely not a deception, but rather a variant of the common practice in which Buddhist monks,  in certain ceremonies, when chanting Buddhist mantras or preaching, will cover their face with a fan, thus indicating that they speak in the name of the Buddha and not for themselves, and that the listener should focus on the words, rather than on the speaker. Such fans are called pad yot, or talapat, and often have a religious symbol, text, or a depiction of the Buddha on it. The staircase is nowadays closed to the public to protect the inner walls' murals, engravings and inscriptions, including episodes from the Jataka, known in Thai as Chadok. North of the mondop is a lesser wihaan, and in between this and the mondop, northeast of its entrance, stands a giant 200 year-old mango tree. There are also several strangler figs on the temple's premises. See also MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

2. Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the northern province of Phrae, where in the beginning of the 19th century AD the monk Kanchana Aranyawasi (fig.) started his religious career.

Wat Sri Ihyam (วัดศรีเอี่ยม)

Thai. ‘Majestic Fresh Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Bangkok's khet of Bang Na. READ ON.

Wat Sri Kohm Kam (วัดศรีโคมคำ)

Thai. Temple in Phayao housing the Ton Luang Buddha image (fig.), the kuh bahn kuh meuang of this city. This large gilded Buddha image is seated in the maravichaya position and is the symbol portrayed on the escutcheon of the province of Phayao (fig.). See MAP.

Wat Sri Phan Ton (วัดศรีพันต้น)

Thai. Name of a renowned Buddhist temple in Meuang Nan, in Nan Province. Built by Phraya Phan Ton (พันต้น, r. 1960-1969 BE) of the Phukha (ภูคา) Dynasty in the 1960s BE, the temple is known for its striking golden architecture and intricate craftsmanship. Historically called Wat Salih Phan Ton (วัดสาลีพันต้น) due to the large bodhi trees or ton sala, locally known as ton salih (ต้นสาลี), which once lined its northern and southern boundaries. However, the temple grounds were altered when these trees were removed to make way for a new road. The temple was recognized with a royal charter in 1962 AD. Its centerpiece is the Kanchanaphisek Ubosot, i.e. the main prayer hall, which was refurbished to commemorate the 1997 Golden Jubilee of King Rama IX's assertion to the Throne, and its 50-year royal logo (fig.) is incorporated onto the temple's gable board and on its rooftop. This logo consists of the King's personal emblem flanked by two White Elephants, each in ceremonial dress and carrying a white chattra, i.e. a multi-layered umbrella for a honourary figure. Under the King's emblem are the two phaan (fig.), golden tray with a stand, associated with the Thai Constitution (fig.), and the Thai number 50 (๕๐). Inside, the ubosot is adorned with stucco paintings, while the outside features many religious and mythological sculptures, including a notable seven-headed serpent, or naga, by local artist Anurak Somsak (คุณอนุรักษ์ สมศักดิ์). Wat Sri Phan Ton also houses some longboats, including Reua Leut Kiat Sak (เรือเลิศเกียรติศักดิ์), also referred to as Reua Phaya Kheue (เรือพญาฆึ), or simply and Reua Kiat (เรือเกียรติ - fig.), integral to the annual Longboat Race Festival. This festival, a highlight of Nan Province, features teams of rowers navigating decorated longboats down the Nan River. The Nan Traditional Longboat Festival is held twice a year, between September and November, when the Nan River's water level is at its highest. During this festival, boats crafted from dugout tree trunks, which can hold up to 60 oarsmen, compete in races. The oarsmen are typically dressed in matching outfits, arranged in double rows. Reua Leut Kiat Sak is the largest longboat in Nan, accommodating 78 oarsmen. It is used as a ceremonial vessel to kick off the Nan boat race tradition and to carry the royal trophy during the closing round of the competition each year. The races, known for their ornate dragon-head decorations on the bowsprits, foster community pride and celebrate the region's cultural traditions. Also known as Wat Phan Sri Ton (วัดพันศรีต้น). WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (EN).

Wat Sri Sunthon (วัดศรีสุนทร)

Thai. Name of a significant religious site for Buddhists in Phuket, located in the amphur Thalang, tambon Sri Sunthon, named in memory of the heroine Thao Sri Sunthon (fig.). The temple features a circa 29 meter long reclining Buddha image, prominently displayed on the roof of the sala. This striking Buddha statue is visible as soon as one enters the Phutthawaat. The temple is also home to an old chapel that houses three Buddha images in the Thalang style, reflecting the local artistry of the region. A local legend connects the temple to a revered Buddha statue named Luang Pho Maha Samut, which translates to ‘Buddha Statue from the Ocean’. According to the story, a Muslim merchant, during a storm at sea, vowed to convert to Buddhism if saved. A cashew nut tree branch appeared, allowing him to survive and wash ashore near the present temple site. True to his vow, the merchant converted, ordained as a monk, and built the temple. The cashew branch that saved him was carved into a Buddha image that became known as Luang Pho Maha Samut. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Sri Suphan (วัดศรีสุพรรณ)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai, which was established in the year AD 1501 during the reign of Phaya Meuang Kaew (พญาเมืองแก้ว) in the Mengrai Dynasty, in order to enshrine a sacred Buddha statue known as Phraphutta Pathihahn (พระพุทธปาฏิหาริย์ฯ) and formerly as Phra Chao Chet Teu (พระเจ้าเจ็ดตื้อ), i.e. the so-called Miraculous Buddha, under the King's command. Chet Teu is one of the sacred Buddha statues of Chiang Mai. In 1502, an abbot was appointed, followed by the construction of a wihaan (prayer hall) in the subsequent year, whilst a chedi (stupa) was built in the year after that. In 1509, the ubosot (ordination hall) was consecrated and Phra Chao Chet Teu enshrined. Over the centuries, the ubosot has undergone multiple reconstructions due to the deterioration of its construction materials. The last restoration took place between AD 2004 and 2015 and was initiated by the temple's Abbot Phra Kru Phithaksuthikhun (พระครูพิทักษ์สุทธิคุณ). The refurbishment incorporates embossed silverwork, known in Thai as kaan salak dun (fig.) and which uses repoussé and chasing techniques. These aluminum-and-silver decorations are meticulously crafted by local Lan Na artisans using primarily alloy materials, and are mostly representations of characters or themes from Buddhism, Thai and Lan Na folklore, dharma puzzles, and flame-like kranok-designs. The artisans have used a splendid blend of Rattanakosin and Wua Lai (วัวลาย) styles, the latter being a local community known for its skilled silverware production, notably silver embellishments. Hence, despite its name, which literally means ‘Prestigious Golden Temple’ or ‘Temple of the Honorable Gold’, the temple is today actually nicknamed the ‘Silver Temple’. See also TRAVEL PICTURE (1), (2) and (3) WATCH VIDEO, and VIDEO (E).

Wat Sri Sawai (วัดศรีสวาย)

Thai. Name of an ancient temple in Sukhothai Historical Park. It is a former Hindu shrine which was transformed into a Buddhist temple with an enclosing wall. It has three prang in Lopburi-style, which imitate the Hindu zikhara vimana or shikhara vimana (शिखर विमान), i.e. ‘summit shrine’, ‘peaked sanctuary’ or ‘crested sanctum sanctorum’, the towering superstructure above the garbhagriha (गर्भगॄह), the small unlit shrine of the Hindu temple, whereas their architectural style has been influenced by that of the Khmer. These prang are reminiscent of those of Phra Prang Sahm Yod (fig.) in Lopburi. See MAP, WATCH VIDEO, and VIDEO (E).

Wat Sri Umohng Kham (วัดศรีอุโมงค์คำ)

Thai-Lan Na-Kham Meuang. Name of a Lan Na-style Buddhist temple built in 1846 AD on a prominent hill in the city of Phayao, and which was formerly known as Wat Soong (วัดสูง), i.e. the ‘High, Elevated or Hilly Temple’. Since in the northern Thai Lan Na dialect Sri (ศรี) is pronounced Sari (สะ-หรี), which means ‘bodhi tree’, the name may be translated as ‘Temple of the Bodhi Tree's Golden Tunnel’. The artificial hill on which the temple is built was formed by the heaped-up earth that came from the digging of a pond. Excavations at the complex have shown that the current temple has been built on the remnants of an earlier temple, that possibly dates back to the Ayutthaya Period. According to popular belief, underneath the temple there was in the past a tunnel that led to the Ing River which flows into Phayao Lake, hence the temple's name. See also EXPLORER'S MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Sri Wanit Wanaram (วัดศรีวณิชวณาราม)

Thai. Name of a small yet charming Thai-Burmese Buddhist temple in Surat Thani, situated in a roadside field with palm trees and a small pond, against a backdrop of some steep limestone mountains. Despite its small size, this picturesque temple is set in a stunning landscape and has some interesting features, especially with regards to the right mix of Thai and Burmese sculptures. See also wanaram.

Wat Sri Warih Noi (วัดศรีวารีน้อย)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Samut Prakan that features a large image of Luang Poo Thuad (fig.). See also warih and Sri.

Wat Suan Dok (วัดสวนดอก)

Thai. ‘Flower Garden Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai. READ ON.

Wat Suthat (วัดสุทัศน)

Thai. Temple in Bangkok, of which construction was started during the reign of Rama I, but that was completed only during the rule of Rama III. READ ON.

Wat Suthat Thepwarahrahm (วัดสุทัศนเทพวราราม)

Official and full Thai name of Wat Suthat. Often followed by the highest possible title conferred by the King, i.e. Rajavora Maha Vihaan.

Wat Suwandararam (วัดสุวรรณดาราราม)

Thai-Pali. ‘Golden Star Monastery’ or ‘Golden Star Temple’. Name of a first class royal Buddhist temple located on the city island of Ayutthaya. READ ON.

Wat Suwannaram (วัดสุวรรณาราม)

Thai. ‘Golden Monastery’ or ‘Golden Temple’. Name of a royal Buddhist temple of the second class in Thonburi's Bangkok Noi district. READ ON.

Wat Taan Jed Cho (วัดตาลเจ็ดช่อ)

Thai. ‘Temple of the seven sugar palm panicles’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Angthong. READ ON.

Wat Ta-khe (วัดตะเฆ่)

Thai. ‘Sledgehammer Temple’. Name of an archeological site in Saraburi, located on the eastern bank of the Pa Sak River which flows towards Ayutthaya. It consists of the ruins of an ancient Buddhist temple, and its name derives from two sledgehammers that were found here during excavations. It comprises mainly of two stupas that stand side by side, sharing the same base, and which in Thai are known as Chedi Tham Jindah, which translates as ‘Stupa(s) of the Dhamma Gem’ (fig.). The temple dates from the 18th century AD, possibly from the end of the Ayutthaya period, though —as suggested from the style— the redented chedis (fig.) probably date from the early Rattanakosin period, as the type of stupa and the techniques used for the stucco decorations became popular only in Rattanakosinsok. Also transliterated Wat Takhae. See MAP.

Wat Tantaya Phirom Phra Araam Luang (วัดตันตยาภิรมพระอารามหลวง)

Thai. Name of a third level royal temple of the Buddhist Mahanikaai sect. It is the kuh bahn kuh meuang of Trang province, in southern Thailand, and is located in Trang's amphur meuang. READ ON.

Wat Tha Hin Ngohm (วัดท่าหินโงม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Chaiyaphum Province that has three platforms, each with a large Buddha statue in a different pose, i.e. a reclining Buddha; a Buddha statue seated in the half lotus position with a vitarka mudra; and a Buddha image standing in the pahng prathan phon or ‘blessing pose’. On a lower platform in front of the latter two Buddha statues are two open halls situated on opposite side of each other. Whereas, the one on the left houses life-sized bronze statues of various senior monks, the one on the left accommodates the various Buddha statues of the Phra prajam wan-system, also life-sized and gilded. The platform at this level also features a giant kong mohng (ฆ้องโหม่ง), i.e. a kind of handmade Thai gong, that consists of a flat disc with a rim, a centre knob that is hammered into shape and surrounded by smaller nipples, and which is suspended from the rim. This particular gong mohng is painted black and decorated with golden patterns, whilst the larger centre knob is painted as the logo on the flag of ASEAN, i.e. ten yellow  stalks of paddy on a red circle (fig.), the eleven smaller nipples that surround it are painted in the colourful national flags of its 11 members states, including that of East Timor, which since November 2022 is ASEAN's newest member. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Tha It (วัดท่าอิฐ)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Angthong with a stunning golden pagoda known as Phra That Chedi Sri Phoht Thong. READ ON.

Wat Thai Watthanaram (วัดไทยวัฒนาราม)

Thai. Name of a Thai-Burmese Buddhist temple in Mae Sot, in Tak province. READ ON.

Wat Tham Chaeng (วัดถ้ำแจง)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Khao Yai, Cha-am (ชะอำ) District, Phetchaburi, which is home to a giant statue of a Nagaraat, the King of Snakes (fig.). See also TRAVEL PICTURE and WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Tham Khao Krabok (วัดถ้ำเขากระบอก)

Thai. A famous, but controversial temple in Saraburi, where opium and heroin addicts are treated for their addiction using a treatment based on herbs and a strict regimen, combined with education from the Dhamma. Also called Samnak Songtham Krabok (สำนักสงฆ์ถ้ำกระบอก) and Wat Tham Krabok Co Inter (วัดถ้ำกระบอกโกอินเตอร์).

Wat Tham Khao Noi (วัดถ้ำเขาน้อย)

Thai. ‘Small hill temple cave’. Thai-Chinese Mahayana Buddhist temple (fig.), located about 15 kilometers south of the city of Kanchanaburi, constructed on a hill over a number of small caves and adjacent to the Thai temple Wat Tham Seua (fig.). The top of the temple offers a good view over the area (fig.). See also TRAVEL PHOTOS (1) and (2), and MAP.

Wat Tham Khao Prang (วัดถํ้าเขาปรางค์)

Thai. ‘Hill cave stupa temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Lopburi. READ ON.

Wat Tham Khao Wong (วัดถ้ำเขาวง)

Thai. Name of a Theravada Buddhist temple in Nakhon Ratchasima, that features a labyrinth of shafts and niches in a limestone cave that is used by the residing monks for meditation. The grotto is scattered with often hidden corners and niches, where the monks retreat on low wooden platforms with a backrest to sit in lotus position, i.e. a yoga-like position of concentration, in which the legs are crossed on top of each other with the feet resting on the opposite thigh, the sole of the feet up, in order to practice samahti (fig.), in an attempt to experience the deepest realities by inner contemplation, akin to the manner in which the Buddha attained Enlightenment. Some seats also have a klot (fig.), i.e. an umbrella used to sit under and meditate and one of the permitted possessions or borikaan of Buddhist monks and novices. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Tham Krabok (วัดถ้ำกระบอก)

See Wat Tham Khao Krabok.

Wat Tham Metta (วัดถ้ำเมตตา)

Thai. ‘Temple Cave of Compassion’. Name of a somewhat secluded temple in Nakhon Ratchasima, which has a small cave called Tham Metta Tham, i.e. ‘Cave of Compassion of the Dhamma’, that the monks use for meditation. The path towards the cave goes through a forested area (fig.) which is a perfect biotope for millipedes, many of which grew to large sizes. Halfway up the trail is an elongated sala-like edifice with on one end a small elevated hut and at the other end a large thian pansa, i.e. a large Buddhist candle (fig.). Underneath the elongated roof is a stretched out sandbox which is used by the monks to walk in meditation, a practice done barefooted and known in Thai as deun jong krom (เดินจงกรม), literally ‘to walk being mindful’, whilst the meditation path is referred to as thahng deun jong krom (fig.) and is typically about 1 meter wide and 15 meters long, with the entire floor leveled so that one can walk easily without having to worry about any obstacles. WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

Wat Thammongkhon (วัดธรรมมงคล)

Thai. Name of a temple in Bangkok's Phra Khanong district. It was founded in 1962 by Phra Ratchatham Jatay Ajaan (พระธรรมเจติยาจารย์) and has a stupa in the style of the Maha Bodhi pagoda in Bodhgaya in India and which is counted amongst the some of the tallest in Thailand. This stupa, called Phra Viriya Mongkhon Maha Chedi (พระวิริยะมงคลมหาเจดีย์), houses relics of the Buddha which were brought from Bangladesh. Its spire consists of a chat made of 1,133 baht (17.27 kilogram) pure gold and is adorned with 1,063 diamonds. In the night the top of the stupa is illuminated and becomes a beacon in the neighbourhood. The temple also houses two jade images. One is a Buddha image, named Phra Buddha Mongkhon Tham Sri Thai (พระพุทธมงคลธรรมศรีไทย) which was sculpted from a massive boulder from Kings Mountain in Canada. The other is a large image of the Chinese goddess of mercy Phra Mae Kwan Im, reportedly the biggest ever made from jade. The temple's full name is Wat Thammongkhon Thao Boon Nontha Wihaan (วัดธรรมมงคลเถาบุญนนทวิหาร). See MAP.

Wat Thamniyom (วัดธรรมนิยม)

Thai. ‘Temple of the Adored Dharma’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Ayutthaya, which on its courtyard features a large statue of the Hindu deity Brahma, in a standing pose. The time of the initial construction of the temple is unclear. According to some sources it was built by Phraya Yommaraat Sang, Regent of Nakhon Ratchasima in the reign of King Narai the Great (fig.), and the temple is hence by locals also referred to as Wat Yom. The principal Buddha image, located at the ubosot of the temple, is black in colour and is known as Luang Pho Dam (ดำ), literally the ‘Black Revered Father’. See MAP.

Wat Tham Pah Acha Thong (วัดถ้ำป่าอาชาทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden Horse Jungle Cave Temple’. Name of a forest temple in Chiang Rai province whose monks and novices set out to go bintabaat (alms begging) on horsebacks (fig.). See MAP.

Wat Tham Pha Daen (วัดถ้ำผาแด่น)

Thai. ‘Pale Spotted Cliff Face Cave Temple’. Name of a temple in Sakon Nakhon. It is located on a cliff overlooking the area and which besides various religious bas-reliefs carved out into the bedrock of the cliff also features the Maha Rajanahkahb Rirak (มหาราชานาคาบรีรักษ์) Buddha image which is seated in the pahng nahg prok pose on a coiled seven-headed naga. From the head to the tail tip, the naga is 139 meter long and the tail runs along the rocks of the cliff over a large part of the complex. The tail passes by several rock carvings, including a large Buddhapada and bas-reliefs of the Buddha and the Hindu deity Shiva, and ends up in the temple's lush, tropical, landscaped garden. It passes another giant bolder topped with a rock reminiscent of the Golden Rock in Myanmar (fig.) and with carvings on all sides, including of senior monks, a reclining Buddha and a Garuda. As the term tham in the temple's name suggests, the complex in part consists of some caves, one of which has the eight Buddha images from the Phra prajam wan-system, in which each day of the week corresponds to a certain representation of a Buddha image for each wan tua, i.e. the day on which one is born, carved out from the rock of a side of the cliff side it is build on. The striking result is reminiscent of the large Buddha statues carved from a cliff side at the forest temple Wat Pah Phu Dahn Hai (วัดป่าภูดานไห) in the amphur Kuchinarai (กุฉินารายณ์), in Kalasin province, and in part also suggestive of the Buddhist rock face carvings at Gal Vihara, Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka, which includes a rare standing Buddha statue with folded arms, similar to the one (fig.) in Wat Ratchanaddah's Phra Nang Klao Memorial Hall in Bangkok (fig.), believed to be a variation of the common pahng ram peung pose (fig.), in which both hands are crossed over the chest, rather than folded over the belly. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2), PANORAMA PICTURE, WATCH VIDEO, and see MAP.

Wat Tham Phanthurat (วัดถ้ำพันธุรัตน์)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist cave temple in Khlong Sok, in the close proximity to the Headquarters and adjacent Visitor Center of Khao Sok National Park, in Surat Thani. The temple is located in a picturesque area, surrounded by lush greenery and limestone mountains. The adjacent mountain has a natural cave with a Buddha statue and statues of characters related to both Buddhism and Thai folklore. A staircase on the southern flank of the mountain leads to the summit which offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Situated in a natural setting, the compound attracts wild Long-tailed Macaques that inhabit the area. The temple has constructed a platform where visitors can feed the monkeys, and ropes and tiers attached to trees create a playground for them. See also TRAVEL PICTURE, WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (E).

Wat Tham Phet Phimaan (วัดถ้ำเพชรพิมาน)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist cave temple near Khao Yai National Park in Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The Buddhist grotto is a tunnel-like cave, in which visitors can enter by descending one way and exit by ascending at the other end of it. The entrance consists of a wide staircase and prior to entering the largest and main hall of the cave, there is a niche-like corner on the right that features a gilded statue of the travelling monk Phra Siwalih (fig.) holding a staff and a klot (fig.), i.e. a ecclesiastical umbrella, on his shoulder. According to legend, Phra Siwalih ordained as a monk together with Sariputta (fig.), a wandering ascetic monk and one of the Buddha's chief disciples, and on the day of his ordination, as soon as he got his hair cut off, with the very first cut of the razor-blade, Siwalih attained Enlightenment, as a result of his merit. In the main hall of the cave there are some look nimit (fig.) on display. These large, round, cannonball-like stones are normally buried in the ground underneath the bai sema (fig.), i.e. stone boundary markers at the eight cardinal points around an ubosot or prayer hall, marking the boundary of the consecrated area of a Thai temple on which the ubosot is built. From here, several stairs and corridors slowly lead visitors to the exit via lesser halls with Buddha statues and shrines, starting with a steep staircase that takes visitors into the second hall, which features s stupa, a replica of the Phra Phutta Chinnarat Buddha image (fig.), and the Buddha statues of the Phra prajam wan system (fig.), in which each day of the week corresponds to a certain representation of a Buddha image, with devotees offering to the statue that corresponds with the day on which one is born. After a descending corridor and stairway, one arrives in the last hall of the grotto that also has a number of Buddha statues, including a crowned Buddha in green glass, an often found larger-sized representation of the famous Emerald Buddha (fig.) of Wat Phra Kaew (fig.) in Bangkok. From here, a last staircase leads back up to the temple outside. Also spelled Wat Tham Phetpiman. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Tham Pho Thong (วัดถ้ำโพธิ์ทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden Bodhi Cave Temple’. Name of a Buddhist cave temple in Korat, i.e. Nakhon Ratchasima. In 2023, this remote temple had nine resident monks, one of them entered the cave and seated himself in front of some of the cave's many Buddha statues. The cave has several replica Buddha images of the 14th century Phra Phutta Chinnarat image (fig.) from Wat Phra Sri Rattanamahathat (fig.) in Phitsanulok, which is appreciated as one of the most beautiful Buddha images in Thailand. Near the entrance in the main hall of the cave is a glass box that displays a human skeleton, that according to the monk present was donated to the temple by the Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok, which is infamous for its Siriraj Hospital Museum, which is nicknamed the Museum of Death. The cave has a number of halls and rooms, with a smaller section housing a rock formation that resembles a crocodile and which is named Tham Chalawan, i.e. ‘Chalawan Cave’, after a crocodile in the Thai classical story Kraithong, a love story that originated in the province of Phichit. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Tham Phra (วัดถ้ำพระ)

Thai. ‘Buddha cave temple’. Name of a cave temple situated along the Kok River (fig.) in Chiang Rai. Though but a small and rural temple, its natural location with its main cave and numerous smaller grottos, as well as its close proximity to the Kok River make it a rather idyllic place. Besides Buddha images, the cave also has several statues of reusi (fig.), i.e. wise characters that often occur in Thai folk tales and who have the capability to exhibit special magical powers. They typically live in caves as ascetics or hermits and commonly depicted wearing tiger fur and often with a white beard. The bottom of the staircase into the main cave is flanked by statues of Phra Siwalih (fig.), a legendary monk who is typically portrayed holding a staff in one hand and a klot (fig.), i.e. an ecclesiastical umbrella, in the other, and whom as a result of his merit attained Enlightenment on the day of his ordination, as soon as he got his hair cut off, with the very first cut of the razorblade. The main temple building is surrounded by colourful statues of creatures, i.e. mythological compound animals, from Himaphan (fig.), i.e. a mythical forest located in the  Himalayas, below the heavens of the gods. Situated adjacent to the Kok River, the temple also features a platform with a large Buddha image built on a rock at the river's northern bank. This white statue is seated in the half lotus position and depicted with a vitarka mudra, in which the Buddha holds one hand in front of his chest, making a circle with his thumb and index finger, a pose meaning ‘explanation’ and which represents education. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Tham Phu Wah (วัดถ้ำพุหว้า)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist cave temple in Kanchanaburi. Its entrance features a Khmer-style prasat-like edifice in reddish pink sandstone, whilst the park-like compound also has a large reclining Buddha statue, as well as a giant reddish brown Buddha image seated in the pahng samahti pose, i.e. the ‘position of meditation’. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Tham Seua (วัดถ้ำเสือ)

1. Thai. ‘Tiger cave temple’. Temple complex (wat) in Ta Mameuang about 15 kms South of the city of Kanchanaburi, constructed around a small cave (tham) housing a tiger statue (seua). It is built adjacent to the Thai-Chinese temple Wat Tham Khao Noi (fig.). See also TRAVEL PHOTOS (1) and (2), and MAP.

2. Thai. ‘Tiger cave temple’. Buddhist temple compound in Krabi located at the foot of a mountain which also belongs to the temple complex and which at its summit has a gilded chedi, a large gilded Buddha statue seated in the meditation pose, and several smaller Buddha statues, such as those of the Phra prajam wan system (fig.), and other images related to religion and mythology. Here many visitors stick coins onto rocks as an act of pae riyan. The summit offers a panoramic view of the Kiriwong Valley and can be reached by climbing a strenuous flight of stairs with 1,237 steps. There are several caves and according to legend a monk meditating in the caves witnessed a huge tiger roaming the area, which led to the temple's name. See also PANO PICTURE and TRAVEL PHOTOS (1), (2), (3) and (4), and MAP.

Wat Tham Sila Thong (วัดถ้ำศิลาทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden Rock Cave Temple’. A Buddhist temple in Nakhon Ratchasima (Korat). This small forest temple is located near a cave and its courtyard features several religious sculptures, many in Burmese style. In the bat-dwelling cave is a small statues of a reusi (fig.), known as Reusi Pah Kae (ฤาษีป่าแก่), i.e. the ‘Old Forest Hermit’. At dusk, the microbats can be seen leaving this limestone cave from a large nearby opening at the top of the mountain in which they live during the day, in order to hunt for insects during the night. Flying out in an elongated flock of thousands ─if not millions of bats, birds of prey are awaiting them, disturbing the otherwise unbroken flow of bats as they hunt these creatures for prey in real aerial battles reminiscent of WW1 aerial combat maneuvers. See also VIDEO and MAP.

Wat Tham Sri Mongkhon (วัดถ้ำศรีมงคล)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Nong Khai which is home to Tham Din Phiang, a tunnel cave that has been formed by water erosion and which is situated in a valley within the temple's compound. The cave is associated with the naga and is also referred to as Tham Phaya Naak (fig.). The path descending to the cave is hence lined on either side with statues of nagas coiling onto rocks. Opposite of the cave's entrance is a balcony with a large gilded Buddha image overlooking the cave valley and seated in the pahng samahti pose. The entrance to the balcony is flanked by two Khmer style singh guardian lions. Wat Tham Sri Mongkhon's large prayer hall is located on the hilltop near the main entrance gate of this temple complex. See MAP.

Wat Tham Thong (วัดถํ้าทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden Cave Temple’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Uthai Thani which has a huge outdoor pristine white Buddha image that is seated in the half lotus position whilst performing a vitarka mudra (fig.). The temple's entrance gate is flanked by two giant guardians, known as yaks, of which one has a red complexion and has features that resemble both Banlaikan (บรรลัยกัลป์) and Kumphakaat (กุมภกาศ), while the other one has a green complexion and has features that resemble both Phiphek (fig.) and Mahothon (มโหทร). See MAP.

Wat Tham Wararaam (วัดถํ้าวราราม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist cave temple in Surat Thani, located on the edge of Khao Sok National Park and which at its back has a small river that teems with Tinfoil Barbs (fig.) There, it has a fish feeding spot, allowing visitors to make merit. It is also the starting point for Tham Kaew (fig.), a huge limestone cave located about a kilometer further uphill and only reachable on foot by climbing a  steep, challenging and often slippery path with sharp rocks, and of which some sections are fitted with metal ladders and ropes to hold onto in order to facilitate the way up and down. Inside Wat Tham Wararaam are Buddha images, as well as statues of reusi (fig.), i.e. mythical figures that typically live in caves as ascetics and that are depicted wearing tiger fur and usually with a white beard. On display, in front of the rock flank near the entrance to the cave are the temple's look nimit (fig.), large round cannonball-like stones that are normally buried in the ground beneath bai sema (fig.) and that mark the boundary of the consecrated area of a Thai temple on which an ubosot is built, i.e. the boht/bot or ordination hall. In total there are nine stones, of which normally eight are buried, one at each corner and one between the corners, whereas the ninth is buried in the centre. The temple was founded by Phra Baidika-an (พระใบฎีกาอั้น), a monk whose statue is erected at the front cliff side of the cave. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat That Noi (วัดธาตุน้อย)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Nakhon Sri Thammarat. READ ON.

Wat That Thong (วัดธาตุทอง)

Thai. Name of a royal monastery and funeral temple in Bangkok's Sukhumvit area. READ ON.

Wat Thaton (วัดท่าตอน)

Thai. Name of a hilltop temple in the sleepy town and tambon of Thaton. READ ON.

Wattana Nakhon (วัฒนนคร)

Thai. ‘City Development’ or ‘City Prosperity’. Name of an Airbus A340-600 in the fleet of Thai Airways International, which was given its name by King Bhumiphon. It was taken into service on 29 September 2005, making a short test flight for VIPs from Don Meuang to Suwannaphum. It appears on the last of a set of four Thai postage stamps issued in 2010 for the occasion of the airline's 50th birthday anniversary (fig.). See also nakhon.

watthanatham (วัฒนธรรม)

Thai. ‘Culture’.

watthasongsaan (วัฎสงสาร)

Thai. ‘Life cycle’. The cycle of life, death and rebirth. Perpetual suffering. See also thevathut sie.

Wat Tha U (วัดท่าอู่)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple located in the vicinity of Beung Khun Thale, a large freshwater lake in Surat Thani. Its main attraction is a golden statue of Ganesha, placed on a black pedestal engraved in gold with a large Aum sign in a circle.

Wat Thawon Wararam (วัดถาวรวราราม)

Thai. ‘Temple of Permanent Excellence’. Temple (wat) located on the left bank of the Kwae Yai River, off Saeng Chuto (แสงชูโต) Road, between Ban Tai (บ้านใต้) and Ban Neua (บ้านเหนือ) districts of Kanchanaburi city, just North of where the river confluences with the Kwae Noi River to form the (Mae) Klong River, about 2.5 kilometers downriver from the Bridge over the River Kwae (fig.). Its main feature is a pagoda modeled after the Tian Tan tower (fig.) in Beijing, China. See also wararam. See MAP.

Wat Traimit (วัดไตรมิตร)

Thai. ‘Temple of the three friends’. Temple built in the 13th century AD, founded by three friends (trai mit) in Bangkok's Chinatown, who donated the land for the temple to be build, to house a 3.5 meter high and 5.5 ton Buddha image, made of solid gold, usually referred to as the Golden Buddha (fig.). During the siege of Ayutthaya this image was covered with plaster to hide it from the Burmese invaders. The statue cast in Sukhothai style was moved from Ayutthaya to Bangkok after the city was destroyed by the Burmese in 1767. Over time this plaster casing was assumed to be the original. Only recently was the original rediscovered when a crane moving the statue within the temple complex dropped it breaking open the plaster revealing the solid gold. The Golden Buddha, officially named Phra Phutta Maha Suwan Patimakon, was until 2009 housed in a small mondop at the temple's compound. At the end of that year it was moved to a newly constructed high-rise building (fig.). The shrine is open to visitors year-round. The temple's ubosot (fig.) however, is only occasionally open to the public (fig.), most likely on Buddhist holidays, such as Visakha Bucha. The temple's full and official name is Wat Traimit Witthayarahm Worawihaan. See MAP.

Wat Traimit Witthayarahm Worawihaan (วัดไตรมิตรวิทยารามวรวิหาร)

Thai. Full name of Wat Traimit.

Wat Traphang Thong (วัดตระพังทอง)

Thai. Name of a  Buddhist temple in Sukhothai, located on a small island in a pond, adjacent to the Sukhothai National Museum in Old Sukhothai, and part of the Sukhothai Historical Park. It consists of a garden with a simple yet royal ubosot built adjacent to a brick chedi. To the east of it is a small pavilion that houses a Buddhapada, and north of that a sala with a collection of Buddha images, whilst in the southern part of the islet is a bronze statue depicting Khom Dam Din, the Khmer assassin who was able to travel underground by using magic powers and who was sent to kill Phra Ruang, i.e. King Indraditya, for liberating his people from the yoke of the Khmer. However, according to legend, the assassin was turned into stone by the latter, who had fled to Wat Mahathat, a Buddhist temple in Sukhothai (fig.), where he was ordained as a monk. The temple is accessible by two wooden pedestrian bridges. WATCH VIDEO.

Wat Umong (วัดอุโมงค์)

Thai. ‘Tunnel Temple’. Name of an ancient Buddhist temple in Chiang Mai, located in a 37.5 rai wooded area southwest of the old city centre that is known as Suan Puttha Tham (สวนพุทธธรรม), which literally means the ‘Buddha's Dhamma Garden’, and that today serves as a popular meditation centre (vdo). The main part of the temple complex consists of a labyrinth of tunnels and is reminiscent of —and perhaps inspired by— the so-called gu-style cave temples in Myanmar, where they were an early Pagan basic temple building style that was also typically used for meditation and devotional worship of the Buddha. Wat Umong was built in the reign of King Mengrai (fig.), whose gilded statue that portrays him wearing a turban and holding a kho chang, i.e. an elephant hook (fig.), stands near the entrance of the temple. The pronunciation of this temple's name is Wat U-mohng. WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

Wat Uposatharaam (วัดอุโปสถาราม)

Thai. Name of an idyllic Buddhist temple located at the foothills of Sakae Krang Mountain in Uthai Thani, which is home to the hilltop temple Wat Sankat Rattana Khiri, that houses a statue of the father of King Rama I, who was born in Uthai Thani. It is situated along the shores of the Sakae Krang River on which visitors can make a relaxing boat ride in an old rice barge that has been remodeled as a tour boat. The temple's name is a compound that derives from the words ubosot and araam, and it is also referred to as Wat Boht. See also TRAVEL PICTURE and MAP.

Wat Wang Wiwekaram (วัดวังก์วิเวการาม)

Thai. ‘Wang [Ka] temple of the desolate araam’. Name of a temple situated on a hill side near the banks of the Khao Laem reservoir in Sangkhlaburi. READ ON.

Watwin (ဝါတွင်း)

Burmese. Name for the Buddhist Lent in Myanmar, which usually start in the month of July. See also Thadingyut.

Wat Wiwatta (วัดวิวัฏฏะ)

Thai. Name for a Buddhist wat pah or forest temple, and thus also referred to as Wiwattawanaram, with the suffix wanaram meaning ‘forest temple’. The name Wiwatta refers to the supramundane state of perfect Enlightenment in Buddhism, where one transcends the cycle of birth and death. This state involves detachment from conditioned phenomena and the cessation of all karma, marking the end of the cycle of suffering. As such, the name of the temple may be translated as Samsara Forest Temple. See also TRAVEL PICTURE.

Wat Wongsamoon Wihaan (วัดวงศมูลวิหาร)

Thai. Name of a small Buddhist temple, located at the western end of a large dry-dock at the Naval Dockyard, within the compound of the Royal Thai Navy base in Thonburi. READ ON.

Wat Yahn (วัดญาณ)

Thai. Buddhist temple complex in Huay Yai district in Chonburi province , with a pagoda similar to the Maha Bodhi pagoda in Bodhgaya, the place where the Buddha attained Enlightenment. It is one of two pagodas in Thailand that are built similar to the Maha Bodhi pagoda in India. The other one is that of Wat Wang Wiwekaram (fig.) in Sangkhlaburi (fig.) in Kanchanaburi province. Its full name is Wat Yahn Sangwarahrahm Woramahawihaan. See MAP.

Wat Yahnnahwah (วัดยานนาวา)

Thai. ‘Boat Vehicle Temple’. Name of a third class royal temple (fig.) in Sathorn district in Bangkok. READ ON.

Wat Yahn Sangwarahrahm Woramahawihaan (วัดญาณสังวรารามวรมหาวิหาร)

See Wat Yahn.

Wat Yai Chai Mongkhon (วัดใหญ่ชัยมงคล)

Thai. ‘Great Temple of the Auspicious Victory’. Name of a temple in Ayutthaya, which was presumably built in the reign of King U-Thong, not so long after the founding of the capital in 1351. READ ON.

Wat Yai Suwannaram (วัดใหญ่สุวรรณาราม)

Thai. Name of a Buddhist temple in Phetchaburi which dates back to the Ayutthaya Period. Located against the wall behind the principal Buddha image in the ubosot is a Buddha statue with a maravijaya mudra. It is seated in the half lotus position and the visible foot uniquely has six toes, symbolizing the Buddha's six senses, i.e. the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. Also transliterated Wat Yai Suwannaraam. See MAP.

waw (ว่าว)

Thai for ‘kite’ or ‘kite’, which in Thailand are usually made of a skeleton of thin bamboo sticks and tensioned yarn, covered with some lightweight paper (fig.). The kites can be fashioned in any shape of ones likening, including that of animals, such as buffaloes (fig.) or snakes (fig.), though for competition, the chula or ‘male’ kite (fig.) and pak pao or ‘female’ kite (fig.) are typically used. The term waw is used in conjunction with any of these specific kites, e.g. waw chula, i.e. a ‘chula kite’, or waw kwai, i.e. ‘buffalo kite’, etc. See also kite flying and kite flying fights. See also chak waw and krabeuang waw.

Waw (ဝေါ)

Burmese. Small town in Myanmar's Mon State, which is home to the Bago-Sittaung (Pegu-Sitong/Sittoung) Canal, that connects the city of Bago with the Sittaung River. Along the canal, just north of this town, is a sun-dried fish production area, which sells much of its produce along the side of the road. The name is actually pronounced Wo. See MAP.

waw kwai (ว่าวควาย)

Thai. ‘Buffalo kite’. Name a kind of kite that originates from southern Thailand, where kite flying is practiced after the harvesting season. READ ON.

Wax Candle Festival

Annual nationwide festival at the beginning of the Buddhist Lent in which large candles (fig.) are beautifully moulded (fig.) or carved in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and paraded in a procession (fig.) of adorned pick-ups (fig.), called rot kraba in Thai. This festival is celebrated most exuberantly in Ubon Ratchathani where annually a parade takes place in which large floats carry massive wax candles and wax works displaying traditional characters and scenes from Buddhism and mythology (fig.). In 2009, the Thai Post Company Limited, issued a set of four stamps with different floats of the Wax Candle Procession at Thung Si Meuang in Ubon Ratchathani province (fig.). In Thai called Praphenih Hae Thian Pansa.

Wax Castle Festival

Festival in Sakon Nakhon to mark the ending of the Buddhist Lent. Tradition has it that local people at this time of year formerly had a wax tree built, which was carried to the temple in a procession. This over time evolved into the making of wax castles, a local heritage now handed down to make merit for the late ancestors. The wax castles symbolize the ideal spiritual dwelling place which Buddhists want as their final destination. To reach this heavenly place they are required to be eager and energetic in the making of merit, an act generally known as tamboon. Locals divide themselves into different community groups, comprising of farmers, merchants and governmental officials, each group donating money according to their own enthusiasm and striving to build the most beautiful castle. Also called Wax Prasat Procession and in Thai Praphenih Hae Prasat Pheung.

Wax Rose

Common name of a large evergreen shrub, with the botanical designation Pereskia bleo. It grows up to five metres tall and blooms all year round, bearing showy orange flowers. However, despite its name the Wax Rose is not a rose, but a deciduous, leaved cactus, that grows to a woody, prickly shrub, with a stem that is not succulent and hardly resembles the typical desert cacti, nor is it as drought resistant. Also commonly known by the names Rose Cactus and Leaf Cactus, and in Thai called Kulaab Pukaam (กุหลาบพุกาม), i.e. ‘Burmese Rose’.

Wayabud (ไวยบุตร)

Thai-Sanskrit. Name of a monkey-warrior character in the epos Ramakien. READ ON.

wayang golek

Indonesian-Javanese. ‘Traditional performance of puppets’ or simply ‘puppet show’. A kind of puppet theatre from Java, that uses wooden puppets. READ ON.

Wayubud (วายุบุตร)

Thai-Sanskrit. ‘Son of Vayu’. Another name for Hanuman. See also Bhima.

Weasel Olive

Common name for a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Olividae. READ ON.

Weaver Ant

Common name of an in Southeast Asia living genus of ants with the scientific designation Oecophylla smaragdina. READ ON.

Weeping Goldsmith

Nickname given in Myanmar to a kind of ornamental plant in the ginger family that bears white flowers with long yellow pistils, that grow in drooping clusters underneath large green leaves, and that are the floral offering of choice in Buddhist temples nationwide. The name refers to the fact that the shape of these flowers is so intricate that they cannot be copied, not even by the local goldsmiths, considered to be among the most skilled of artisans, who were hence brought to tears and weeped because none of their own creations could rival this flower's exquisiteness. In Burmese, known as panhtain ngo and in Thai called dok khao phansa, literally ‘entering Buddhist Lent flower’, as it is used in the Tak Baat Dokmai Festival for one, in the annual Flower Offering Ceremony at Wat Phra phuttabaat in Saraburi. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

Wei Tuo (韦驮, อ้วยโท้)

Chinese-Thai. Name for the general-bodhisattva, who according to legend vowed to protect the members of the Sangha when they are disturbed by Mara, and to guard and preserve the teachings of the Buddha. READ ON.

Weiqi (围棋)

Chinese. Literally ‘encircling game’. Name for the ancient board game of Go.

welu (เวฬุ)

Thai. Another name for mai phai, i.e. ‘bamboo’.

weluwan (เวฬุวัน)

Thai for ‘bamboo grove’ or ‘bamboo forest’, a compound term formed with the words welu and wan.

wen fang si bao (文房四宝)

Chinese. Literally ‘Four Jewels of the Writing House’, but more commonly referred to as the ‘Four Treasures of the Study’. It is the name for a pen tray containing a set of writing brushes (fig.), an ink stick (fig.), an inkstone (fig.) and natural paper, four essential objects used in Chinese calligraphy (fig.). In addition to these tools also paperweights, a brush rest, a Chinese seal (fig.) and seal paste are used, and often included in larger trays.

Wen Shu (文殊)

Chinese. ‘Unique Culture’. Name for the bodhisattva of learning and wisdom in Mahayana Buddhism, who is in Sanskrit known by the name Manjushri (fig.). In Chinese iconography, he is often depicted riding a lion and holding a lotus flower, or a ruyi, which is often in the form of a lotus, from which it initially derived its shape. Whereas the lotus is a symbol of wisdom and Enlightenment, the bodhisattva riding the lion represents him using wisdom to tame the mind. His consort is Biancai Tian (辩才天), i.e. Sarasvati, whose Chinese name translates as ‘Heavenly Eloquence’, who in Tibet also has a wrathful form known as Vajra Sarasvati or Magzor Gyalmo in Tibetan, which means Queen of the Weapon Army’ (fig.).


See Wetsandorn.

Western Crowned-pigeon

Name of a large species of pigeon, that can grow up to 75 centimeter tall. It is largely greyish-blue in colour, with a dark purple throat and breast, an horizontal white and purple-brown bar on its wings, and a light grey horizontal bar at the end of its tail. It has red eyes and a greyish-blue beak. Its legs and feet are mixture of salmon, white and brown. On its head there is a typifying crown of grey-white feathers (fig.). Its is also known as Victorian Crowned Pigeon, Common Crowned Pigeon and Blue Crowned Pigeon, and by the scientific names Goura cristata and Goura victoria. In Thai it is called nok phiraab ngon, meaning ‘crowned pigeon’ or ‘crest-combed dove’.

West Indian Cherry

Common name of a tropical shrub or small tree, with the botanical designation Malpighia emarginata, which is also commonly known as Barbados Cherry (fig.). It originates from South and Central America, where it is known as Acerola. Its fruit is edible and high in vitamin C content. They are juicy, green to bright red in colour, and sour to sweet in taste. In Thailand, this fruit-bearing tree is commonly called Cherrih Thai (เชอร์รี่ไทย), that is ‘Thai Cherry’ or Cherrih Spen (เชอร์รีสเปน), i.e. ‘Spanish Cherry’, yet it is scientifically referred to by its Spanish designation Acerola Cherry (อะเซโรลาเชอร์รี่). In Vietnam, it is known as sori (sơ ri).

West Indian Lantana

See phakah krong.

wetih muay (เวทีมวย)

Thai name for boxing ring’, though the term is often used more generally to refer to a boxing arena or boxing stadium as well, which is officially known as sanam muay. In Thailand, the term wetih muay most frequently refers to boxing rings used in muay thai (fig.). In Bangkok, there are two main such indoor boxing rings for muay thai, i.e. in Lumphini Stadium on Rama IV Road, and in Ratchdamnoen Arena on Ratchdamnoen Road.

Wetsandorn (เวสสันดร)

Sanskrit. Name of the bodhisattva in his tenth and last jataka as son of the king of Sivi, before his final incarnation as Buddha. His story is written down in the Wetsandornchadok and deals with the merit of charity. Also called Vessantara and Vishvantara. Also spelt Wessadon.

Wetsandornchadok (เวสสันดรชาดก)

Sanskrit. Chadok of Wetsandorn, the Buddha in his tenth and last incarnation as bodhisattva. A story that emphasizes the merit of ‘giving’. Wetsandorn was born the son of king Sanjaya and queen Pusati who ruled over the kingdom of Sivi and from an early age he enjoyed giving things away. Also called Vessantara jataka. MORE ON THIS.

Wetsuwan (เวสสุวัณ, เวสสุวรรณ)

Thai. A deity and guardian of the North. As such, he is depicted on the coat of arms of Udonthani (fig.), which literally means ‘Northern City’ or ‘City of the North’. He is depicted as a yak or giant, and may have a golden, red, green or white complexion. He is also known as Thao Wetsuwan and Phra Paisarop, and his attendant and right hand is Phaya Purisat is a mythological creature in Thai lore, depicted as a half-lion, half-giant-angel or half-yak-and-thep (fig.). In Sanskrit, he is referred to as Vaisravana. With a golden complexion he is referred to as Wetsuwan Brahmasutthep (พรหมาสูติเทพ); with a red complexion and of Tavatimsa level as Wetsuwan Thepbut Sutthep (เทพบุตรสูติเทพ); with a green complexion as Wetsuwan Chatumaharat (จาตุมหาราช); and with a white complexion and human level as just Wetsuwan. See also Kuperan (fig.), POSTAGE STAMP, TRAVEL PICTURE, WATCH VIDEO and THEMATIC STREET LIGHT.


See pla wahn.

Whale Shark

With a length of up to about 17 meters, the largest living fish species on the planet. Its upper body is mostly brownish grey, with pale yellow spots and stripes, that are different in each animal, making them as unique as a fingerprint and allowing for accurate identification. It has three prominent ridges that run along each side of the body and a white belly. It has five large pairs of gills and two small eyes, that are located towards the front of the wide, flat head. Despite its common name, the Whale Shark is not a whale, as that is a mammal, but a slow moving, filter feeding shark, feeding mainly, though not exclusively, on plankton. It moves its entire body for swimming, making it an inefficient swimmer, with an average speed of only around 5 kilometers per hour. Whale Sharks live in the open sea and are found in tropical and warm oceans, including the coastal waters of Thailand. They may live for up to 70 years. It has the scientific name Rhincodon typus and in Thai it is known as pla chalaam waan. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

Whales Monument

Name of a large bronze statue in Surat Thani that depicts a mother whale with her calf, accompanied with two marine fish and a Leatherback sea turtle (fig.). The monument was erected at this spot to commemorate an event that happened here in 1964, when a fisherman found a dead Bryde's Whale of the form Balaenoptera edeni at the estuary of the Tapih River (fig.), which is part of Bandon Bay. The circa 13-14 metre long whale's carcass was dragged to land at a spot which locals soon after started referring to as Tha Pla Wahn (ท่าปลาวาฬ), i.e. ‘Whale Pier’ or ‘Whale Wharf’ and that is now home to the Whales Monument.

Wheel of Fire

Standard means of transportation of the Taoist child-deity Nezha, which allows him to freely travel through the sky at great speed and which is able to carry him to whichever place he wishes to go. READ ON.

Wheel of Law

Iconographic symbol of the dhamma, the teachings of the Buddha, which are never ending. See also dhammachakka and Wheel of Fire.

Whip Scorpion

Common name for a member of an order of terrestrial invertebrate arachnids. READ ON.

White Beech Mushroom

See hed hima.

White-bellied Minivet

Common name for an extended species of an up to 16 centimeter tall, black, white and orange bird in the family Corvidae. Its scientific name is Pericrocotus erythropygius. Its appearance is strikingly similar to the slightly smaller, 13-14 centimeter tall, male Stonechat (fig.). The White-bellied Minivet is found mostly in dry, deciduous forest, as well as in scattered trees in semi-desert, dry lowland cultivation. In Thailand, this uncommon bird is known by the name nok kalaad sih chomphoo-khao (นกขลาดสีชมพู-ขาว), i.e. ‘timid pink-white bird’.

White-bellied Sea Eagle

Name for a very large bird of prey, with the scientific name Haliaeetus leucogaster. READ ON.

White-breasted Kingfisher

Common name for a species of wood or tree kingfisher, with the scientific name Halcyon smyrnensis. It is widely distributed and there are several subspecies, the one common in Southeast Asia being Halcyon smyrnensis perpulchra, which has a dark chestnut head and belly, and a white throat and breast (fig.). Its upper tail feathers and wings are mostly turquoise (fig.), apart from chestnut and black wing coverts, and a whitish shoulder patch. Its bill, legs and feet are reddish-orange (fig.). This widespread species has a variety of habitats, always in the vicinity of water and with ample trees or other perches, such as wires or fence posts (fig.). It is also known as White-throated Kingfisher and in Thai it is called nok ka-ten ok khao (นกกะเต็นอกขาว) or nok kra-ten ok khao (นกกระเต็นอกขาว). See also POSTAGE STAMPS, WILDLIFE PICTURES, and TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2).

White-breasted Waterhen

Common designation for a waterbird, with the scientific name Amaurornis phoenicurus. It is is widely distributed across South Asia (fig.) and Southeast Asia. They have mainly dark slate-grey upperparts and flanks, and a white face, neck, breast and upper belly. The lower belly, vent and under-tail are rufous-chestnut coloured. They have long toes, a short tail and yellow legs, as well as a yellowish bill with a red spot at the upper mandible's base. They use their bill to probe in mud and shallow water, in search of food, which includes insects, aquatic invertebrates, small fish and seeds. Its body is flattened laterally, allowing it easier passage through reeds and undergrowth. Sexes are similar, but females are smaller, and immature birds are duller and have only traces of white on the front (fig.). In Thai, this bird is called nok kwak. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES.

White-browed Prinia

Another common name for the Plain Prinia.

White-browed Shortwing

Name for a bird with the scientific name Brachypteryx montana, distributed from India in the West, over Nepal, Bhutan, China and Taiwan in the North, to most of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, where it is a resident bird, found in the high mountains of the North, especially on the upper slopes of Doi Inthanon. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. The male is distinctly different from the female, i.e. indigo-black, with a prominent white stripe over the eyes, that sometimes seem to join across the forehead, whereas the female is olive-green to brown, with a reddish brown forehead and a short supercilium. In Thai known as nok pihk san sih nahm ngun, i.e. ‘blue short-winged bird’.

White-browed Wagtail

Common name of a species of bird with the scientific name Motacilla maderaspatensis. With a size of about 21 centimeters, it is the largest member of the wagtail family Motacillidae. It has black upperparts, a black head and black breast, white outer-tail feathers, white underparts and white primaries, and a long white supercilium. This bird is endemic to the Indian subcontinent and a resident breeder in parts of Nepal and India, where it is found South of the Himalayas (fig.), East of the Indus River, and to the West of Bangladesh. Also known as Large Pied Wagtail (fig.).

White-cheeked Gibbon

See Gibbon.

White-crested Laughingthrush

Common name of a passerine bird with the scientific name Garrulax leucolophus. It is characterized by a conspicuous snow-white crest, throat and chest, that stands out against the black mask and beak. Its upperparts and belly are bright reddish-brown, and its legs are greyish. This common forest resident (fig.) has distinguished call that sounds like hysterical laughter. In Thai it is known as nok kraraang hua ngok, or alternatively nok karaang hua ngok. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES.

White-crowned Hornbill

A species of hornbill, with the scientific names Aceros comatus and Berenicornis comatus, and also commonly known as the White-crested Hornbill. It is about 90 to 101 centimeters large. Adult males (fig.) have blackish upperparts, whitish underparts, a whitish head, neck and tail, and white-tipped flight feathers. In addition, they have a shaggy crest, a greyish bill, and pale blue facial skin (fig.). Adult females are similar, but their neck and underparts are blackish (fig.). It is found in subtropical and tropical forests on the Thai-Malay Peninsula, on Sumatra and in Borneo. Unlike most hornbill species, that make a loud, whooshing sound as they fly, this species' flight is almost noiseless. Like owls, silent flight might help the White-crowned Hornbill sneak up on prey, such as lizards, snakes, insects and even small birds. Therefore, it is also different from other hornbills, because it is carnivorous, rather than frugivorous (fruit-eating). In Thai, it is known as nok ngeuak hua ngok (นกเงือกหัวหงอก), meaning ‘silver-grey-headed hornbill’.

White Dragontail

Common name for a species of swallowtail butterfly found in parts of southern China, South Asia and Southeast Asia. READ ON.

White-eared Bulbul

Common name for a species of bulbul in the family Pycnonotidae, with the scientific designation Pycnonotus leucotis. It is found in the eastern parts of southern Asia. This songbird is ashy grey above with a black face and white cheek-patches, and a lighter grey below, with a yellowish-orange vent. The sexes are alike. Its white ear-patches make it somewhat reminiscent of the Red-whiskered Bulbul (fig.), though some of its features also resemble those of the Himalayan Bulbul (fig.) and the Sooty-headed Bulbul (fig.).

White Elephant

Brownish pink to white Asian Elephant. READ ON.

White-eyed River Martin

Common name for a species of rare passerine bird, with the Latin scientific designation Pseudochelidon sirintarae. Adults have a mostly glossy greenish-black plumage, a white rump, and a tail with two elongated central tail feathers. It has a white eye ring and a broad, bright greenish-yellow bill. The sexes are similar in appearance, but juveniles lack the tail ornaments and are generally browner than adults. In Thai, this species is known by the names nok chao fah ying sirindhorn (นกเจ้าฟ้าหญิงสิรินธร) and nok naang aen tah phong (นกนางแอ่นตาพอง). This bird is depicted on a Thai postage stamp issued in 1975 as part of a set on Thai birds (fig.).

White-handed Gibbon

Common name for a kind of gibbon, i.e. a species of primate in the family Hylobatidae, with the scientific designation Hylobates lar, and hence also commonly known as Lar Gibbon. There are several morphs, which have either a light fur and a dark face (fig.) or a dark fur with a white rim around its face, yet all morphs have white fur on their hands and feet. They occur in all of Southeast Asia and spend most of their life in treetops (fig.), as they are rather clumsy on the ground (fig.). They live in small family groups consisting of a male and female with up to four young. They feed on fruits and insects alike and might occasionally even eat squirrels and small birds which they, through their speed, are said to pick from the air. They have a lifespan of about 25 years. In Thai, they are called chanie, a word which can also be used derogatory for women, since the White-handed Gibbon call sounds like ‘phua’, the Thai word for husband, thus indicating a gibbon sounds like a woman who is calling for her husband. This distinctive call can be heard from up to two kilometer away. See also TRAVEL PICTURE and WATCH VIDEO.

White-headed Bulbul

Common name for a species of medium-sized songbird, with a body length to 26 centimeters. It belongs to the family of bulbuls (Pycnonotidae) and has the scientific designation Hypsipetes thompsoni. It has a dark grey to chestnut body and tail, with a white neck and a rather large white head. Its  legs, as well as its slightly elongated bill, are orange. Its eyes are brown or red. It has a long tail and short, rounded wings, and an overall compact appearance, especially compared to the Black Bulbul, of which certain subspecies also have a white head (fig.). Its natural habitats are subtropical to tropical moist highlands and lowland forests, especially the edge of evergreen forests, in secondary growth, scrub and clearings. It usually dwells between 900 to 2,000 meters, but occasionally descends to foothills. It is known to occur from Burma to Vietnam and in Thailand it is an uncommon resident, which numbers may perhaps be augmented by some winter visitors. Its harsh call is varied, with short, scratchy or squeaky sounds, including a distinctive, rhythmic chit-chiriu sound. In Thai it is called nok parod thao hua khao.

White-lipped Pit Viper

A venomous and dangerous species of pit viper, that ranges from India through Burma, Thailand, Indochina and southern China to Malaysia and large parts of Indonesia, including Borneo, Sumatra and Java. It has a short and stout body with strongly keeled scales and its head has a distinctive triangular shape. Its dorsal side is green, whilst the ventral side is yellow and the tail brownish (fig.) but, though unusual, it may occasionally be overall yellowish (fig.). Generally its eyes are yellow (fig.), yet some species have brownish red eyes (fig.). In addition, males have a thin white ventrolateral stripe that runs along the body and which is sometimes visible on the first row of body scales. As with all pit vipers, it is distinguished by the presence of a heat-sensing pit organ located between the eye and the nostril on either side of the head. The designation white-lipped’ comes from the fact that the side of its head, below the eyes, is much lighter than rest of the head, i.e. white, pale yellow or pale green (fig.). It occurs in forest and open grassland, as well as in urban areas. This snake is nocturnal and feeds on a variety of vertebrates, including small birds, rodents, frogs and lizards. When aroused it is quick to bite, though its venom is seldom fatal to humans. By day it is less aggressive. Also called White-lipped Tree Viper and White-lipped Bamboo Viper, and in Thai known as ngu khiaw hahng mai thong leuang. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES.

White Mulberry

Common name for a short-lived, fast-growing shrub or medium-sized mulberry tree, with the botanical name Morus alba. READ ON.

White-naped Crane

Common name of a large bird in the crane family Gruidae, with the scientific name Grus vipio. It is found in China, breeding from northeastern Mongolia to the northeastern regions, and wintering near the Yangtze River, as well as in Taiwan, Korea and Japan. It grows up to around 130 centimeters tall, is mostly slate grey, with a white nape and hindneck, pinkish legs, and a red face patch, that extends from around the eyes. In Thai, it is known as nok krarian kho khao (นกกระเรียนคอขาว), i.e. ‘White-necked Crane’.

White-necked Laughingthrush

Common name for a bird with the binomial name Garrulax strepitans. It has an overall dark appearance with a  dark brown, near-black breast, throat and face, a white neck, and a brown spot on both sides of the neck. Its vent is also slightly brownish, and it has a warm brown crown and rusty ear-coverts. It is found in evergreen forests, between 500 and 1,800 meters, and is an uncommon to common local resident. In Thai, it is known as nok kraraang ok sih nahm tahn mai (นกกะรางอกสีน้ำตาลไหม้) or nok karaang ok sih nahm tahn mai (นกกะรางอกสีน้ำตาลไหม้).

White Orange Tip

Common name for a species of butterfly, with the scientific designation Ixias marianne. The upperwings of the male are white with an orange patch on the upper-apex of the forewings, and broad black margins on the apical half of the forewings, as well as on the terminal margin of the hindwings. Females are similar, but the orange patch is narrower and it bears four black spots. There underside of both sexes is sulphur-yellow and is covered with reddish-brown markings and minuscule dots. The wet-season form is more heavily marked on the forewings. This butterfly is very similar to the white form of the Yellow Orange Tip (fig.).

White Pelican

Common name for a bird in the pelican family, with the scientific designation Pelecanus onocrotalus. It is also commonly known by the names Eastern White Pelican and Great White Pelican, and is one of two species that occur in the region of Southeast Asia, the other one being the Grey Pelican (fig.). The White Pelican is mainly whitish, with a greyish-brown bill, a yellowish pouch,  pinkish legs and feet, which are webbed, and a bare pink facial patch around the eye, whilst the underside of the flight feathers is black. In the breeding season, the plumage has a pinkish tinge, the facial patch is pinkish in males and yellowish-orange in females, the pouch is bright deep yellow, it has a yellowish-buff patch on the breast, and it has a tufted crest at the back of the nape (fig.). Immature birds are greyish-brown and have dark flight feathers.

White-rumped Munia

Name of a 10-11 centimeters small passerine bird with the scientific name Lonchura striata. It has light underparts, a white rump (fig.) and largely brown upperparts, with both its neck and breast speckled with lighter brown spots. Its stubby bill and legs are greyish black, whereas its tail is black. It is also known as Striated Finch and in Thai as nok kratid tapohk khao. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES.

White-rumped Shama

Common name for a passerine bird, with the scientific name Copsychus malabaricus, of which in Thailand two subspecies are prevalent, i.e. Copsychus malabaricus interpositus and C.m. pellogynus. Adult males are blackish-blue, with a white rump and orange-rufous underparts (fig.). Their long tail is blackish, with white outer feathers. Males grow up to 28 centimeters tall. The dark parts of females are greyer, while the underparts are paler and the tail shorter. Juveniles (fig.) are brownish with buff speckles, and a buff throat and breast which is dark scaled. This bird has a highly varied, melodious song, which includes mimicry. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES and TRAVEL PICTURES.

White-shouldered Starling

Common name for a passerine bird in the family Sturnidae, with the scientific designation Sturnia sinensis. READ ON.

White-spotted Guitarfish

Common name for a species of fish in the Rhynchobatidae family, with the scientific designation Rhynchobatus djiddensis and in Thai called Pla Roanan Jud Khao (ปลาโรนันจุดขาว), i.e. ‘White-spotted rohnan fish’. It has a distinctive wedge-shape and tiny white spots on an otherwise olive-grey upper body, whilst the lower body is white.

White-tailed Fighting Cock

See Yellow White-tail Fighting Cock.

White Temple

English name for the Thai temple Wat Rong Khun in Chiang Rai (fig.), as well as for the Ava temple Yattana Pontha in Inwa (fig.).

White-throated Babbler

Common name for a species of bird, with the scientific designation Turdoides gularis, and which is endemic to Myanmar. Adults have a very long tail and in whole they measure about 25.5 centimeters in size. It is rich buff below and streaked with grey above, and –as its name suggests– it has a white throat. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES and TRAVEL PHOTOS.

White-throated Fantail

Common name for a species of fantail, a passerine bird in the family Rhipiduridae, with the scientific designation Rhipidura albicollis. READ ON.

White-vented Myna

Common name for a species of starling in the Sturnidae family and with the scientific name Acridotheres grandis. It is mainly black with a prominent crest, a yellow to orange bill and legs, and white under wings and undertail-coverts (fig.). It is found in Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and China. It prefers open countryside and cultivated areas, where it is sometimes found perching on the back of cattle, ridding them of parasites (fig.). In China, the White-vented Myna is often bred and held as a pet (fig.). Like its relative the Talking Hill Myna (fig.), it is also able to mimic human speech. In Thai it is called nok ihyang ngon. Compare to the Common Myna (fig.).

White Wagtail

Name for a small passerine bird, with the scientific name Motacilla alba and belonging to the wagtail family Motacillidae. There are several subspecies, with quite a number of them dwelling in southern Asia, including Swinhoe's Wagtail (Motacilla alba baicalensis), the Streak-eyed Wagtail (Motacilla alba ocularis), the Black-backed Wagtail (Motacilla alba lugens), the Black-eared or Hodgson's Wagtail (Motacilla alba alboides), the Masked Wagtail (Motacilla alba personata), and the Amur Wagtail (Motacilla alba leucopsis). The latter is black above, with broad white fringes to its wing-coverts and tertials, and white outer-tail feathers (fig.). The male has a white head and underparts, a black hindcrown, nape and an isolated black breast patch, which in the breeding season extends to the lower throat and joins the black of the mantle. The female is similar, but light gray above and with a narrower breast patch (fig.). Females also have some very light yellow colouring on the face (fig.), around the eyes. The male Masked Wagtail in non-breeding plumage is grey above and has a black hood, with a white forecrown, eyering and upper throat (fig.). The White Wagtail is a winter visitor to Thailand and in Thai it is called nok um baat (นกอุ้มบาตร), the bird that carries an alms bowl, referring to the black patch on it's breast, which is reminiscent of a Buddhist monk's alms bowl (fig.). See also WILDLIFE PICTURES.

White-winged Wood Duck

Name for a species of duck, with the scientific names Asarcornis scutulata and Cairina scutulata. Males have a body size of up to 81 centimeters, whilst females are no larger than about 66 centimeters. Males are mostly dark, with white lesser and median coverts and inner edges of tertials, and bluish-grey secondaries. The whitish head and upper neck are speckled with black, and the bill is mostly dull yellowish. The irises are a brownish-orange. In flight, the white wing-coverts contrast with the rest of the wings. Besides being smaller, females usually have a more densely mottled head and upper neck. Juveniles are overall duller and browner. The bird is somewhat similar to the female Comb Duck, though the latter has mostly whitish underparts and all dark wings. In the past, this species was widely distributed from northeastern India and Bangladesh, through Southeast Asia to Java and Sumatra, but since both the bird and its eggs are hunted for food, as well as an ongoing habitat loss, it is now endangered with an estimated population of less than a thousand, spread over India, Bangladesh, Burma, Indochina and Thailand, and only a few on Sumatra. This species is also known as simply White-winged Duck, and in Thai it is called pet kah (เป็ดก่า). A male and female White-winged Wood Duck are depicted on a postage stamp which was issued in 1996 as part of a set of four stamps on ducks found in Thailand (fig.).

wiang (เวียง)

Thai for a walled city. Also transcribed viang or even vien, as in Vientiane.

Wiang Kum Kahm (เวียงกุมกาม)

Thai. Name of an ancient settlement in northern Thailand, that was founded by King Mengrai after his victory over Haripunchai, and predates Chiang Mai. It existed along the Ping River until it was flooded and eventually abandoned, some 700 years ago. Wat Kuh Kham (วัดกู่คำ), a temple that was built around 1287 AD −but is nowadays referred to as Wat Chedi Liam (วัดเจดีย์เหลี่ยม)− is the only edifice of that period still standing, though archeological excavations conducted in the area have revealed more remnants and ruins of the former community. See MAP.

Wichai Prasit (วิไชยประสิทธิ์)

Thai. Name of a fort in Thonburi, on the banks of the Chao Phraya river, at the mouth of Khlong Bangkok Yai. It was built by the French in the reign of King Narai and is now occupied by the Royal Thai Navy. It was previously named Wichayen Fort, after the Thai name for the Greek Constantine Phaulkon, whom as a Chao Phraya and an advisor to King Narai suggested to have a fort built at this location. In the Thonburi period, it was known as Bangkok Fort due to its location on the Bangkok Yai Canal, and it was the rear of the palace compound of King Taksin, who was later also executed here. Today his statue stands in front of the fort, facing the river (fig.). See MAP.

Wichaiyen (วิไชเยนทร์)

Thai. ‘Great man with magical success’. Initial Thai name given to the Greek Constantinos Gerakes, also known as Constantine Phaulkon. The name over time became Wichayen, though in modern history literature both spellings  are used interchangeably, whilst its pronunciation is the same regardless of the spelling.

Wichayen (วิชาเยนทร์, วิชเยนทร์)

Thai. ‘Great man with magical success’. Thai name currently used for the Greek Constantinos Gerakes, also known as Constantine Phaulkon. Initially the name was Wichaiyen, but it over time changed into Wichayen, with two possible spellings in Thai and in modern history literature, either of the names and their specific spellings may occur interchangeably, whilst its pronunciation is the same regardless of the spelling.

Wichian, wichian (วิเชียร)

1. Thai. Another name for wachira, meaning ‘diamond’, ‘lightning’ or ‘thunderbolt’, the weapon of the god Indra. In Sanskrit called vajra.

2. Thai. Name of a kingdom in the Ramakien, located on the slopes of the Universe and ruled over by the yak Vayuphak. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

wichian maat (วิเชียรมาศ)

Thai. ‘Golden Thunderbolt’ or ‘Golden Diamond’. The Thai designation for the Siamese cat. See also wichian.

Wichitmahwan (วิจิตรมาวรรณ)

Thai. Name of one of the seven guardian spirits that looks out for children and that are generally known as Mae Seua. This thevada guards all the children that are born on a Sunday and is represented with a red human-like body and the head of a lion (singh).

Wichudah (วิชุดา)

1. Thai. Name of a female yak and one of the seven protector-demons in the Ramakien, including also Phi Seua Samut (fig.), who live in the coastal waters around Langka, the city-state of the demon-king Totsakan, which they patrol and guard. Also transcribed Witchuda. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

2. Thai. Name of a remotely operated, unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) used by the Royal Thai Navy for surveying the sea and named after the female yak from the Ramakien, who patrols the ocean around the island of Langka. Also transcribed Witchuda.

wih (วี)

Northern Thai term for a kind of large fan, woven from bamboo strips. It is round in shape and has wooden handle, which in the middle runs over the total length of the fan, as well as a rim for strength. They are always used in pairs, as a tool for winnowing rice, i.e. to fan the chaff from the grains, after it has been threshed. They are used habitually over a large threshing basket, known as a piyad. Also known as kah and kah wih (ก๋าวี).

wihaan (วิหาร)

See viharn.

Wihaan Phra Mongkhon Bophit (วิหารพระมงคลบพิตร)

Thai. Name of a viharn located to the south of Wat Phra Sri Sanphet in Ayutthaya. It houses a large bronze Buddha image, named Phra Mongkhon Bophit and seated in a virasana with a bhumisparsa mudra (fig.). The Buddha image, which dates from the 15th century, was originally enshrined outside the Grand Palace, which lays to its East. King Song Tham later had it transferred to the West, where it was enshrined in a mondop. In the reign of Phra Chao Seua, the mondop (fig.) was hit by lightning and burned down. The king consequently commanded that a new building be built in the form of a wihaan. In 1767, during the fall of the capital to the Burmese, the building and the image were once again badly damaged by fire, eventually resulting in the present edifice. See also MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

Wihaan Phra Phothisat Kuan Im (วิหารพระโพธิสัตว์กวนอิม)

Thai. Name of a Mahayana Buddhist temple located along the Kwae Yai River in Kanchanaburi, adjacent to the bridge over the River Kwae (fig.). It is dedicated to the bodhisattva Kuan Yin, i.e. the Chinese goddess of mercy, who in Thailand is known as Phra Mae Kwan Im (fig.), though the temple also features plenty of objects, animals, figures and characters from Chinese mythology and Taoism, Imperial Guardian Lions, such as Chinese gold ingots, the Eight Immortals, Monkey King, the animals of the Chinese zodiac, Chinese dragons, Chinese door gods, goldfish, the child-warrior and protection deity Nezha as Zhong Tan Yuan Shua, i.e. the Marshal of the Central Altar’, a Peryton-like winged deer, and so on. See also EXPLORER'S MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

Wihaan Phra Phuttha Mongkhon Wimon Siri Prathaan Phon (วิหารพระพุทธมงคลวิมลสิริประทานพร)

Thai. Name of a small Buddhist temple in the tambon Mae Klong (แม่กลอง), in Samut Songkhram. The principal Buddha image it houses is seated in the bhumisparsa pose and the inner walls on the sides have colourful bas-reliefs of the various poses of the Buddha as depicted in the Phra prajam wan-system, in which each day of the week corresponds to a certain representation of a Buddha image for each wan tua, i.e. the day on which one is born.

Wihaan Sadet Pho Phra Siwa (วิหารเสด็จพ่อพระศิวะ)

Thai. Viharn of His Highness Lord Shiva’ or ‘Father Shiva Temple’. Name of a Thai Hindu sanctuary in Bangkok's Khoo Bon area, dedicated to the god Shiva. READ ON.

Wihaan Sian (วิหารเซียน)

See Anek Kuson Sala. The name is a compound of the word wihaan and sian (xian).

Wihaan Thep Sathit Phra Kiti Chaleum (วิหารเทพสถิตพระกิติเฉลิม)

Thai. Name of a Thai-Chinese temple complex dedicated to the Taoist child-deity Nezha San Taizi. READ ON.

wihlah (วีล่า)

Thai name for the Vila, i.e. Slavic versions of nymphs who have power over wind and delight in causing storms. In Thailand, they are described as creatures half-human half-spirit who manifest themselves as beautiful yet jealous girls with a bright skin, who have the power to make any boy or man fall in love with them, but turn into gruesome demons when angered. Also transliterated Weelah.

Wild Almond Tree

See po daeng.

wild betel

See chaphlu and bai chaphlu.

Wild Boar

Common name of a species of a boar, i.e. a pig, with the binomial name Sus scrofa and belonging to the biological family Suidae. It is the wild ancestor of the domestic pig. It is often simply referred to as a boar, though that designation is also used for a male wild pig or an uncastrated male pig. Likewise, it is sometimes called Wild Hog, a term normally reserved for a castrated male wild pig. This species has a dark body, narrow pointed nozzle without warts or bumps, and a mane of black hair that stretches halfway down back. The young are dark brown to blackish, often with lighter stripes along the body. One of Vishnu's avatars is a boar, known by the name Varaha. Wild Boars are distributed throughout many parts of the world, including Europe, North Africa, North America, as well as South, East and Southeast Asia. In Thai it is called moo pah. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES (1) and (2), TRAVEL PICTURES, and WATCH VDO.

Wild Hog

See Wild Boar.

Wild Peanut Flower

Common name for a kind of ornamental grass, belonging to the botanical species Arachis. READ ON.

wild sugarcane

See .

Wild Tiger Corps

Name of a national paramilitary corps founded on 6 May 1911 by King Wachirawut, in order to train government officials, as well as civilians on military drills, with the conviction that such a training would instill a sense of discipline and loyalty to the country, the monarchy and religion. It is also known as the Seua Pa Volunteer Unit, which derives from its Thai names Seua Pa Ahsah Samak (เสือป่าอาสาสมัคร) and Kong Seua Pa (กองเสือป่า). The Look Seua, i.e. the Tiger Cubs (fig.), was its junior division (fig.), that emanated from it on 1 July 1911 and which was transformed into the Thai scouting organization, officially known as Kha-na Look Seua Haeng Chaht. In 1923, King Rama VI granted permission to organize the Seua Pa Volunteer Lottery, under the name Million Baht Seua Pa Lottery, in order to raise funds to purchase guns for the Wild Tiger Corps. The guns were named Rama VI, after the King, and were later transferred to the possession of the Police Department.

Wimala (วิมาลา)

Thai. Name of the wife of the large crocodile Chalawan in the Thai classical story of Kraithong. READ ON.

Wimon Samanawat (วิมลสมณวัตร)

Thai. ‘Flawless Priest’. Honorary name given to Luang Pho Phian Akkadhammo, the former abbot of Wat Kreun Kathin in Lopburi (fig.). Born in 1926, he ordained on 4 August 1976, and passed away on  16 November 2017, aged 91. He was conferred this honorary name and the title of Phra Kruh on 5 December 2005, on the occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of King Bhumipon Adunyadet, and received the certificate of appreciation that comes with it on 17 December 2005, at Wat Rai Khing (วัดไร่ขิง) in Nakhon Pathom.

Winayok (วินายก)

Another name for Phra Wikhanesuan, i.e. Ganesha.

wine fly

See malaeng wih.


The first Thai vines were planted at Château de Loei (fig.) in 1991 and its first commercial harvest was in 1995. READ ON.

Win Ga Bar (ဝင်္ကပါ)

Burmese. ‘Maze’ or ‘Labyrinth’. Name of a brick Buddhist temple structure in Inwa, located adjacent to and to the west of Myinmo Taung. READ ON.

winged bean

See thua phoo.

Winged Calabash

See tihn pet farang.

Winter Melon

See fak.

wipatsanah (วิปัสสนา)

Thai term that properly means ‘Enlightenment’, but in popular speech may also refer to ‘insight’ or ‘meditation’. Also transcribed vipassana.

Wiphawadi Rangsit (วิภาวดีรังสิต)

Thai. Name of a princess of the late Rattanakosin Period, who was born on 20 November 1920 as the eldest daughter of Prince Phitayalongkorn. READ ON.

Wire Art

See Silpa Luat Dat.

Wire-tailed Swallow

Common name for a 13.5 centimeter tall swallow, with the scientific name Hirundo smithii. Adults have a chestnut crown and very blue upperparts. Below they are snowy-white, including the throat. They have a more or less square tail, with very long streamers. Together, the tail and streamers are more than 12.5 centimeters in length. Juveniles have no streamers and are more brownish above, with a paler crown, a dark patch around the eyes, and a vaguely buffish throat.

Wirun (วิรุณ)

Thai. Name of a submarine, usually referred to as the HTMS Wirun, i.e. a U-boat of the type Madchanu that was once used by the Royal Thai Navy (fig.), and which is named after the yak Virunchambang, i.e. a giant with a navy blue complexion (fig.).

Wirunchambang (วิรุฬจำบัง, วิรุณจําบัง)

Another spelling for Virunchambang.

Wirunhok (วิรุฬหก)

1. Thai. Name of a giant or yak character in the Ramakien (fig.). He is usually described as having a dark blue complexion (fig.) and wears a chadah-style crown, which is topped with the figure of a naga, similar to Mangkonkan (fig.). He is the ruler of the underground city of Maha Anthakaan (มหาอันธการ) and likes to adorn himself with jewelry in the form of nagas. He is also described as a lokaban, i.e. a guardian, of the South and in that form he is also known as Thao Wirunpak (fig.) and may be portrayed as a deity, with a human-like form, or as a yak, and with a crown topped with three nagas. In a later incarnation, he was born as the monkey-warrior Geyoon (fig.). Wirunhok is one of the twelve yak characters from the Ramakien that stand guard at Bangkok's International Airport Suwannaphum (fig.), as well as one of the 12 giants, set up in 6 pairs, that guard the entrances in the enclosure of the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (fig.), i.e. Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok (fig.), where he is erected in pair with Mangkonkan (fig.). His name is also transcribed Virunhok. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

2. Thai name for Virudhaka or Zeng Zhang Tian (fig.), one of the Four Heavenly Kings from Mahayana Buddhism, and as such, he is typically found at the entrance of Chinese-Taoist temples. Also also known as Thao Wirunpak  and sometomes transcribed Virunhok.

Wirunjambang (วิรุฬจำบัง)

See Virunchambang.

Wirunpak (วิรุฬห์ปัก)

Thai. is a yak character associated with Wirunhok (fig.), a giant in the Ramakien, and described as a lokaban, i.e. the  guardian of the South, and in this capacity he may also be depicted as a deity with a human form (fig.), rather than a giant. He is usually described with white complexion (fig.) and wearing a chadah-style crown topped with the figure of three nagas, yet if portrayed as a yak, his complexion is white with some pale blue in the face. He is usually referred to as Thao Wirunpak. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES, and WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

Wirupak (วิรูปักษ์)

Thai. Name of a deity that appears in the Ramakien. READ ON.

Wisakha Bucha (วิสาขบูชา)

See Visakha Bucha.

Wisantrahwih (วิสันตราวี)

Thai name of a monkey-warrior character from the Ramakien. He is from the city Meuang Chomphoo (เมืองชมพู) and is described as having a fur in the colour of lychees (fig.), i.e. dark-pink. He wears a golden taab, a decorative and protective neckpiece, as well as a golden kabang-style crown. He is usually depicted with his mouth open. He is one of the eighteen Wahnon Sip-paet Mongkut, who in his previous chaht or incarnation, was the deity Phra Angkahn, the Thai god of Tuesday, as well as the god of war (fig.). Also transcribed Wisantrawih, Visantrawee and Visantraavee, or similar. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

Wisdom Eyes

Name for the giant pair of eyes that are present on virtually every Buddhist stupa in Nepal, and most famously on the Bodnath Stupa in Kathmandu (map - fig.). They are painted on the four sides of the stupa, looking out in the four directions to symbolize the omniscience of the Buddha. One eye is said to represent Wisdom, the other Compassion. Underneath and between the eyes, where the nose would be, is a curly symbol that looks like a question mark without a dot (). This is the Devanagari symbol for the number one (see Devanagari numerals) and is said to symbolize unity and oneness. Above this is a urna or third eye, a symbol for great, all-seeing wisdom. Wisdom Eyes may also appear in other places, such as on Tibetan singing bowls (fig.), ands can occasionally even be found in Thailand (map - fig.). See also Evil Eye.

Wishbone Flower

Common name for  a small, ornamental, creeping plant, with the botanical designations Torenia asiatica and Torenia travancorica. READ ON.

wishing gem

See chintamani.

wisung khama sima (วิสุงคามสีมา)

Thai term for the royal granting of the land to monks to have a temple constructed, which materializes in the presenting of the consecrated boundary foundation stone of the ordination hall. See also bai sema.

wisut (วิสูตร)

Thai for purdah.

Wisutikasat (วิสุทธิกษัตรีย์)

Thai. The daughter of Queen Suriyothai (fig.), as well as the consort of King Maha Dhammarachathiraat (fig.), Lord of Phitsanulok, with whom she had three children. She is the mother of both King Naresuan (fig.) and King Ekathotsarot (fig.), and had one daughter, i.e. Princess Suphankanlaya (fig.), who later became Queen consort of Burma. By birth, she belonged to the House of Suphannaphum, yet by marriage she also became a member of the House of Sukhothai. She lived in the 16th century AD, during the Ayutthaya Period, and is the maternal ancestor of the Sukhothai Dynasty, which ruled Ayutthaya from 1569-1629.

Witsanu (วิษณุ)

Thai for Vishnu.

Witsanukam (วิษณุกรรม)

Thai pronunciation for Vishnukam.


Common name for a butterfly with the scientific name Rhinopalpa polynice, and found in South and Southeast Asia. It is the only member of the genus Rhinopalpa and gets its designation from the pair of long palpi projecting from its head. The upperside of the wings is brownish-orange, with broad black edges and four circular, black dots on each of the hindwings, of which three are located just on the side of the black edge, which posteriorly is narrower, and one to the side and above this row of three. Depending on the season, the underwings either have the colour and pattern of a dead leaf, somewhat reminiscent of the Common Evening Brown in dry season form (fig.), or with a similar pattern mixed with brownish-orange and white strigae, i.e. patterns of thin lines, and a row of eyespots along the edges. In 2001, this butterfly was depicted on one of a set of four Thai postage stamps featuring Thai butterflies (fig.).

woht (โหวด)

1. Thai. A circular, pan flute-like, woodwind instrument, used in Isaan, especially in traditional mo lam music and is in musical ensembles that include the pong lang. It is named after the sound of a steam whistle, which in Thai is the same word. It is made from the same materials as the kaen (fig.), i.e. the firm stems of reed (fig.), which are left in their natural colour. The woht is a symbol of Roi Et, as well as an OTOP product from this province, which in 2020 opened a 101 meter high tower built in the form of a woht (fig.) and known by the names Roi Et (City View) Tower, 101 Tower, and Ho Woht 101, i.e. 101 Woht Tower. Also transcribed wot, wote, voht, vot and vote. See also THEMATIC STREET LANTERN, and WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

2. Thai. The sound of a steam whistle.

wok (锅)

Pidgin English-Chinese. Derived from the Cantonese word wo, whereas the Mandarin word is pronounced guo. A large bowl-shaped metal frying-pan used in oriental and in particular, in Chinese cookery. In Thai, referred to by the nonspecific term kratha.


See kao kih.

wolf spider

See maengmoom.

Wolong (卧龙)

Chinese. Literally, it means ‘hidden dragon’, but actually, it is figurative speech for ‘emperor in hiding’. In addition, wohu (卧虎), which means ‘crouching tiger’, is a metaphor for ‘a major figure in hiding’, i.e. ‘concealed talent’. The famous movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon by the Taiwanese-American film director Ang Lee (李安), thus has an idiomatic title meaning ‘concealed talent’.

Wonder Coral

Thai. Name of a large polyp stony coral, with the scientific designation Catalaphyllia jardinei. READ ON.

Wongburi House

Name of a teakwood house in the amphur meuang Phrae, that was constructed between 1897 and 1907 by a Chinese craftsman with assistance from local carpenters. It was the former home of the local noblemen who ruled Phrae province at a time when the region wasn’t yet under direct rule from Bangkok. The two-storey edifice was constructed from local teak in the so-called Gingerbread-style, an architectural style known in Thai as reuan kanompang khing and that consists of elaborately detailed embellishment, akin to those on gingerbread. See TRAVEL PICTURE and EXPLORER'S MAP.

Wongsah Thiraht Sanit (วงษาธิราชสนิท)

Thai. Name of a prince with the title of Krom Luang, who was born on Saturday 9 July 1808 as the half-brother of King Rama III. He served as a physician to the King, as well as to members of the royal family and high ranking noblemen at the Court. His groundbreaking work in the field of combining traditional Thai with Western medicine earned him a seat at the New York Academy of Medicine. Besides his knowledge of medicine, the Prince was also well versed in literature, writing mainly poetry. The second volume of his poetic proverbs called Chindamanih (จินดามณี) was in the past used as a textbook for the study of Thai culture, and UNESCO proclaimed him an Important Person for the Year 2008-2009 in the category of Scholars and Poets. To mark the occasion, a Thai postage stamp with his portrait was issued in 2009 (fig.). Prince Wongsah Thiraht Sanit passed away on 14 August 1871, aged 63, and was creamted in Wat Arun Rajawarahrahm, on 5 December of the same year. His name is also transliterated Wongsa Dhiraj Snid.

Wong Wian Yai (วงเวียนใหญ่)

Thai. ‘Great Roundabout’ or ‘Large Roundabout’. Name of a big traffic circle in Thonburi, near the Wong Wian Yai Train Station, which connects Thonburi with Samut Songkhram over the Mae Khlong-Mahachai Railway. It consists of a plantation, with paved lanes and in the centre an equestrian statue of King Taksin, wearing a Phra Malah Biang combat helmet (fig.), a taab (fig.), and wielding a sword (fig.). The statue, which in Thai is fully known as Phra Boromma Rachaanusawarih Somdet Phra Chao Taksin Maha Raj Songmah or alternatively as Phra Boromma Rachaanusawarih Somdet Phra Chao Taksin Krung Thonburi, is elevated on a tall, oval-shaped pedestal, that has a commemorative plaque on the front and scenes related to the life of this king in bronze bas-reliefs on the sides. Also transliterated Wongwian Yai. See MAP.

Wong Wian 22 Karakadakhom (วงเวียน 22 กรกฎาคม)

Thai. 22 July Roundabout’. Name of a traffic circle in Bangkok, built to commemorate Siam's participation in World War I under the directives of King Rama VI (fig.), who aimed at strengthening his position at home and Siam's position in the international arena. The name refers to 22 July 1917, the date Thailand entered the Great War by declaring war on the German and the Austro-Hungarian empires and sending an Expeditionary Force to France to serve on the Western Front. The lanterns in the small park on the roundabout are topped with a wachira (fig.), in reference to King Wachirawut. See MAP.


See kiyaw.


1. A fruit of a tree with the scientific name Limonia acidissima, found in subtropical and tropical southern Asia, from India and Sri Lanka in the West to parts of Indonesia in the East. In Thailand, where it is described as an edible ancient fruit hard to find, it is called makhwit (fig.). It has a hard, wooden rind, which needs to be cracked open and contains a sticky brown pulp with small pale seeds and tastes either sweet or sour. In the latter case, it is usually eaten with some sugar.  In Burma, the bark of this tree is pulverized by rubbing it on a stone slab (fig.) in order to obtain a fragrant paste called thanaka, which is applied as facial painting (fig.). Also known as elephant-apple.

2. A fruit of a tree with the scientific name Aegle marmelos, found in South and Southeast Asia, and known in Thai as matuhm (fig.).

wooden fish

See muyu.


Common name for the Celosia plumosa, a plume-like flower, which is typically red or yellow (fig.), and if red, it is also commonly known as Red Fox and Chinese Woolflower. Thai, it is known as sroi kai (สร้อยไก่), pronunciation soi kai. See also Celosia and Cockscomb.

Woolly-necked Stork

Common name for a large wading bird, with the scientific designation Ciconia episcopus and belonging to the family Ciconiidae. This bird is almost entirely black, with a purplish shine, a woolly white neck, white lower belly and undertail-coverts (fig.), and reddish-grey legs and bill (fig.). It is a widespread species that breeds both in Africa and Asia, where it occurs from India (fig.) and southern Nepal (fig.) to most of Southeast Asia, including Thailand, where it is known as nok krasah kho khao, meaning ‘white-necked stork’. There are a few subspecies, as well as a similar species with a red bill, known as the Storm's Stork, that occurs in Malaysia and on some of the Indonesian islands. It is a common resident in marshlands and around lowland pools. It has nowadays become more rare in Thailand and is most likely found on the peninsula. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES.

wora (วร)

Thai-Pali. ‘Glorious, superb’. It is often used as a prefix in combination with other words, often referring to royalty or beauty, e.g. Phra Worawong Te (พระวรวงศ์เธอ), meaning ‘prince’ or ‘princess’; Worawihaan (วรวิหาร), i.e. ‘royal viharn; worakai (วรกาย), meaning a the ‘body of a king or prince’; woranut (วรนุช), meaning ‘beautiful or ‘glorious younger sister’, etc. Sometimes pronounced wara, as in wararam. See also Woraburi and Wang Woradit.

Woraburi (วรบุรี)

Thai. ‘Glorious city. Name of an oriental kind of Utopia, an idyllic location populated by fairies, who revel in perpetual happiness. The name is composed from the words wora and buri.

Woradis Palace

See Wang Woradit.

Woradit Palace

See Wang Woradit.

Woranihsoon (วรณีสูร)

Thai. Name of a giant or yak character in the Ramakien (fig.), who was a mentor to Totsaphin, the son of Totsakan (fig.) and Nang Montho, who was born after the death of his father. Phiphek (fig.), the younger brother of Totsakan, took over the rule of Lanka and married Nang Montho, who was already pregnant with Totsaphin. When Totsaphin was born, Phipek mistakenly believed him to be his own child. Woranihsoon revealed this truth to Totsaphin and encouraged him to rebel against Phipek, but Phra Phrot (fig.) eventually suppressed the rebellion and ordered the execution of both Totsaphin and Woranihsoon. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

World of Desire

Eleven levels dominated by Mara, the god of desire and death. There are four levels of ‘unfortunate destination’, i.e. hell, animals, spirits, and asuras; and seven levels of ‘fortunate destination’, i.e. humans and six of divine beings.

Wrinkle-lipped Free-tailed Bat

Common name for a species of Microbat in the family Molossidae and with the binomial name Chaerephon plicatus, the later designation being Latin for ‘folded’ and referring to its wrinkled lips. Members of this bat species are native to South and Southeast Asia, and have a dark brown fur. WATCH VDO.

Wreathed Hornbill

A species of hornbill, also commonly known as Bar-pouched Wreathed Hornbill, and with the scientific name Rhyticeros undulatus. READ ON.

Wrinkled Hornbill

Common name for a species of hornbill, which is also commonly known as Sunda Wrinkled Hornbill, and with the scientific name Aceros corrugatus. READ ON.

writing brush

See mao bi.

Wuchang Uprising

Revolt in Imperial China that began with the dissatisfaction of the handling of a railway crisis. READ ON.

Wudang (武当)

Chinese. ‘Equal Warrior’. Name of a small mountain range in China's Hubei province. In mythology it is believed to be the abode of Zhenwu, the protector god of the North in Chinese Taoism. It is also known as Taihe Shan, the ‘Mount of the Greatest Peace’.

Wu Liang Dian (无梁殿)

Chinese. ‘Temple of No Beams’. Name of a brick-vault structure in Nanjing, built without a single piece of wood or beam, hence its name. It was built in 1381 AD, i.e. the 14th year of the reign of the Ming Emperor Hong Wu, as part of the Linggu Temple, which itself was originally built during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and first called Kaishan Temple, yet was destroyed during. The hall was built to enshrine a statue of the Amitabha Buddha, one of the five dhyani buddhas of Mahayana Buddhism, and was initially named after this transcendental buddha. Since its completion in the early Ming Dynasty, it has undergone many repairs, but it was still unfortunately destroyed by the war between the Qing and Taiping forces. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the government of the Republic of China made it into a memorial hall for the fallen of the National Revolutionary Army (fig.) and it now features life-sized displays (fig.) of some key historic events (fig.) of that time and period (fig.). Standing for more than 600 years, it is the oldest and largest brick arched voussoir structure in China. See also dian.

Wu Lu Cai Shen (五路财神)

Chinese. ‘Five path wealth gods’. Five Chinese wealth gods that come from five directions, i.e. the East, West, North, South and the centre. Popular myth has it that whoever invokes the blessing of Wu Lu Cai Shen will experience good fortune, no matter ones whereabouts. Also referred to as the ‘wealth gods of the five directions’ or ‘wealth gods of the five zones’. They are the subordinates of the god of windfall who is also known as Tua Peh Kong, the god of earth. Sometimes transcribed Wu Lo Cai Shen or Wu Lu Tsai Shen. Also called Ngo Lo Cai Sin. See also Cai Shen. See also TRAVEL PICTURE (1) and (2), and PANORAMA PICTURE.

wundji mya young (ဝန်ကြီးများရုံး)

Burmese. ‘Cabinet office’. Name for the Secretariat Building in downtown Yangon, which was formerly known as the Government Secretariat. It was completed between 1902 and 1905, and used as the administrative seat of the local government during the British colonial rule in Burma. It was in this complex that General Aung San was assassinated by three gunmen on 19 July 1947, together with six of his cabinet ministers, including his older brother Ba Win, as well as a cabinet secretary and a bodyguard. Today, the building stands completely forsaken and neglected. See MAP.

wun look chub (วุ้นลูกชุบ)

Thai. Name of a traditional hand-made Thai sweet. In usually consists of a small, clear plastic cup, filled with a sweet often coloured jelly made of sticky rice flour and topped by kanom look chub, i.e. miniature tropical fruits or vegetables (fig.) made of sweetened mung bean paste and coated with a thin layer of jelly. This type of candy is depicted on a postage stamp issued in 2018 as part of a set of six stamps on traditional Thai sweets (fig.).

wun maprao (วุ้นมะพร้าว)

Thai. A dessert made of jelly powder, slices of young coconut, coconut juice and sugar. First the jelly powder is dissolved into the coconut juice, sometimes by adding some pandanus to produce a green colour. Then this is boiled, the sugar is added, and it is stirred at regular intervals. Finally it is poured into a rectangular mold and left to cool, after which the obtained jelly is sliced up in small cubes, though sometimes it is poured into molds of a specific shape, cooling the jelly in any form preferred. In English known as coconut jelly and in Thai also called wun maprao oun (วุ้นมะพร้าวอ่อน).

wun sen (วุ้นเส้น)

Thai. ‘Jelly thread’. Name for the jelly noodle, a type of tiny almost clear noodle made from green grams (mung bean starch) and water, also known as glass noodle, cellophane noodle, Chinese vermicelli, bean thread or bean thread noodle. They are sold in dry bunches and need to be boiled prior to consumption. This kind of noodle is used as an ingredient in kaeng jeut (fresh soup), a clear and thin soup with minced pork, soft tofu and some vegetables; in the dish yam wun sen (jelly noodle salad), a spicy salad of jelly noodles mixed with sliced chilies, lime juice, ground pork, shrimp, mushrooms and seasonings; in wun sen ob poo (baked crab jelly noodles), a dish prepared in a lidded clay pot; and in phad wun sen sai khai (ผัดวุ้นเส้นใส่ไข่), stir fried glass noodles with egg (fig.).

wu sha mao (烏紗帽)

Chinese. ‘Black cloth hat’. Generic name for the black hat with wing-like flaps worn by Han court officials. The style as worn by feudal officials during the Ming Dynasty has two short, wing-like flaps of thin, oval shaped boards and is officially known as zhan chi fu tou, whereas the kind worn by the officials of the Song Dynasty has an elongated, horn-like projection on either side and is called zhan jiao fu tou. Both styles are also simply referred to by their abbreviated term fu tou. The term wu sha mao is in China still used today as slang to refer to anyone holding an official post. In Vietnam, this style of winged hat is referred to as mu canh chuan.

Wu Wei (无为)

Chinese. ‘Not have’, ‘not do’ or ‘idleness’. An important concept of Taoism, that involves knowing when and when not to act, and natural action, i.e. the automatism of doing the natural thing, a principle which is often referred to as Wu Wei Wu (无为无), i.e. ‘action without action’ or ‘action through inaction’.

Wu Xing (五行)

Chinese. ‘Five Elements’. Ancient Chinese philosophy or theoretical system that seeks to describe the interactions and relationships between the five natural elements of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. In Vietnamese, the Five Elements are called Ngu Hanh (Ngũ Hành) and the Marble Mountains in Da Nang (fig.), in Vietnamese known as Ngu Hanh Son (Ngũ Hành Sơn), are named after it. See also CHINESE CALENDAR.

Wu Yuan/Wu Yun (伍员)

Chinese. Another name for Wu Zixu, though normally pronounced Yuan, the second character (员) is here in actual fact read as Yun.

Wu Ze Tian (武则天)

Chinese. Name of the only woman in the history of China to assume the title of Empress Regnant (Huang Di), ruling China between AD 690 and 705, after she rose to power through cunning deceit and murder. READ ON.

Wu Zixu (伍子胥)

Chinese. Name of a general and politician of the Wu Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period. READ ON.